
When during the firefights and massacers, committed by police forces in the days between the 24th and 27th of October last year, 31 comrades and young adivasis laid down their lifes in the struggle for a better future, the Indian reaction celebrated their victory like it was the end of the People's War. Today, roughly one year later, the actions and ongoing national and international support of the struggles, show how false their claims have been.

Under the guise of preparing for floods, draughts and natural disasters a joint military exercise with about 2.000 military personnel from different countries was launched on Brazilians western border two days ago. In order to “improve logistics” and to “establish standards” Brazilian, Peruvian and Columbian forces, amongst others, are trained to operate under the command of US-Southcom and other imperialist countries’ general staffs.

We publish this english translation of the article "Triunfa a Revolução Socialista" from A Nova Democracia issue 198:

One hundred years of the Great October Socialist Revolution

We publish this english translation of the article "A pequena burguesia na revolução democrática" from A Nova Democracia issue 197:

The incredible failure of PT/Pecedobê management after 14 years leading the old Brazilian State has been a demonstration of the collapse of the reformist and opportunist petty-bourgeoisie in transforming the society through the bourgeois State.

Strike of the teachers of Peru gave an example of combativeness of the proletarianised sectors

This way they have rendered concrete their alliance with landownership and the big-bourgeoisie and as a result were submitted to imperialism through the national domination, confirming the opportunist nature of their ideology.


We publish an english translation of a declaration as well as a video and pictures of Revolutionärer Aufbau BRD (Revolutionary Construction FRG):

With a tremendous spree of actions comrades of the Partisan Youth Initiative / Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and the website commemorated the Great Socialist October Revolution throughout October. In a post published on the 26th, a great overview of the activities, executed in three countries, is given:

Fighters of the Afghan national resistance, in the bourgeois media often simply generalised as “Taliban” undertook various armed actions and assaults on police and military bases in the south and south-west of the country. Altogether, more than 120 agents of the reaction were killed in less than a week, between 17th and 19th of October.

The most recent action took place on a military base in the south of the country, where the Resistance annihilated 43 Afghan footman soldiers on the 19th of October. The base is located in Chashmo, Maiwand district, in the province of Caandar.

National Resistance fighters used military pickup trucks loaded with explosives to reach targets. The entire training camp at the base has been reduced to dust, according to Dawlat Waziri, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry.

Another significant attack occurred on the 17th of October. The fighters assaulted a police complex in Gardez, Paktia province, and killed more than 60. Among the dead are the provincial police chief, Toryalai Abdyani.

The fighters disguised themselves as police to infiltrate the complex and had three vehicles filled with explosives, among them a truck, to clear the way. They then made an incursion with 11 armed men who fought a five-hour battle.

On the same day, in the neighboring province of Gharzni, 15 agents were annihilated in similar attacks. Counting all the assaults, 120 agents in the service of the colonial occupation directed by the Yankees were annihilated.


In a recently published open letter university professor and political prisoner G. N. Saibaba denounces the atrocities the Indian government commits against political prisoners such as him. Addressing his wife, he points out how the purposeful omission of any warm closing is more or less a death sentence for prisoners like him.