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- Europa
Report: Manifestation "Against imperialist aggression" in Bremen
On Friday, August 30th, revolutionary and anti-imperialist forces, from various oppressed nations as well as the FRG, held a rally under the slogan "Against the imperialist Aggression - Yankee go home" at a central location in downtown Bremen. Just a day earlier, the US Department of Defense confirmed that a military mission had been launched under the guise of a mission to protect ships crossing the Strait of Hormuz.
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The FRG continues to deportate to Afghanistan
Again and again, we report on the situation in Afghanistan and it is more than clear that Afghanistan is not safe, neither for the occupiers and their henchmen nor for the people. That does not change the deportation practice of the FRG - they continuing to deportate diligently.
Anti War Day 2019: The historical experience of the war against fascism
Today marks the 80th Anniversary of the attack of Polen conducted by German imperialism with the fascists in power, with which they initiated on the 1st of September 1939 what would become the second imperialist World War. In the FRG this day is known as the "Anti War Day" used by various organisations to organize demonstrations and manifestation. Due to this occassion we publish the document "The historical experience of the war against fascism" of Renmin Ribao from 1965:
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- Asien
Papua: the state murders, the people fight
As we reported last week the Papua are uprising in the state of Indonesia and claiming for national liberation, an end of racism against their people and an end of repression by the security forces and other reactionary elements. Meanwhile the security forces started to murder in pubic, but this is not a defeat for the rebellion, but in the opposite it is watering the struggle.
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- Europa
Bombing action from TIKKO in Istanbul
Two days ago combatants of the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO) have conducted a successful action in the capitol of Turkey, Istanbul. In the business district of Sarıgazi a bank and the local PPT (postal service) branch were bombed and attacked with a molotov cocktail. To complement these actions, a banner was hung up with the signature of “TKP/ML-TIKKO”
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- Europa
TKP/ML Trial: Deniz Pektaş released today!
Today the courts in Munich withdrew the arrest warrant issued against the Turkish activist Deniz Pektaş who stands accused in the so-called TKP/ML trials for supposedly being a high ranking member of that organization and, hence, of having violated "anti-terror" paragraph 129a/b. On the condition to still having to attend court session, he was released after he spend more then four years in prisons of the German state, partially in solitary confinement, without ever being sentenced for a crime.
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- Lateinamerika
Molotov cocktails against police on third anniversary of the murder of Macarena Valdés
On August 22, 2016 Mapuche leader and environmental activist Macarena Valdés was found hanging dead from the kitchen ceiling, being murdered for imperialist interests. Macarena opposed and organized the Mapuche community against the hydropower plant of the Austrian energy company RP Global on the nearby Tranguil River.
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- Nachrichten
Video: Mobilisation in Mexico for Workshops for Ideological and Political Formation
In the following we document the translation and video of the Mexican comrades mobilising for a series of regional events called the "Workshops for Ideological and Political Formation", that are soon to take place in a number of places.
The Workshops for Ideological and Political Formation 2019 are coming!