
Hereby we publish a declaration from Maoists from Finland in Solidarity with the TKP/ML, denouncing the reactionary persecution of communists:


Proletarians of all countries, unite!


Today on the 28th of July 2020, sentences have been given in the Federal Republic of Germany in the so-called “TKP/ML trial”. In this trial, which took over four years, ten comrades were sentenced for such offenses as “leading a foreign terrorist organization” and “membership in a foreign terrorist organization”. Each of them was sentenced to prison, from two and nine months up to even six and half years. No actual crimes, in which the accused would have committed, were not presented in the court, only the vague claim about “terrorism”. This so-called “terrorist organization” is the TKP/ML, the vanguard of the international proletariat in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. The Party, which for decades has waged People’s War for the New Democratic Revolution. The Party, which is the real leader of the broadest and deepest masses in its country. It’s not any “terrorist organization”, but a party in an internal conflict.

According to reports there were further actions in solidarity with the convicted of the TKP/ML-trial in Freiburg, Cologne, Wuppertal and Cottbus. We document some pictures of them.

In the last few weeks there were hardly any newspapers that did not complain about the new „anti-discrimination-law” of the Berlin police. They claim the cops are being harassed by it and are hindered in doing their jobs. Secretary of the interior Horst Seehofer even threatens not to send thugs from other federal states to events and demonstrations in Berlin anymore.


On 28th of July the “Alliance against Imperialist Aggression” organised a spontaneous manifestation in Hamburg against the sentence of the TKP/ML-trial in Munich. At the manifestation the sentence which was announced that day was denounced. Carrying out the manifestation the present revolutionaries fulfilled their proletarian internationalist duty to defend the struggle of the people in Turkey and also its revolutionary party.

Henceforth we document an unofficial, unauthorized translation of “On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism” from the Party Unity Basis of the Communist Party of Peru into Romanian, that we have received from a reader.


Despre Marxism-Leninism-Maoism


Ideologia proletariatului internațional a luat naștere in lupta de clasa ca si marxism, sa dezvoltat in marxism, leninism si mai târziu in marxism-leninism-maoism. Așa ca ideologia proletariatului este omnipotenta pentru ca i adevărata si are 3 etape. Prima etapa – marxism, a doua etapa leninism, a treia etapa maoism. Trei etape, trei momente, trei puncte de referința in progres dialectic ideologiei care reprezintă o entitate, care in 140 de ani, începând cu manifestul partidului comunist, in extrem de eroic epopee a lupta clasei, in lupta grea si fructuoasa doua linii ideologice in cadrul partidelor comuniste, prin imensa munca a titani gândirii si acțiuni, care o fost rezulte clasei muncitoare,trei vârfui indimenticabile, strălucitoare: Marx, Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung. Ca pași mari si trei exemple grandioase, suntem armații cu invincibila ideologie: marxism, leninism, maoism, in special maoism.

On July 28th, the day of the proclamation of sentence of the long-time TKP/ML-trial, different revolutionary organisations held a spontaneous rally in solidarity with the accused in front of the State Court House of Bremen. The trial against the ten accused already began more than four years ago. On July 28th, the Higher Regional Court in Munich announced the sentences which are prison sentences from two and a half up to six and a half years. The accused were sentenced because of the “support of a foreign terrorist association“, although up until now the TKP/ML is neither on the German, nor on the EU terror-list.


Past Friday, about 150 people gathered at the city center to demonstrate against the planned annexation of a part of Westjordanland in Palestine by the Israeli state. Proletarian revolutionaries also participated in the manifestation and showed that the struggle of the Palestinian people for their emancipation is justified.

In the workers area of Tenever in Bremen posters against the against the Extradition of Liam Campbell were spotted.