We share this english translation of a declaration of the Front in Defense of the Struggles of the People - Ecuador:
On September 12, another anniversary of the capture of Chairman Gonzalo complied.
We cannot negate that it was a blow to the New Democratic Revolution in Peru, but it was also a blow to the international proletariat, however, although it is true the People's War in Peru had to live a necessary restructuring and change of pace in its development, in no way this became an absolute defeat of the People's War.
Like any scenario that is experiencing an alteration of its forces, its movement, the capture of Chairman Gonzalo generated situations in which revisionism and opportunism took advantage of the situation and try to dynamite the direction of the Party, the course of the People's War and try, in vain, to minimize or deny the contributions made by Chairman Gonzalo to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
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- Lateinamerika
State kills young peasant in Vista Hermosa
Below we share this report sent by young revolutionaries who support the struggle for land:
In the north of Cauca, as in many other parts of the country, peasants and indigenous people fight for land to work, for some years they have decided to take land from the rich of our country, landowners who do not move a finger, who enrich themselves on the costs of the work of the poor.
In this fight the peasants and indigenous people have had to face the armed forces of the State numerous times, who defend the landowners and the great rich.
On June 6, the armed forces arrived at the Vista Hermosa farm to carry out an eviction. They tortured and killed Jefferson. The facts were vile, as does the State of the rich, of the exploiters.
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- Europa
Criminalization of Arameans in the FRG
We mirror this article from network for the freedom of all politcal prisoners:
*As soon as the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ended his visit to Germany on 29.09.2018, a nationwide raid was carried out on the 02.10.2018 against alleged members of the popular movement "REVOLUTIONARY ARAMAEANS" (Süryani Devrimciler) by the state protection of German imperialism.
Thus it came that for the 26.07.18, 28.05.19, 29.05.19, 2x 23.08.19 and 28.08.19 from the state security police of Bavaria and Baden-Wittenberg each a summons as an accused of violating the Law on Associations as well as using marks of unconstitutional organizations for the 1. May 2018 demonstration.
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- Lateinamerika
Brazil: Workers´ League calls for general strike
On September 12, in the capital of the state of Paraná, Curitiba, grafittis were installed on a bridge and a wall of a Portuguese corporation to mobilize for the general strike, which were signed with "Liga Operária" (workers' league).
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- Europa
Attack on Brazilian Embassy in Brussels
During last week, on the night of the September 11, the Brazilian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium, was attacked and disfigured with paint. The activists carrying out the action in chrome painted the slogan "Bolsonaro = Ecocide" and splattered red paint as well as red hand prints, to give an impression of spilled blood. Hence, the action was obviously organized to denounce the burning down of the Amazonian rain forest, that is not only tolerated by the Brazilian Government, but in fact promoted and defended. In the fire that was fiercest only weeks ago, and in many cases set by landowners to burn down protected woods on their estates or to destroy nature reserves so to be able to buy them afterwards, several people lost their lives.
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- Afrika
Africa: displacement by climate change
Climate change, caused by the imperialist mode of production, has many different effects. In this article we want to shed some light on the influence of the greenhouse effect as a cause of flight on the African continent.
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- Europa
Report: On the participation of the anti-imperialist bloc in Anti-War Day demonstration
The 1st of September marks the anniversary of the attack of German Imperialism on Poland and is commemorated as the Anti-War Day in which a wide range of organizations in the FRG, mostly from the so-called "Peace Movement" and anti-imperialist forces, go to the streets to denounce imperialist warmongering and chauvinism (as already reported). In Hamburg, a combative detachment of proletarian revolutionaries participated in a demonstration that day1.
Irish Socialist Republican Media on the 27th anniversary of the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo
On occasion of today’s 27th anniversary of the arrest of the Chairman Chairman Gonzalo, the media outlet of the Irish Socialist Republican movement has published a salute towards the Communist Party of Peru and the ongoing People’s War in the country, which we hence forth document:
Free Chairman Gonzalo!
Abimael Guzman, better known to the world as Chairman Gonzalo, is the 84 year old imprisoned leader of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), the Peruvian Revolution and is currently serving two life sentences in Callo Naval Base, Peru, for his leadership of the Protracted People’s War in the Country throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.