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- Asien
PGI/MLM: En el 100 Aniversario, ¡Gloria a la Revolución de Octubre y a sus Líderes!
We document a spanish translation from the comrades in Mexico of the declaration of PGI/MLM:
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- Lateinamerika
Peru: PCP annihilates two and issues internationalist greetings
Two officers of the Peruvian Special Operations National Police were annihilated by Maoist fighters of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP). The actions took place in Huanta, on the 8th and 9th of October.
In a communiqué entitled Communist greetings for the past dates and the red month of October, the PCP claims the action and denounces the monopoly of the press. “They are paid and guided by intelligence, so they impute the armed actions of the PCP as subversive remnants or narco-terrorists,”
We publish an inofficial translation of the declaration of the Communist Party of Peru.
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- Lateinamerika
Massacre against poor peasants in Columbia
Enraged by the governments attempt to destroy their livelihood hundreds of poor peasants in the province of Tumaco in western Columbia went onto the roads and fields to stop police forces from destroying their coca plantations on the 5th of October. They were met with utmost brutality by the Colombian government when its police forces and a helicopter opened fire on them without previous warning, leaving 9 dead and 18 wounded.
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- Afrika
Struggle against ongoing imperialist aggression in Mali
Since years Mali is grievously effected by the ongoing imperialist's struggle to repartition the world and for a bigger share of pie. The country is exemplary for the consequences of such a prolonged imperialist aggression: On one hand there are vast deposits of important resources like petroleum, uranium and gold in Mali. On the other hand the country is kept extremely poor; its northern part is considered one of the poorest in western Africa. Hence, there’s every right to rebel for the people.
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- Lateinamerika
Revolutionary Music from Chile
We document two new tracks Bandera Roja from Chile. The first track is a collaboration with Anónimo from El Salvador, the second one with Adverso from Chile.
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- Asien
Recent actions in the People´s War in India
Despite reactionary and defeatist propaganda the People´s War is continuing to deal severe blows to the reactionary forces in India. While the old Indian State dreams of having quelled the People´s War by 2022, revolutionary forces under the leadership of the CPI (Maoist) have unleashed a number of significant actions in recent weeks:
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- Lateinamerika
Long live the 25th anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's speech!
We publish this pending translation of the declaration of the Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Long live the 25th anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's speech!
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful thought!
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- Lateinamerika
Statement of solidarity with the revolutionary forces fighting G20 by Corriente Sol Rojo
Yesterday, comrades from Mexico published a short statement, alongside a video and a poster, in solidarity with all those who fought against imperialism during the G20 in July in Hamburg. In the following we document the translated statement send to us as well as the video and the poster.