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- Allgemein
Actions on the day of the political prisoners in Freiburg
Ajith is a revolutionary cadre of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), which is leading a People’s War for the New Democratic Revolution, a revolution that is world wide, also among the left, being silenced. Nevertheless, the Maoists in India are a shining example of communist practice and furthermore are the only ones who challenged the backward circumstances that are being preserved there by imperialism. The hindu-fascists ruling India do everything in their power to sweep away this “biggest danger for inner security” and in this context are committing genocide against the indigenous population. Since 2015, Ajith is a prisoner of war of the Indian state.
Musa Aşoğlu was arrested 2016 in Hamburg and in February of this year sentenced to six years and nine months of prison. He is being accused of being a member of the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party – Front). In this matter, the class judicracy of the FRG has shown is hideous face by criminalizing the just struggle against oppression, while at the same time reactionaries such as Erdoğan are being supplied with German weaponry that are being used in Turkey or Syria for ethnic cleansings and in a war against the democratic movements.
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- Europa
Red Flag Collective (Finland): Don't vote but fight and resist!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
- Statement of the Finnish communists on the occasion of the Spring elections
Election Spring is approaching. On the 14th of April, the bourgeoisie holds the election of the parliament, and the europarlamentarian elections will be held within the EU zone at the end of May. Marx, the founder of our ideology, has said that in bourgeois democracy the oppressed are allowed to decide which member of the oppressing class will represent and trample down on them in the parliament. Therefore Marx stressed the need to replace the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie with the dictatorship of the proletariat through the revolutionary road.
All parties of the bourgeois system, from the National Coalition to the Left Alliance, including the small parties, stand on the side of the bourgeoisie against the working class and uphold the elections of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie as a fine and praiseworthy thing. Great Lenin has aptly described the need of the bourgeoisie to mobilize masses to vote in elections:
“Nothing in our times can be done without elections; nothing can be done without the masses. And in this era of printing and parliamentarism it is impossible to gain the following of the masses without a widely ramified, systematically managed, well-equipped system of flattery, lies, fraud, juggling with fashionable and popular catchwords, and promising all manner of reforms and blessings to the workers right and left—as long as they renounce the revolutionary struggle for the overthrow of bourgeoisie.”
We, the only communist organization of Finland, are steadfast in the position that the elections and of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and voting in them are not only useless but even harmful things to the working class and the people. Instead of that, the blood red combat flag must be raised in defense and for the liberation of our class.
Elections and class struggle in Finland
In order to understand elections we must understand class struggle, for elections don't take place in a vacuum but as a part of concrete class struggle. As a background, the development of class struggle on the international level must be kept in mind, of which the relevant has been said in the document of the V Meeting of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations of Latin America “Thesis on the international situation and the tasks of the International Communist Movement” (2016).
In Finland, as in many other countries, the bourgeoisie is already preparing for the next economic crisis. Many bourgeois sources also in Finland are already predicting it, and the working class knows well from its decades long experience that the crisis is coming – always it has come, and never has it declined from coming. Everybody remember the recession of the early 90's and the finance crisis of 2008, and some remember even older events. Relying on undeniable historical facts, Marxism teaches that in capitalist society economic crises are inevitable and recurring, whereas in socialism they can be prevented through planning.
The Sipilä government which started in 2015 in the aftermath of the last crisis, has become known for its harsh cuts politics which has been rationalized with fairy tales about common interests of Finns. Ostensibly, “blowing together into one coal”, “flexibility of all sides”, “competitiveness”, and ”preparing for bad years” are needed. Every proletarian in Finland knows that these are just aliases for taking from the working class and giving to the bourgeois. The so-called “left parties” of the bourgeois system try to ride the opposition to cuts politics, but they collide with no honest worker believing them, because the SDP and the Left Alliance have themselves been in previous governments making harsh cuts and have tried to present them as “defensive victories”. Well, there is also some truth in that – after all, weakening the status of the poor belongs inevitably to the bourgeois system. Those running dogs of the bourgeoisie accept cuts as “necessary evil” in a system that is otherwise so dear to them, and therefore won't talk seriously anything about socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
For decades, strong corporativism has been a part of the Finnish bourgeois system, which is known by such names, among others, as “income politics” and “tripartism”. Corporativism is a method, originally made famous by Italian fascism, to crush and enslave the working class, and also in Finland its unfaltering support is found in the social-fascist “left parties”. This system has given certain material benefits to their most important support base, the “labour aristocracy”. The bourgeoisie, instead, especially its traditional liberal sections, have recently pushed for the crushing of corporativism, which is shown for example in the withdrawal of the EK (Confederation of Finnish Industries) from the centralized income politics as well as in the inclinations of the Sipilä's government to bypass tripartism. The bourgeoisie does this to trample on the working class, the rights of which the yellow trade union movement defends to some extent. In short term the bourgeoisie may well gain the result its seeking, but on the long term the crushing of the corporativism will, instead, mean the rejoining of parts of the labour aristocracy back into the ranks of the proletariat which will increase the fighting force of the proletariat.
Far from being stupid, the bourgeoisie knows well how dangerous it is to displace corporativism, and therefore it's fomenting other forms of fascism. By dividing workers according to nationality and playing these against each other, the bourgeoisie hopes to make the workers to forget their contradiction with the bourgeoisie. In place of the characteristic class identity of workers, the bourgeoisie is pushing made-up reactionary national identity constructed, for example, around “Finnishness”, “Europeanness”, “Westernness”, “Christianity”, or ”secularism”. As a result of this, there has recently been an increasing number of various acts of vandalism against mosques, whereas not the first has been made at the place of the parliament.
As one hobby-horse, fascists try to use the women's cause – ostensibly Muslims are a threat to women. Even if there were not a single Muslim in Finland, there would still be a lot of violence and abuse against women as is known from statistics, and known is also the differences in wages between women and men, as is the accumulation of wageless home labour on the shoulders of women. In their delusional demagogic fantasies, fascists blame immigrants for everything which in reality the bourgeois must be accused – the bourgeois who polish their image with how many women are in the parliament, and trample on the majority of women in Finland and around the world deeper into misery. No way can this be accepted!
Ideologically, the bourgeoisie tries to make the working class forget the fundamental truths of Marxism, which especially the experience of the year 1918 class war has indelibly stamped on it. In the sphere of history it sows outright made-up lies about the workers' first homeland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as about its leaders Great Lenin and comrade Stalin. Turning view into today – no matter which justified struggle of the working class is in question, be it for example cook's strike or mass demonstration against forceful laws or the yellow vests of France or the rebels of Palestine, the bourgeoisie will by all means try to make believe that “it's wrong to rebel”.
In part as a result of the campaign of the bourgeoisie, which combines bribes and lies, but principally due to the decades long absence of the communist party in our country, a part of the working class has already been losing its faith in such fundamentals as Marxism, socialism, dictatorship of the proletariat, and the communist party. This can for a moment blur the thinking of the higher strata of the working class, but it can't for long confuse the deepest and broadest strata of our class which has nothing to lose but their chains – those who are desperately seeking leaders for their justified rebellion.
These deepest and broadest masses of the proletariat are already spontaneously positioning themselves against the system of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, of which the declining voter turnout is in part telling. Long behind are the peak years of the 60's when both the social-democratic as well as the people's democratic reformism still flourished and even 85% of the entitled to vote voted. Today only about 70% vote. For a long time the decline in voter turnout correlated with the decline of the “left parties”, but since then, being frightened at the weakening of the legitimacy of the bourgeois democracy with the decline of the voter turnout, the bourgeoisie has begun to use the so-called “right populism” or “extreme right”, principally the True Finns, and use scaremongering about its danger to prop up voter turnout. Nevertheless, from the long term trend of the voter turnout it's observed that this most desperate attempt will be drained practically ineffectual.
That is the context of class struggle in Finland, i.e. the common counter-revolutionary offensive of imperialism and revisionism, against which we must develop Marxist-Leninist-Maoist counter-offensive. In this purpose we must defend the sacred doctrine of our class, Marxism, today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, from enemy attacks coming from all sides, and we defend it best by applying it in practice, because then we will simultaneously come to prove that Marxism is good for the proletariat and the people and bad for their enemies. The proletariat of Finland and us at its forefront must be ready to rebel, understanding it as justified and respond to the bourgeoisie in kind. Only this way we can defend what we already have when the bourgeoisie is trying to grab it, and only this way we can carry out struggle for the revolutionary renewal of the society to end all misery. The ballot is of no help at all, only organizing into struggle and into resistance is of use.
The only Leninist tactic
The stance of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is that in this day the general line of the international communist movement must be the boycott of reactionary elections, and in this issue our stance is completely the same as of Great Lenin, even though revisionists do try to present Lenin as a parliamentarian cretinist, by which word Lenin himself mocked the worshipers of the omnipotence of elections. Defending the boycott in 1905 Lenin referred to two things: 1) the question of choosing the road and 2) the developing revolutionary upsurge.
For Lenin, choosing the road meant the revolutionary, proletarian road of the broad rebellious masses against the constitutional-monarchic road. In our case, on the other hand, it's about choosing the proletarian road, in other words, today, the road of people's war, against the “peaceful” road. Based on historical evidence, the “peaceful road” praised by revisionists doesn't in reality lead to revolution, but its betrayal or even in the “best” case – to failure. This is our first Leninist argument for the boycott.
The starting point of our second argument is that when the world revolution was in strategic defense, as it was during Lenin, boycotting elections couldn't be set as a general line for the international communist movement, as is correctly explained by Lenin in his work “Infantile Disorder”. Whereas today, when the world revolution is in strategic offensive and the counter-revolution is in strategic withdrawal, it's completely correct and imperative for us to set the boycotting of the elections of the bourgeoisie as a general line.
Now, some wash-resistant revisionist will come and cry: “we must both vote and get organized, as you see it's necessary to use all means!” Is it really so? Firstly, the issue has to be considered from the point of legitimizing the measures of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. As the parliament accepts laws one after another which weaken the status of the working class and the people and when it pushes the economic crisis for the poor masses to carry, it's to the benefit of the struggling masses the fewer people have, by voting themselves, given approval to that parliament of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Precisely for this reason the bourgeois are so worried about the declining voter turnout: the fewer give their approval to the system, the more insecure they're doing their dark politics.
Secondly, not a single revisionist brings up the question of the revolutionary transformation of the Finnish society, of moving from capitalism to socialism, from the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie to the dictatorship of the proletariat, and even less will revisionists do anything that will help in preparing the revolution. As they don't want to revolutionize the world, but polish up certain details in it, they give their approval to the recurring economic crises and cuts politics, to fascism and the oppression of women, the tyranny of the bourgeoisie and the disenfranchised status of the working class, and in general everything that is an inseparable part of the capitalist reality. All struggle and resistance, as indispensable as we consider it, is only delaying battle and will go to waste unless they're used to serve the struggle for power. In our case everything must serve the protracted work for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Finland to initiate and lead people's war, first to carry out the socialist revolution and the cultural revolutions continuing immediately after it all the way until communism.
And what does the boycott mean then? It's a tactical method, and therefore we must keep in mind the four fundamental questions of Marxist tactic and the excellent crystallization of the tactic by Chairman Gonzalo:
“Rise above this miasma, this superficial revisionism, opportunism and electoralism which rides on the back of the masses. The main thing is that below this the colossal and self-impelled masses agitate, upon which we operate with the most powerful instrument of the rebellion which exists on the Earth: Armed action. We are the cry that says: ‘It is right to rebel.'”
Lenin presents the general tactical significance of boycott in the following way: “Boycotting is … the deepening of the political crisis, i.e. of the source of the revolutionary movement.”
Thus Lenin explains, how the boycott is carried out:
“Active boycott is the agitation, recruitment, and organization of revolutionary forces in ever greater scale, with doubled vigour, under triple pressure. But that kind of action isn't possible without a clear, precise, direct slogan. Such slogan can only be armed rebellion.”
As it is, we Finnish communists, reaffirm the famous and magnificent slogan: “Elections no! People's war yes!” This slogan shall sharpen into the minds of the proletariat of Finland its only road out of misery, even though it can't yet immediately apply the people's war.
A word about the EU elections
And is there some difference in relation to the EU elections? In it, the question presents itself even more clearly for also the working class, and the voter turnout in EU elections is notoriously about 40% time after time. We oppose the EU elections, because the EU is an imperialist project for the oppression of countries of the third world, countries that are no longer just overseas, but part is found even in Europe; the most famous being Greece but also certain so-called East-European countries. The are two great powers in the EU: German imperialism, which has economic power, and French imperialism, which has military power. Through its existence, the EU serves the superpower aspirations of these two countries. Finland is, naturally, of a different calibre, but an imperialist all the same, and EU has been beneficial for the advancement of Finnish imperialism economically, politically, militarily, as well as ideologically. Taking into account not only the general reasons, but also these specific reasons, it's unconditional for us to boycott also the EU elections.
In conclusion
Us, the Finnish communists, must on this Spring develop boycott campaigns against the elections of the parliament and of the EU as a part of the class struggle in order to prepare for much greater battles in the future. Therefore we develop our campaign guided by the following five points:
1. We must defend the proletariat's only own ideology, today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and make known and before all transform into reality, apply its most revolutionary truths.
2. We must do persistent and all-round agitation and propaganda for the masses to prepare them for coming tribulations in short as well as in long term.
3. We must learn to organize struggle and resistance, because the poor masses need the organization of their rebellion also against the next government, and this indispensable struggle we must develop as service to the struggle for power which is the main thing because it leads the masses away from their current misery and disenfranchisement.
4. We must construct the united front of the proletarian revolution against the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, especially against its elections and governments, applying Chairman Gonzalo's principle of concentric construction and by leaning on the deepest and broadest masses.
5. And most of all: we must struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Finland, because the revolution needs a leader, as which only the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party can act.
Chairman Mao has said the following words with overflowing revolutionary optimism:
“We should carry on constant propaganda among the people on the facts of world progress and the bright future ahead so that they will build their confidence in victory. At the same time, we must tell the people and tell our comrades that there will be twists and turns in our road, There are still many obstacles and difficulties along the road of revolution. The Seventh Congress of our Party assumed that the difficulties would be many, for we preferred to assume there would be more difficulties rather than less. Some comrades do not like to think much about difficulties. But difficulties are facts; we must recognise as many difficulties as there are and should not adopt a "policy of non-recognition". We must recognize difficulties, analyse them and combat them. There are no straight roads in the world; we must be prepared to follow a road that twists and turns and not try to get things on the cheap. It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the reactionaries will go down on their knees of their own accord. In a word, while the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns. There are still many difficulties ahead that we must not overlook. By uniting with the entire people in a common effort, we can certainly overcome all difficulties and win victory.”
Therefore we say to the bourgeoisie: let your blows rain, that will only tighten our ranks! With the poor masses we will welcome the next government of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie – with raised fists.
To the masses we say:
Red Flag Collective
March 2019
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- Lateinamerika
Protests against displacements in Brazil
After more than 400 huts were demolished in a settlement near Massaranduba in Salvador and the inhabitants were displaced earlier this year, more than 200 affected families still live on the streets. On Wednesday, March 20, there were protests from the displaced people.
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- Nordamerika
Translation: Venezuela - Yankee Imperialism develops its aggression as "Low Intensity Warfare" and prepares itself for the next option
Henceforth we document a translation from the comrades of Nuevo Peru:
These last days, in meeting with the traitor Bolsonaro, Trump affirmed: "that there will be ‘tougher sanctions’”, and reiterated his call "to the members of the Venezuelan army to end their support to Maduro, who in reality is nothing more than a puppet of Cuba".
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- Lateinamerika
International Call for Solidarity with the People's War in India translated to Portuguese!
The International Call to for Solidarity with the People's War in India is also translated in Portuguese. We thank the comrades of CEBRASPO - Brazilian Center of Solidarity for the Peoples!
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- Lateinamerika
On Bolsonaros meeting with Trump: Bolsonaro goes to the USA to lick Trump's boots and hand over the Alcantara Military base
Having nothing significant to mark his visit to the USA, Bolsonaro seized the opportunity to crawl before the number one enemy of the peoples of the world, signing the agreement of concession of the rocket launching base of Alcântara, in the state of Maranhão, as a cover for the Yankee imperialism military base facility in Brazil.
Several attempts were made by the Yankees to seize a strategic part of the Brazilian territory, including by making sabotage on national initiatives, such as the explosion of a rocket launch coordinated by a project of the National Institute of Space Research of São José dos Campos, in which the life of 21 Brazilian scientists was taken.
Over the past six months, several of Trump government high-ranking officials has made inroads into the various ranks of the reactionary Armed Forces, especially the High Command, to ease the way to their heinous objective.
When they speak of "scientific and technological cooperation," they mean only transferring surpassed technology to Brazil, like the last shipment of discarded tanks sent to Brazil by the USA.
The Bolsonaros' subservience is such that everything indicates that the intention of the traitor and its clique is to reduce the condition of Brazil from a semicolony into the condition of protectorate of the Yankees. Its own supporters of agribusiness already complain that, isolating Brazil from its relationship with the rest of the world, especially from trading partners that leave foreign currency with the importation of Brazilian products (China, Russia, the Arab world and Africa), can have serious consequences for bureaucratic capitalism, especially in agrarian issues.
His obstinacy, however, makes small ears to his own allies. He will inaugurate the Embassy in Jerusalem even with the insistent denials of General Mourão.
In addition to the Alcântara base, Bolsonaro and the reactionary and lackey to imperialism Armed Forces prepare for the handing over of our reserves of the pre-salt and mineral deposits of the Amazon, passing over the rights of indigenous peoples, quilombolas and poor peasants, in addition to the sovereignty of Homeland.
Such initiatives, which are extremely serious, only contribute to murdering our people under mountains of toxic sludge and to pollute our springs while the mineral wealth is taken out of the country at the price of bananas, as is the most blatant case of niobium, in addition to the outrage of harming the homeland.
Apart from the military agreement reached during World War II, with a temporary Yankee base facility in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, even with its reactionary nature, the Armed Forces never gone so low at such an opprobrious level of foreign military occupation.
All the articulations, seen as strategic collaboration by the Yankees, including the cowardly provocations against Venezuela, are aimed at intensifying the militarization of the entire South American continent, whose explosive situation in Brazil is the most worrying and relevant factor for them. Rather than removing Maduro, who now pleads for a reconciliation, and even in the interest of pushing away mainly the Russian influence there, the larger goal is to broaden the conflict to justify such a militarization involving Brazil as never before. As Russia has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, it is true that the extent of its influence on the continent restricts the integrity of the South American backyard to Yankee imperialism, but for the Yankees, the bureaucratic capitalism crisis in Brazil becomes more threatening for its immediate rule.
Opening the precedent, Bolsonaro and the reactionary military mortally wound national sovereignty and publicly make their declaration of war to the Brazilian people.
Via: A Nova Democracia
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- International
International Call for Solidarity with Comrade Ajith!
Following we document an International Call for Solidarity with Cormade Ajith and the peoples war in India. The call is also available in Portuguese, German and French language. The call was first published on There you can also find the poster in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Persian, Bulgarian, German and Turkish language.
Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!
Freedom for Ajith! Support People‘s War in India!
„The people’s war has now been raised to the position of a countrywide recognized revolutionary pole, a pole that stands in total opposition to the counter-revolutionary pole of the ruling classes and imperialism. The ruling classes, who were dismissing it till recently as insignificant, are now forced to acknowledge it as the biggest internal threat they face.“
- Communist Party of India (M-L) Naxalbari: „Message to the International Conference to Support People‘s War in India, Hamburg“
„Comrade Murali’s [Ajith‘s] arrest in particular is one of the biggest losses suffered by our Party and the Central Committee.“
- Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (maoist): Declaration of 16-05-2015
India is not, as the imperialists like to proclaim it, the "world's largest democracy", but a peoples dungeon[prison] of enormous proportions. US imperialism, as well as some European imperialists, rule over India through bureaucratic capitalism and also conserve feudalism to a great extent. The fact that the imperialists are talking about „democracy“ in the face of the genocide perpetrated daily in India, the ruin of innumerable peasants, the caste system, the murder of women, the genocide of the Adivasi and many more examples, shows clearly what imperialists mean when they talk about „democracy“. The plundering and oppression of the masses of India is fueled by numerous resistance, a multitude of struggles: militant peasant movements, people's struggles against nuclear power stations and repression, national liberation struggles and large workers strikes show this to the progressive and anti imperialist forces of the whole world. However, as "the greatest threat to India's internal security" the Indian government described the People's War, led by the Communist Party of India (maoist). The CPI(maoist) leads with People's War the New Democratic Revolution, which smashes the old state apparatus and brings the liberation from imperialism and bondage.
Through the "Operation Green Hunt" and the counterinsurgency method "Hearts and Minds", both of which mean genocide, the ruling classes try to isolate the CPI(maoist) and to suffocate the People's War in the blood of the masses. No matter how furiously they strike out, they do not succeed! The CPI(maoist) and the masses became more and more connected, and the people's war beats deep roots in the masses, who stand firmly by the side of the New Democratic Revolution. The deep attachment of the Party to the masses and the steadfastness with which it leads the revolution, the people's war, set great example and hope for revolutionary forces throughout the world. In the context of the crisis beginning from 2008, the imperialists increasingly promoted the Hindu-fascist policy they supported in order to step up their fight against the mass movements and, above all, the people's war. These plans suffered a defeat, because on May 1, 2014, the CPI (M-L) Naxalbari, whose spokesman Comrade Ajith was, joined the CPI(maoist), which emerged itself in 2004 at the 9th Party Congress / Unity Congress from the merge of two parties.
This merger was a great leap in the striving of the workers, peasants, and oppressed masses for a single leading center of the New Democratic Revolution. At this historic step, Comrade Ajith played a prominent role and became a member of the Central Committee of the CPI(maoist). For almost forty-five years, Comrade Ajith, who joined the revolutionary movement in 1976, has been playing an important role in it internationally and in India. He fought tirelessly against a lot of anti-Marxist deviations, he led the publication of numerous documents and periodical publications. Through his translation work, he also opened the possibility for revolutionary and anti imperialist forces of the world to gain a better understanding of the New Democratic Revolution in India. In May 2015, the rulers were able to imprison Comrade Ajith, but this imprisonment sparked an international wave of solidarity with Comrade Ajith and the People's War in India. His imprisonment is part of the counter-revolutionary warfare against the popular masses in India, a furious blow of Hindu-fascism against the New Democratic Revolution. Those who at that time of the situation of the imprisonment began calling the party‘s unification „failed“, spreading counter-revolutionary pessimism and unprincipled criticism, turned out to be allies of the reaction. Comrade Ajith showed by his example that these forces have no ground under their feet. Even under the harsh conditions of detention, Comrade Ajith was not broken and even found methods and ways to complete a previously started translation work. Comrade Ajith's health, who had a heart surgery a few years earlier, has severely got worse under fascist imprisonment conditions, with no provision for adequate care, torture and the toughest detention conditions have still remained intact. Comrade Ajith is due to be released on bail in the foreseeable future. But this method has been used by the ruling classes of India several times against imprisoned revolutionaries: they are released as a short-term concession to the solidarity movements on high bail from prison, only to detain them shortly after again. This approach shows that the solidarity work with the political prisoners, which is done in India and also internationally, could already develop a certain strength. The ruling classes try to confront this strength with their vicious tactics. Their action is part of the attempts to break the prisoners, part of the psychological warfare that pursues the goal of the final annihilation and murder of the revolutionaries.
These sinister plans are to be condemned with determination and all the democratic, revolutionary and anti imperialist forces of the world are resolutely opposing to them! We call to raise the loud and clear demand on the 18th of March, the International Day of Political Prisoners, for the immediate and unconditional release of Comrade Ajith! We defend Comrade Ajith, who put his whole life in the service of the CPI(maoist) and People's War, the New Democratic Revolution. The struggle against imperialism is justified and requires international solidarity and solid support. Signatory organizations and initiatives will take up this common cause through actions in the week around March 18, setting a powerful impulse for the spread and expansion of solidarity with the People's War in India!
Freedom for Ajith!
Freedom for all political prisoners in India!
Support the People's War in India!
Long live international solidarity! Lal Salam!
Committee to Support People‘s War in India, Austria
Galician Committee to Support People's War in India
International Committee to Support People’s War in India
Partizan Europe
Maoist Communist Party (France)
[additional supporters will be added]
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- Asien
Before the elections in India
The old Indian state can not rest, not just before the upcoming elections in several states, as well as the election to the People's Assembly. Already in the first two and a half weeks of this month, the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has carried out further actions.