May Day 2017 Declaration
We document this inofficial english translation of the May Day 2017 Declaration of austrian comrades:
Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Everything is illusory except power!
May Day 2017 Declaration
Chairman Mao Zedong noted that "in the coming 50 to 100 years, the world will pass through great upheavals" and the Communists will have to prepare for rough battles. In the political report of the 9th Congress of the CP of China held in the midst of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, he made the correct analysis and determination that "we live in the epoch in which imperialism meets its total collapse and socialism is marching towards its worldwide triumph" Today, in the era of the strategic offensive of the proletarian world revolution, it is clear to all who are determined to the proletarian class stand point that these statements were not “ misinterpretation” "and not a “pipe dream", but express the international situation, t he reality of class struggle and its historically determined movement towards the dictatorship of the proletariat.
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Freedom for Musa Asoglu
We publish this inofficial translation of a declaration of Revolutionärer Aufbau
Freedom for Musa Asoglu
Musa Asoglu - allegedly the leadership of the Turkish Revolutionary People's Liberation Party - Front (DHKP-C) - was arrested in Hamburg in December last year. Both the Turkish state and the USA exposed a bounty on him of $ 1.2 million and $ 3 million respectively.
Since then, a struggle for his extradition has been raging, since both Germany, Turkey and the USA want to convict him.
He is held responsible for attacks on the American Embassy in Turkey and further attacks against the institutions of US imperialism. The DHKP-C is leading the revolutionary war for power in Turkey for the workers and peasants of the country. It is fighting against the Turkish state and imperialism. It fights the dealers, who are tolerated by the state to poison the masses and attack revolutionaries. It agitates for communism. It stuggles for communism. The DHKP-C is a shining example of which all revolutionaries around the world can learn.
The accusation of being part of or even leading them is not an denouncement. It is an honor.
The German state and the Turkish state are our enemies. This has once again beed proven. It is time that we treat them accordingly.
For this reason Graffitis were put up in Bremen, Hamburg, Jena and Weimar in solidarity with Musa Asoglu. We say:
It is right to rebel!
The struggle against the Turkish state is legitimate and necessary!
Freedom for Musa Asoglu and all other captured revolutionaries!
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- Lateinamerika
You must tell the world...
Today we publish a video released in April 1994 by the „International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Dr Abimael Guzman“, what was the broad democratic campaign to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo, advanced primarily by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.
This International Emergency Committee got liquidated through sabotage by the Committee of the RIM and primarily by the RCP of the United States. Respectively the Tape is from 1994. We publish the video to intensify the international campaign to defend the life and health of Chairmen Gonzalo.
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- Allgemein
Freedom for the three imprisoned comrades in Turkey! Solidarity with Dev-Genç!
We document an English translation of the solidarity statement by the Collective Red Hamburg for Dev-Genç.
Statement of the First Meeting of European Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations
We document an English version of the Statement of the First Meeting of European Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations.
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- Weltweit
International day of action in defence of the life and health of chairman Gonzalo
Several organisations and parties all over the world executed actions for the international day of action in defence of the life and health of chairman Gonzalo, initiated by the comrades of the Communist Party of Brazil – Red Faction.
In Ecuador wall painting was created.
In Chile a wall painting was created as well.
In Sweden a wall painting was created, and the comrades write: “We know that the comrades who reorganize the Communist Party of Peru and continue the people's war will see pictures of different campaigns around the world and that they will understand that they have friends in Sweden who will always stand by their side in the struggle for a classless society.“
Several Actions have been done in Brazil, amongst others a rally in front of the consulate of Peru in Rio de Janeiro. On this rally the Revolutionary Front in Defence of the Rights of the People (FRDDP), the Peoples Women Movement (MFP) and the Revolutionary Peoples Student Movement (MEPR) participated.
There was an event in Messias in the State of Alagoas as well as a rally and an event in Lagoa dos Gatos in the State of Pernambuco, organised by the Poor Peasants League (LCP). There, the role of Movadef and other capitulants was denounced, that take advantage of the opportunity of Chairman Gonzalo being completely isolated, to try to present him as capitulant, serving the plan of the reaction and the CIA, to annihilate him.
Additionally there were wall paintings made in Rio de Janeiro with the slogan “Defend the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo!”:
On 18th of March, at an event of the National Executive of Pedagogy Students (ExNEPe) of the university of Pernambuco in Recife, their participation in the campaign of the defence of the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo was shown by a banner.
Additional wall paintings were made in Colombia, the slogans on the paintings read:
„Long live Chairman Gonzalo, great leader of the people’s war in Peru!”
“Defend the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo!”
“Chairman Gonzalo: “The masses do and can do everything”!”
On a Demonstration in Mexico on the 27th of march, the comrades held a banner on which the Freedom of political prisoners, Chairman Gonzalo in Peru and Saibaba in India, were demanded. The comrades write: “Strengthen proletarian internationalism in our ranks and our struggles, especially by advancing the campaign for the defence of the life, health and freedom of communist prisoners in other parts of the world, like Chairman Gonzalo in Peru and comrade Saibaba in India!”
In the FRG, a rally was held in front of the embassy of Peru.
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- Lateinamerika
Report on the Meeting "Defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo!"
On the 22nd of March at 4 pm around 20 comrades gathered in front of the embassy of the old peruvian state on occasion of the acute threat to Chairman Gonzalo and the answer, the call to a day of action of the Communist Party of Brasil (Red Faction) under the slogan "Defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo! Long live the People's War in Peru!". We document two speeches at this point, a speech of Revolutionary Contruction Waterkant/Bremen will follow.
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- Allgemein
Defend Comrade Gonzalo! Solidarity with PCP! Freedom for all political prisoners
We document an inofficial English translation of a call made by Revolutionärer Aufbau Bremen.