We share this finnish translation of the declaration of the Communist Party of Peru:
Kaikkien maiden proletaarit, liittykää yhteen!
“”2. Vallankumouksen subjektiiviset voimat ovat todellakin heikentyneet huomattavasti vuoden 1927 vallankumouksen tappion jälkeen. Jäljellä olevat voimat ovat hyvin pieniä, ja ne toverit, jotka arvioivat asioita pelkän ulkonäön perusteella, ovat luonnollisesti pessimistisiä. Mutta jos arviomme pohjautuu olennaiseen, on tarina aivan toisenlainen. Tässä voimme soveltaa vanhaa kiinalaista sanontaa: ‘Yksi kipinä voi sytyttää preeriapalon.’ Toisin sanoen, vaikka joukkomme ovat tällä hetkellä pienet, ne kasvavat nopeasti. Kiinan vallitsevissa olosuhteissa niiden kasvu ei ole vain mahdollista, vaan todellakin väistämätöntä.”
“Yksi kipinä voi sytyttää preeriapalon” -Mao Tsetung, 1905
Editorial Staff of El Maoista: Declaration for 27th anniversary of the Speech of Chairman Gonzalo
Henceforth we document the Spanish version of the declaration issued by the Editorial Staff of El Maoist on the occassion of the anniversary of the 24th of September that has been send to us:
¡Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
"2...Hoy día la realidad es una, los mismos contendientes de la I y II Guerra Mundial, están generando, están preparando la III nueva Guerra Mundial. Eso debemos saber y nosotros como hijos de un país oprimido somos parte del botín ¡No lo podemos consentir! ¡Basta ya de explotación imperialista! ¡Debemos acabar con ellos!. Somos del tercer mundo y el tercer mundo es base de la revolución proletaria mundial, con una condición, que los Partidos Comunistas enarbolen y dirijan. ¡Es lo que hay que hacer!..."; resaltar la importancia de naciones oprimidas que serán la base de la revolución proletaria mundial y la necesidad inmediata de generar Partidos Comunistas maoístas que desarrollen Guerra Popular para así desenvolver como corresponde la nueva gran ola de la revolución mundial e imponer el maoísmo como mando y guía…”
To discard people’s war is to discard the proletarian revolution
We publish this Article (originally split into two parts) from the site Tjen Folket Media and urge every comrade to study it:
To discard people’s war is to discard the proletarian revolution
By Ard Kinera and the editorial group of Red Flag
“At present, the modern revisionists are opposing Marxism-Leninism under the pretext of opposing dogmatism, are renouncing revolution under the pretext of opposing “Left” adventurism, and are advocating unprincipled compromise and capitulationism under the pretext of flexibility in tactics. If a resolute struggle is not waged against modern revisionism, the international communist movement will be seriously harmed.”
Editorial in Renmin Ribao, December 31, 1962
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- Dokumente
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his allpowerful Thought, a shining light and Maoist thunder
We publish this (inofficial) English translation of the declaration of the Communist Party of Peru on this 24th of September.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his allpowerful Thought, a shining light and Maoist thunder
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- Lateinamerika
Masses burn armored police carrier and company truck owned by Chinese mining company in Ecuador
In a great upsurge of revolutionary violence the masses of Telimbela Parish made the police and imperialists' lackey tremble this week, when with heroic combativeness they rebelled against the exploitation of the natural resources in benefit of foreign interests. Engaging the police, wounding several, they burned one of their armored tanks and destroyed the property of a Chinese Mining Company.
Declaration of the Communist Party of Peru
We publish this declaration of the Communist Party of Peru, translations will be published in the imminent future:
Proletarios de todos los países, uníos!
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- Lateinamerika
Current struggles in Latin America
The following is an overview of the struggles of recent weeks in Latin America.
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- Lateinamerika
Yankee mobilization against Venezuela
With the excuse of a maneuver carried out by the Venezuelan army, Yankee imperialism continues to mobilize against Venezuela.
The so-called Rio Pact (more precisely TIAR, esp .: Tratado Interamericano de Asistencia Recíproca, en .: Inter-American Treaty on Mutual Assistance) was activated. This was announced by the Yankee Foreign Minister last Thursday. This military alliance currently includes 17 states. Under the leadership of the USA Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay are part of the Alliance, which is now being deployed against Venezuela.
The reasoning of Mike Pompeo recalls the fantastic stories about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The tone in the argument is getting sharper. There is talk of the "recent belligerent actions of the Venezuelan army" and "illegal (armed) groups and terrorist organizations". Pompeo claims that "Nicolás Maduro not only poses a threat to the Venezuelan people, but that his actions also threaten the peace and security of Venezuela's neighbors."
The actual occasion is a maneuver by the Venezuelan Army (FANB) in the border region with Colombia, which started early last week. About 150,000 soldiers with helicopters, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft batteries, mobile rocket launchers and special troops should, according to Venezuelan information, demonstrate the FANB's readiness to defend itself. There were also some officers of Russian imperialism, as well as officers from Cuba, which again emphasizes that the struggle of the imperialists to redistribute the world is carried out.on the backs of the Venezuelan people and the peoples of Latin America.
The reason for the Maduro regime to carry out this demonstration of power are vicious aspirations of the Yankee puppet Juan Guaidó. The latter recently tried to force Venezuela to rejoin the TIAR, justifying an intervention by the TIAR states against Venezuela and the Maduro regime.
Appeasement attempts, for example, on the occasion of the dismissal of John Bolten, the national security adviser to the Yankees, appear flimsy. The danger of war is acute. Direct Yankee aggression is not ruled out even by middle-class German analysts. "The dismissal of Bolton is not that crucial. Should the narrative of an aggressor Maduro prevail, the United States would probably carry out punitive attacks ... "said Detlef Nolte of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).
Another indication of a possible escalation of the conflict is the fact that the Guaidó front is crumbling at least within Venezuela. Deputies from some (small) parties, who previously had a common cause with the Guaidó opposition, signed an agreement with the Maduro regime in the State Department on Monday this week. This communicated in turn that the party of Maduro, the PSUV, would soon again participate in the parliament. In addition, Guaidó's reputation is dwindling, not least due to the fact that it has recently come to light that he is associated with Alberto Lobo Quintero, aka Brother, and Jairo Duran Contreras, aka Menor. The two were (both were arrested in the meantime) to the leadership of "Los Rastrojos", a paramilitary drug cartel, which is active in the border region between Colombia and Venezuela. This was posted on Twitter last Thursday.
Guaido and Contreras
Guaido and Quintero
The threat to the Venezuelan people by Yankee imperialism and its allies (including the FRG, the Guaidó immensely hyped) is therefore quite serious. Its ramblings of freedom, democracy and human rights is pure delusion. His reality can be seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Wherever the Yankees raise their bloody hands, there is nothing for the peoples but misery, hunger and death. That's why the call is still up to date: Yankee Go Home! Hands off Venezuela!