Resolution om klassesolidaritet til støtte for det Maoistiske Kommunistiske Parti i den franske stat
In the following we document the French translation of the declaration of class solidarity in support of the Maoist Communist Party in the French State:
Resolution om klassesolidaritet til støtte for det Maoistiske Kommunistiske Parti i den franske stat
IV. Møde af Marxistisk-Leninistisk-Maoistiske Partier og Organisationer i Europa
Fremad i de beslutsomme masseprotester i den franske stat!
Genopbyg det Kommunistiske Parti midt i klassekampens storme!
»Marxismens sandhed indeholder tusinder af principper, men i sidste ende kan de opsummeres i én sætning: Det er rigtigt at gøre oprør!«
- Formand Mao Zedong
Déclaration de solidarité de classe avec le Parti Communiste maoïste (PCm) dans l’État français
In the following we document the French translation of the declaration of class solidarity in support of the Maoist Communist Party in the French State:
Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous!
Déclaration de solidarité de classe avec le Parti Communiste maoïste (PCm) dans l’État français
IVème Meeting des partis et organisations marxistes-léninistes-maoïstes en Europe
Avançons dans les manifestations de masse déterminées dans l’Etat français!
Reconstruisons le Parti communiste au milieu des tempêtes de la lutte des classes!
Fransa`da kararlı kitle eylemlerinde İleri! Komünist Partiyi Sınıf Mücadelesinin fırtınası içerisinde yeniden İnşa et!
In the follwong we document the Turkish translation of the declaration of class solidarity with the Maoist Communist Party in the French State:
Fransa`da kararlı kitle eylemlerinde İleri! Komünist Partiyi Sınıf Mücadelesinin fırtınası içerisinde yeniden İnşa et!
Marksist – Leninist – Maoist Parti ve Örgütlerin 4. Avrupa Toplantısı
“Marksizmin gerçeği binlerce ilke içerebilir. Fakat sonunda bir cümle içerisinde özetlenebilir. İsyan etmek Meşrudur! – Başkan Mao
İşçi sınıfı ve kitlelerin Fransa`da uzun soluklu fırtınalı protestoları Başkan Mao Zedong’un bu güçlü sözlerinin bir kez daha tezahürüdür. Tüm Avrupa`da ezilen ve sömürülenlere güçlü bir ilham kaynağı olarak devrim eğilimi içinde bulunduğumuz çağda ana eğilim olarak kendisini etkili bir titizlik ve güçte yansıtmakta. Bu eğilim karşısında emperyalistler ise gittikçe büyüyen bir şekilde karşıt cevap olmaya zorlanmaktadır.
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- Europa
Recent events in Ireland
In the past two days, more than 4 militant actions took place in Ireland.
On Wednesday, two pipe bombs were trown in seperate occasions but did not go off in the village of Rasharkin. The same day two pipe bombs exploded in Armagh, but did not injure anyone.
This friday, in midst of struggles in Derry, a journalist was shot dead - bourgeois media reports supposedly she was killed by the so called New IRA. Police reported about firebombs being thrown on their cars and live shots being fired in the neighbourhood Creggan.
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- Lateinamerika
Alan Garcia followed this Führer to the end
Alan Garcia former President of Peru from 1985 to 1990 and again from 2006 to 2011 is dead. He shot himself in the head this week, when the police came to arrest him on corruption charges.
Alan Garcia was directly responsible for the mass murders taking place in the prisons of El Frontón, Lurigancho und Santa Bárbara on the 19th of June 1986 and countless of others massacres. In his speech on the anniversary of the Day of Heroism Chairman Gonzalo stated, that Garcia is an "apprentice of the Führer". The only thing that surprises us is, how dedicated he followed his Führers example to the very end.
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- Lateinamerika
Mexico: Pictures of commoration in honor of comrade Luis
One week ago, our dear comrade Luis was killed in an ambush prepared by the reaction. Comrades from Mexico have now published pictures from the commorative festivity in his honor, that we will mirror here alongside an article from US comrades:
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- Europa
Ambush on police and riots in Copenhagen
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- Asien
The elections in India have begun
On Thursday, April 11, the elections to the National Assembly in India began, lasting a total of five weeks. Before and during the elections several actions were carried out for an active election boycott under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist)