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- Proletarischer Feminismus
To the streets on the 8th of March!
We document this translation of the call for the 8th of March by the Red Women's Committees of Hamburg and Vienna.
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
To the streets on the 8th of March!
Fight Patriarchy and Imperialism!
We, the Red Women's Committees of Hamburg and Vienna, call all revolutionary and progressive forces, activists of the women's movement, women in general and working class women in particular, to a powerful celebration of the 8th of March, the International Women's Day. We want this years 8th of March to set a mark by showing the growing revolutionary women's movement on the rise. The 8th of march is a special day of struggle, a day on which women all over the world rise their voices against patriarchy and show their dedication to fight for their emancipation on the streets. It is an urgent necessity for the development of the communist movement and the revolutionary movement in general to smash every position of viewing the oppression of women as a political “secondary contradiction” or viewing every feminism as “petty bourgeois”. The women of the working class suffer a double oppression, the oppression as part of the proletariat is joined by the oppression of patriarchy. The women of the working class are not only exploited by wage slavery, but also by slavery through patriarchy. A communist and revolutionary politics is only worth its name when it's the expression of the interests of the most oppressed and exploited, accordingly no communist and revolutionary power can negate the special role and meaning of the mobilisation, politicisation and organisation of women, especially working class women, without unmasking themselves as charlatans. Those in the “left scene” that reduce the fight against patriarchy to a fight against “sexism” haven't understood anything of the position of Marxism and they think it is enough to use rules of conduct that state, that as long as men don't watch porn or hit on women, everything is in order and woman is “equal”, they are indeed the defendants of patriarchy, its apologists inside the revolutionary movement.
Serving the development of the struggling class-conscious women's movement, it is necessary to draw the dividing line among bourgeois, petty bourgeois and proletarian feminism, to strengthen the latter and encourage working class women to take their role in the first line of class war.
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FRG | 1st of May reports
In this article we document the English translation on different activity reports regarding the 1st of May. Each entry can also be found separately below.
On internationalist revolutionary 1st of May in Hamburg
Then police rushed in with everything they had, and that´s a lot
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On internationalist revolutionary 1st of May in Hamburg
Then police rushed in with everything they had, and that´s a lot
From the revolutionary standpoint the 1st of May 2015 in Hamburg was a political victory. It is everyday life for the struggling proletariat to confront with the bourgeoisie, its state and institutions as well as with revisionism. If it suffers temporary defeats because its forces are weaker then the enemies that just shows the necessity of the development of its forces. That the demonstration at Feldstraße was crushed does not mean that the struggle was not successful.On the contrary. The resume from 2014 “We fought together. Very different Types of people. Neighbours together with Punks, Communists together with Anarchists, workers together with students, all together against their oppressors“, the statement “The world of blatant poverty rises against the world of monstrous wealth … They have got a better world in their heads and fierce hatred in their hearts” was proven correct and the demand “Do not let the bloodsuckers have their save heaven” (from the Call of the League against imperialist Agression) was fulfilled.
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Cologne | First revolutionary May demonstration great success.
Revolutionary 1st of May demonstrations, be it Hamburg, Berlin or other cities are common practice since years. In Cologne, the forth biggest city in the country, however, they where in existent. A good reason, comrades thought, to introduce this tradition to Cologne and called for the first revolutionary demonstration the evening before the 1st of May. With great success: Even though the participation didn’t exceeded a hundred demonstrators, which is far beyond the participation in other cities, a successfully combative demonstration could be held and the foundation for further revolutionary 1st of May demonstrations could be laid. Not only the demonstration moved very loudly and agitating through the workers- and immigrant quarters of Mülheim, but it also succeeded in fighting back police attacks after the official end of the demonstration. According to Express informations „ … the previously peacefully May demonstration turned violent after unknown individuals torched pyrotechnics. Thereupon the police intervened. Repeatedly it came to scuffles.“ Nonetheless clips of the assault show clearly, that the police also tried to enter the facilities of a multicultural club close by.
In Cologne a noticeable increase in the mobilisation for Kögida [Colone against the islamisation of the occident], Hogesa [Hooligans against Salafists] and against the slaughtering of refugees in the Mediterranean could be experienced in this year. In correlation to the experience, the 1st of May demonstration met great appreciation of the people in the streets. The report of Rote Aktion, part of the organizing antifascist-antimilitarist-anticapitalist coordination, states in regards to this matter: „The reactions of the people that where watching from the side walks showed us that we stroke a cord; that we are not the only ones that have had enough, that we are not the only ones that know that there has to be something else in this world than bowing, begging and embittering.“
Apart from those activities at the evening before the 1st of May there were also some activities on mayday itself. First activists of different progressive German and Turkish organisations participated in the internationalist block at the DGB demonstration, which they called for with stickers and posters. Later antifascists blocked the entrances to Colognes central train station, the station platforms at Mülheim train station and the rails to prevent fascists to travel to their demonstration. At Breslauer Platz it came to scuffles with the police.
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FRG | Further activities on the 1st of May
In Schwenningen 80 people participated in the combative 1st of May rally. In difference to the last years, the DGB had only organized a celebration, so that the „initiative for a combative 1st of May Villingen-Schwenningen“ organized it’s own rally. The participants torched Pyrotechnics and marched without incidents from the starting point at the train station to the DGB celebration.
In Bremen approximately 100 people attended the social revolutionary walk through the city. The unannounced action, at which slogans where loudly chanted, was organized by „self organized, extra parliamentary political associations, that regard to themselves as part of the libertarian, anticapitalist and emancipatory spectrum and that strive towards a self organized and solidary social order“. The cops, which weren’t there at the beginning, later accompanied the demonstration with multiple police vans, but stayed passive.
In Oldenburg this years autonomous 1st of May rally marked the 20th anniversary of the autonomous May activities in Oldenburg. Under the slogan “Which side are you on“ the rally demanded a clear positioning in the matter of burning questions of the movement, like the situation in Rojava. For a some time nearly all of the 400 participants held up signs with the flag of the PKK.
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Berlin | 18.000 at the 18 o’clock demonstration
Traditionally, Berlin is one of the greatest trouble spots and social tinder boxes in the FRG. And that for a reason: In the capital the contradictions between the poor and the rich, east and west, gentrified and decayed, Immigrants and Germans are visible on a partiality extreme scale. In combination with the combative history of the 80s and 90s principally an ideal hotbed for progressive, consequent class conscious politics with an unappeasing stand towards the bourgeois state should be visible at the 1st of May. Nevertheless the struggles are declining, the police is able to gain more ground and the political character of the demonstrations is vanishing because there is no force determined enough to lead the struggle of the enormous amount of malcontents. The same thing happened this year. Despite the still respectable number of 18.000 participants at the revolutionary 1st of May rally, the reaction is celebrating the „most peaceful 1st of May since 1987“, the chief of police is backslapping himself for the great success of his concept. But it is still there, the will to fight, as in example shown in the Liveticker of the Tagesspiegel:
„21:00 – The atmosphere becomes more aggressive: The rally arrived at Lausitzer Platz. The police is taking offenders captive from within the mass of autonomous‘ and is meanwhile attacked by sympathisers. Firecrackers are thrown. The police must massively shield their arrests to force their way through the protesters.
21.17 – Stones and bottles are thrown against police vans: At the crossing Skalizter Straße / Zeughofstraße personnel carriers of the police are attacked with stones, bottles and firecrackers. Sporadic stones are thrown at police groups. The police is defending itself with pepper spray and irritant gas.“
But that is it. No mass militancy, no agitation, no politics. The lack of organisation and structure is so immanent, the absence of political content so pressing, that even the commentators at Indymedia agree, that the current situation is disastrous:
„The first of may [in regards to Berlin] is not what it used to be. It has nothing in common with political struggle. You can’t achieve anything on this day. The day is rotten. […]
The riot – character of the 80s that partially lasted until the 2000s is out of reach. Every act of violence from the rally is nearly meaningless. What it still means though is: riot tourism and desperation“
„The problem is the missing of a conclusive concept. And a concept that the people, as well as the political scene, are interested in and which enthuses them. People can talk as many empty words as they want and plan utopic campaigns, demonstrations and open spaces – if there is no one providing the structure or is organizing one, then doing the work and implementing new concepts everything is in vane!!“
„the rally is simply degenerated to an identification event, a tourist attraction and that is also what it is perceived like from the outside. Maybe it is still a little more political than the Mayfest but it is en route to it. There is nothing that seriously questions or attacks the system. The demonstration is basically a part of the system, the critique on capitalism as a product of capitalism.“
In contrast to that, the DGB demonstration is characterized by bourgeois pacifism. Never the less: With the anticapitalist block, the strong presence of antiimperialist forces that this year tried to form an antiimperialist block and an internationalist character the political struggle, agitation and propaganda take place, are the forces politically struggling with one another and are not just celebrating an empty ritual (at least the progressive ones).
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Nuremberg | Revolutionary 1st of May demonstration big as never before
Under the slogan “Class struggle is: inappeasable – radical – anticapitalist: Forth for the revolutionary 1st of May!“ comrades from Nuremberg, especially from Organisierte Autonomie, the participation in this years revolutionary May demonstration. Despite heavy rain 2.000 people were drawn to the streets this year as well to voice their hatred against the system. Organisierte Autonomie states in their report: “The continued high participation for the revolutionary 1st of May demonstration, despite all meteorological and repressive circumstances, shows the discontent of many people with the ruling system and its immanent injustices. “2015 we observe a huge worsening of living conditions, further militarization and imperialist longings for hegemony, shielding of the EU external frontiers and continuously fueled racism and nationalism. And in this year we also know, our only answer can be: staying inappeasable, being radical and fighting anticapitalist!“. Apart from representatives of the OA, comrades from ATIK spoke out to unmask the role of the German state as an imperialist aggressor and a collaborator with the Turkish repression machinery in regards to the incarnation of members of the legal democratic organisation in the FRG. The demonstration itself passed the celebration of the DGB, which wasn’t willing to organize a demonstration this year but committed the fighting day of the proletariat with sausages and music. According to information of the Nürnberger Zeitung the demonstration was peaceful even though firework was torched. The cops remained mostly passive.
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Stuttgart | A world to win! Abolish capitalism!
In homage to the slogan “… a world to win“, that became famous due to the communist manifest, 750 people participated in the revolutionary 1st of May demonstration in Stuttgart. First of all though, the comrades’ day began with the participation in the anticapitalist block at the DGB [German Trade Union Confederation] – demonstration which was called for by a variety of leftist and trade union organisations, especially ver.di [United Services Union] and RAS [Revolutionary Action Stuttgart]. In their activity report the comrades state: “With combative slogans, thematic signs, an own loudspeaker van, flags and confetti the block was the most vital expression of the demonstration.“ As the many pictures of the demonstration illustrate, also different other progressive, and especially Turkish, organizations participated. For example ATIK, Partizan and the Popular Front participated with various members, banners and partly in formation in the morning’s demonstration, apart from the organizers of the anticapitalist block itself.
After the DGB demonstration had ended, the comrades where able to be a step ahead of the police and in swift manoeuvre moved a great part of the anticap block as part of a sponti to the starting point of the revolutionary demonstration and thus where able to avoid prior police checks. Nonetheless the state insisted on harassing later arriving comrades and examined them before they were able to participate. As reported by Beobachter News apart from the police riding team, there where multiple squads of riot police as well as at least one camera van. After lighting some pyrotechnical torches „… the police intensify their presence considerably. Masked riot police wearing helmets cordoned the demonstration on both sides, multiple police vehicles spearheaded the rally. At the end of Silberburgstraße the police tried to prevent the demonstration from entering Tübinger Straße. During the course of this event they also harassed and blocked multiple members of the press.“
With 750 participants and a combative demonstration, despite and also because of the police attacks, the lighting of pyrotechnic during its course, the breaking through police lines and fighting off police attacks, the organisers expressed their general satisfaction. Also the acceptance of the internationalist celebration subsequent to the demonstration in the leftist centre Lilo Herman, was a success due to the organizers. Music, food, films and talks completed the program of the 1st of May in Stuttgart and furthermore highlighted the great effort of the comrades for the 1st of May which they had already shown in its preparation.