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- Lateinamerika
New protests of the healthcare workers in Ecuador
On Monday, Ecuador’s town of Quito came to a standstill when workers employed in the healthcare sector took to the streets and blocked the major traffic ways in and out of the city. Their actions are a response to the continuing dismissals of workers in healthcare and the incapability of the government to provide even the most basic necessities for the people of the country.
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- Lateinamerika
Recent struggles in Peru
In the last days, several important events have taken place in Peru, underscoring the continuing sharpening of the contradictions and class struggle in this country.
On 3 August - as previously announced - the first Extraordinary Assembly of SUTEP Regional Councils took place in Lima. Here are the photos of the event:
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- Europa
Norwegian Soldiers to Mali and Imperialism in West Africa
We share this article by a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
NRK reports that Norwegian soldiers have joined UN forces in the West African country of Mali. The country was a part of the French colonies in Africa, and is still dominated by French imperialism. We must see through the lies of Western media and reveal that Western imperialism by no means brings peace and development for these African masses.
European Imperialism Brings Chaos
In 2013, Al Jazeera, a news agency owned by the state of Qatar, published a longer article on Western imperialism in Mali and West Africa:
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- Europa
Liking on Facebook may count as terrorism
When Osman B. arrived in the airport of Antalya he was immediately arrested by the Turkish police. He was suspected of “terrorist propaganda”. Osman B. was born 1983 in Turkey and became a german citizien in 2011 and lost his Turkish citizenship in 2012. He was travelling in the end of July to Antalya with his family for a vacation when he was arrested.
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- Lateinamerika
Interview from El Pueblo with a group of artists in Chile
The following is a (unofficial) translation of an interview published in the 83rd issue of the newspaper El Pueblo in August 2019 with the Chilean music, dance and theater ensemble “La Ventolera” [Eng.: “The gust of wind”]. It has a particular focus on the class principles and democratic values within culture.
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- Gonzalo
Interview of the century: On the theory of the cult of the personality
In view of the occasion we publish an exerpt from the Interview of the century on the question of the cult of the personality:
EL DIARIO: Chairman, moving on a bit, the documents of the Communist Party establish you as the Leader of the Party and the revolution. What does this imply, and how is it different from the revisionist theory of the cult of the personality?
CHAIRMAN GONZALO: Here we must remember how Lenin saw the relationship between the masses, classes, the Party and leaders. We believe that the revolution, the Party, our class, generate leaders, a group of leaders. It has been like this in every revolution. If we think, for instance, about the October Revolution, we have Lenin, Stalin, Sverdlov and a few others, a small group. Similarly, in the Chinese revolution there's also a small group of leaders: Chairman Mao Tsetung, and his comrades Kang Sheng, Chiang Ching, Chang Chun-chiao, among others. All revolutions are that way, including our own. We could not be an exception. Here it's not true that there is an exception to every rule because what we're talking about here is the operation of certain laws. All such processes have leaders, but they also have a leader who stands out above the rest or who leads the rest, in accordance with the conditions. Not all leaders can be viewed in exactly the same way. Marx is Marx, Lenin is Lenin, Chairman Mao is Chairman Mao. Each is unique, and no one is going to be just like them.
In our Party, revolution, and people's war, the proletariat, by a combination of necessity and historical chance, has brought forth a group of leaders. In Engels' view, it is necessity that generates leaders, and a top leader, but just who that is is determined by chance, by a set of specific conditions that come together at a particular place and time. In this way, in our case too, a Great Leadership has been generated. This was first acknowledged in the Party at the Expanded National Conference of 1979. But this question involves another basic question that can't be overlooked and needs to be emphasized: there is no Great Leadership that does not base itself on a body of thought, no matter what its level of development may be. The reason that a certain person has come to speak as the Leader of the Party and the revolution, as the resolutions state, has to do with necessity and historical chance and, obviously, with Gonzalo Thought. None of us knows what the revolution and the Party will call on us to do, and when a specific task arises the only thing to do is assume the responsibility.
We have been acting in accordance with Lenin's view, which is correct. The cult of personality is a revisionist formulation. Lenin had warned us of the problem of negating leadership just as he emphasized the need for our class, the Party and the revolution to promote our own leaders, and more than that, top leaders, and a Great Leadership. There's a difference here that is worth emphasizing. A leader is someone who occupies a certain position, whereas a top leader and Great Leadership, as we understand it, represent the acknowledgment of Party and revolutionary authority acquired and proven in the course of arduous struggle--those who in theory and practice have shown they are capable of leading and guiding us toward victory and the attainment of the ideals of our class.
Khrushchev raised the issue of the cult of personality to oppose comrade Stalin. But as we allknow, this was a pretext for attacking the dictatorship of the proletariat. Today, Gorbachev again raises the issue of the cult of personality, as did the Chinese revisionists Liu Shao-chi and Deng Xiaoping. It is therefore a revisionist thesis that in essence takes aim against the proletarian dictatorship and the Great Leadership and Great Leaders of the revolutionary process in order to cut off its head. In our case it aims specifically at robbing the people's war of its leadership. We do not yet have a dictatorship of the proletariat, but we do have a New Power that is developing in accordance with the norms of new democracy, the joint dictatorship of the workers, peasants and progressives. In our case they seek to rob this process of leadership, and the reactionaries and those who serve them know very well why they do this, because it is not easy to generate Great Leaders and Great Leadership. And a people's war, like the one in this country, needs Great Leaders and a Great Leadership, someone who represents the revolution and heads it, and a group capable of leading it uncompromisingly. In sum, the cult of the personality is a sinister revisionist formulation which has nothing to do with our concept of revolutionary leaders, which conforms with Leninism.
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- Lateinamerika
Day of Terror by Police in de Janeiro
On July 31, residents of the Complexo da Maré in Rio de Janeiro's North Zone, lived another day of terror and fear at the hands of the Witzel government's repressive troops. Early on, agents from BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais), SHOCK and the 22nd battalion stormed several favelas in the compound, firing at random from armored vehicles and helicopters. Under a rain of heavy caliber shots, locals reported on social networks the moments of panic they experienced during the day.
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- Lateinamerika
Mexico: Impressions of Guelaguetza
The comrades in Mexico published a Video with impressions of Guelaguetza (from the zapoteco del Istmo, its correct denomination is guendalizaa, which means "fraternity, brotherhood". Its origin dates from the celebration to the goddess Centéotl, goddess of corn, and was carried out since before the Spanish conquest, but also in the interest to unify the original peoples around the corn cycle, which is accompanied by the cycle of The rain.), a big cultural annual event in Oaxaca. The background to these impressions is the insurrection against the comercialization of this event in 2006, which had as a result two Guelaguetza. On one side, the official and government version (commercial and prostitute) which is promoted by the state government in collusion with the various factions of the local bourgeoisie and the financial oligarchy. This could not take place in 2006, where the people boycotted it alltogether.