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- Europa
Austria: Strong signal of the Red Women’s Committees
“...with this March 8th, we have shown that there is a proletarian line in the women’s movement in Austria. We are determined to take firm steps to show that women are not weak, but a strong force against oppression and exploitation. That’s why we are proletarian feminists!”
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- Europa
The Alps quake
After two young men were driven to death by the police on the 2nd of March in the French Alpine town of Grenoble, the masses were fighting the reaction for four nights.
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- Lateinamerika
Only the revolutionary struggle can end violence against women
Translated from the bulletin of Movimento Feminino Popular - Brazil.
We have witnessed in Brazil, in the last years, a vertiginous increase of all type of violence against the woman. Beatings, rapes carried out with all kinds of cruelty against adult, young and child women. Brazil is the fifth country in the world in the world ranking of the practice of feminicide. Between 2003 and 2013, the number of women who died in violent ways throughout Brazil increased by 21%, from 3,937 to 4,762. There are 13 violent deaths of women per day (numbers from the map of violence against women - 2015). According to data from the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security, Brazil recorded 1 rape at home 11 minutes in 2015. According to the IPEA, about 70% of rape victims are children and adolescents. Data from the Ministry of Health of 2016 indicate that there are on average 10 collective rapes reported every day in the country's health system. In the city of São Paulo there is 1 rape in a public place every 11 hours. Other studies estimate that official figures represent only 10% of the total cases that actually occur. That is, Brazil can have the medieval rate of nearly half a million rapes each year.
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- Weltweit
International Actions on occasion of the 8th of March
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- Europa
The struggle continues
Following the detonation of a car bomb in front of a courthouse in Derry, Northern Ireland, the New Irish Republican Army (NIRA) has carried out further action in England and Scotland. At least four letter bombs were sent.
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- Lateinamerika
Oaxaca: Sol Rojo announces the start of new Struggles!
To the working class and the workers
To the poor peasantry and the indigenous peoples
To the democratic magisterium of Section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE
To democratic and revolutionary organizations
It has been 10 months since the forced disappearance of our comrade, the Doctor in Law Ernesto Sernas García. Ten terrible months in which the Attorney General's Office has not given due attention to the issue, ignoring its work of defending political prisoners and resisting peoples among the investigation lines.
It is not surprising that the State Attorney General's Office does not follow the procedures established in the General Law of Forced Disappearance and the Approved Search Protocol. It is clear that, in Oaxaca, the rights of the people do not exist or are a dead word when they clash with the interests of the big bourgeoisie.
At the same time, the situation in the Ombudsman for Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO ) is identical, which has become an instrument of simulation under the remote ownership of the false defender Arturo de Jesús Peimbert Calvo, where the files of the victims are administered and do not have the follow-up that the law mandates, nor the attention that victims demand.
Example of this: the file of the displaced Triquis families of San Miguel Copala, who until now continue waiting for the formal response to the legal resources promoted before the Ombudsman of the Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca, who, in its turn make delaying practices hand in hand with the Coordination for the Attention of Human Rights of the executive branch of the state. This re-victimizes those who, based on violence, uprisings and assassinations, were displaced from their community.
The same is with the case of the communities of Puente Madera, Rancho Llano and Loma Bonita, of the municipality of San Blas Atempa, who, in defending their land and territory, have been subject to arbitrary arrests, firearms attacks, burning of pastures , criminalization and political persecution, all within the framework of the imposition of the military electrical sub-station at the service of SEDENA as part of the megaprojects of imperialism, and the creation of the National Guard, which implies the militarization of the country and the deepening of war against the people and state terrorism, to protect imperialist investment. Here the Ombudsman of the Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca does not say or do anything, here also their work is contemplative despite the fact that municipal and state authorities are involved in crimes against the people, in addition to the federal authorities to whom the CNDH does not investigate, sanction or demand reports.
Even with this, we uphold the defense of active workers affiliated with Section 9-Oaxaca of the National Independent Union of Health Workers (SINTS), of Complementary Programs of the State Social Protection in Health Regime of the State of Oaxaca (REPSSEO), currently with the uncertainty of the labor continuity after March 31, 2019, which depended on "Complementary Programs" that will disappear to give way to the "Benito Juárez" Welfare Grants, announced by the new federal government, which makes vulnerable the 167 families that depend on these contracts. We do not agree with the unjustified mass dismissal!
Even with this, we demand that the authorities of the State and Federal Health Services not to violate again the labor and human rights of thousands of workers who were affected in the processes of turning public, regularization and formalization of employment in previous years, we demand the current government to be vigilant of the announced new process of turning the employment public, likewise to make the processes of the Adjustment and Escalafon Secretariat to work and in this way not to violate the rights of the workers.
In addition to these issues, our organization raises the defense of the rights of the people, among them the right to self-determination of the people, the right to land for the poor peasants, the freedom of association and the workers right to strike, and principally: the right to power.
Precisely in that position we emphasize: we do not believe in bourgeois legality that the regime itself violates at will, we do not practice class collaboration to reconcile positions between oppressors and oppressed, we do not assume the liquidationist practice of " pacification agreements " as ours, which only serve for the demobilization and ideological disarmament of the proletariat and the peoples.
In that sense, and after having concluded the internal processes indicated in our statutes and our last State Assembly, held on January 20, we declared:
• That starting on March 11, we, the SolRojistas contingents from the various regions of the state, will arrive in the City of Oaxaca to develop new Struggles for Justice and in Defense of the Rights of the People.
• That this Struggles has the Presentation with life of our comrade Ernesto Sernas García, the fulfillment of the Precautionary Measures for the displaced Triquis families of San Miguel Copala, the Cancellation of the military-electric sub-station in San Blas Atempa, the defense of employment and the freedom of association of Section 9 of the SINTS, among other demands for justice as main axes.
• That such Struggles will be developed indefinitely.
To the consequent part of the popular movement, we express our gratitude and camaraderie for their accompaniment and solidarity. Let us continue to build unity in action with all the forces of the toiling people!
To the SolRojistas bases we make the call to enlist and comply with our agreements, based on our statutes, and the purposes and customs of our organization. Every militant must be prepared to win! Nothing is impossible, winning is possible!
To the old landlord-bureaucratic state we say: Our flags do not fall, our demands are not exchanged, you will not stop our struggle with tanks or shrapnel!
Stop the war against the people and state terrorism!
Down with the National Guard and the militarization of the country!
Down with the megaprojects of dispossession and death!
No to the imperialist intervention in Venezuela!
May the workers govern the homeland!
With the Red Sun, the people will win!
Translated from Sol Rojo website.
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- Europa
Conference of revolutionary mass organizations in France
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- Lateinamerika
Cebraspo: Note of support to the Venezuelan people against the intervention of Yankee imperialism
The Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples - CEBRASPO - stands in solidarity with the Venezuelan people for the aggressions it is suffering from US imperialism.
We repudiate the escalation of conflicts that culminated last Saturday, February 23 – under the pretext of humanitarian aid – in violation of international conventions on the subject, which highlight the impartiality and agreement between the parties in this type of aid, it is so that even the International Red Cross and UNESCO refused to participate because they identified it as a political farce.