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- Europa
Bombing action from TIKKO in Istanbul
Two days ago combatants of the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO) have conducted a successful action in the capitol of Turkey, Istanbul. In the business district of Sarıgazi a bank and the local PPT (postal service) branch were bombed and attacked with a molotov cocktail. To complement these actions, a banner was hung up with the signature of “TKP/ML-TIKKO”
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- Europa
TKP/ML Trial: Deniz Pektaş released today!
Today the courts in Munich withdrew the arrest warrant issued against the Turkish activist Deniz Pektaş who stands accused in the so-called TKP/ML trials for supposedly being a high ranking member of that organization and, hence, of having violated "anti-terror" paragraph 129a/b. On the condition to still having to attend court session, he was released after he spend more then four years in prisons of the German state, partially in solitary confinement, without ever being sentenced for a crime.
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- Lateinamerika
Molotov cocktails against police on third anniversary of the murder of Macarena Valdés
On August 22, 2016 Mapuche leader and environmental activist Macarena Valdés was found hanging dead from the kitchen ceiling, being murdered for imperialist interests. Macarena opposed and organized the Mapuche community against the hydropower plant of the Austrian energy company RP Global on the nearby Tranguil River.
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Video: Mobilisation in Mexico for Workshops for Ideological and Political Formation
In the following we document the translation and video of the Mexican comrades mobilising for a series of regional events called the "Workshops for Ideological and Political Formation", that are soon to take place in a number of places.
The Workshops for Ideological and Political Formation 2019 are coming!
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- Europa
Posters for international campaign for Dr. Sernas and Luis Armando in Galicia
Comrades from Dazibao Rojo have documented a picture of an action in support of the international campaign for Dr. Sernas to be presented alive and well and for justice for the murdered Luis Armando to be served. The picture taken in Galica shows the extend of the campaign initiated by the Mexican comrades from Sol Rojo, that with the posters put up now by the comrades has further extended to also stretch to the Iberian Peninsula.
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- Lateinamerika
Big landowners coordinate setting fire to Amazon Forrest
Up until the 19th of August, the Brazilian Amazon Forrest has reportedly experienced about 72.843 fires this year. Compared with the data of the same time period within the year before, with about 39.759 cases, this marks a steep rise. These developments are founded in the renewed aggressiveness with which the big landowners lunge towards opening up fresh land for agricultural production or raising cattle by burning down formerly forested grounds.
Debate on People’s War
We share this article from comrades in Norway:
By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
One of the contributors of Tjen Folket Media has written two articles on people’s war where they, under the signature of Ard Kinera, have engaged in a polemic with José Maria Sison. The debate touches on one of the most central questions of the two-line struggle in the international communist movement and Kinera as such goes right into it.
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- Europa
Shots fired at IRA funeral, Bonfires lit with British Flags, Hammer and Sickle paintings in Dublin - On the last days in Ireland
In a huge possession along the Falls Road in Belfast Alex Murphy was laid to rest yesterday. In young years, he was the most junior political prisoner of the republican movement in the notorious Long Kesh prison, only being 15 years old. When British army officers in plain clothes attacked a funeral procession in 1988 by driving the car into the march and starting to shoot, it supposedly was Alex Murphy who killed both officers – at least this is what he was convicted and sentences for life for.