
We are documenting a report by comrades from Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland on the occupation of two vacant houses in Dublin and the struggle for a revolutionary standpoint in the housing movement.


On the 15th of May on the occasion of the 74 year of al-Nakba, a demonstration was in support of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation, also with a focus on the killing of a journalist in Jenin.

As we reported earlier, the Berlin police had banned all demonstrations on Nakba Day.


Comrades from Tjen Folket Media reports on multiple activities that have taken place for the 1st of May throughout Norway.


A week after the presidential elections, which saw a historically low turnout, over 200,000 people took to the streets across France on the 1st of May, some 24,000 of them in Paris alone.


Calling for a red May-day the Irish Socialist Republicans partook in different actions, one of which being an occupation.

We document pictures and reports sent to us.In the course of mobilization for the first of May in Marzahn-Hellersdorf were made paintings, as well as a general flagging carried out.


After the first round of the presidential election in France took place on the 10th of April, the second and decisive run-off election between the incumbent President Emmanuel Macron (La République En Marche!) and Marine Le Pen (Rassemblement national) was held last Sunday, the 24th of April. Macron emerged victorious from this election.