As we reported earlier, the Berlin police had banned all demonstrations on Nakba Day.

After an urgent appeal, the court upheld the ban and declared it unappealable. On the basis of this ruling, the Berlin police, together with colleagues from several German states, began to occupy entire neighborhoods of Berlin, including Neukölln in particular. This enabled them to prevent demonstrations on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, there were repeated short demonstrations and rallies, but the police quickly covered them with massive harassment and repression. Wearing the kufiyah, displaying a Palestinian flag or being in the vicinity of one of the spontaneous rallies or demonstrations was enough to be surrounded by the police, checked and charged with an administrative offense. With their massive occupation of the neighborhoods and the lack of a central time and place that would have centralized the protest of the masses, the police were able to massively limit the expression of Nakba Day this year. But the reasons for the struggle have not passed or been forgotten; on the contrary, this massive repression only further spurs the masses' justified hatred and will to fight.