
El fin de semana pasado hubo en varias ciudades de la RFA acciones contra la represión y los métodos del estado policial de la RFA. También en Suiza tuvo lugar una acción en solidaridad con „Roter Aufbau“ (“Construcción Roja”).

De jueves a sábado hubo nuevamente una lucha militante contra el estado alemán en Leipzig. Esta vez, la rebelión fue provocada por la represión policial contra las okupaciones. El movimiento revolucionario de Leipzig respondió a esta imposición violenta de los derechos de propiedad de la burguesía contra las necesidades de las masas con violencia. El MDR informó lo siguiente:

After the raids by the police in Hamburg and other parts of Germany against 24 persons who are said to be members of the groupRoter Aufbau” (in English “Red Construction”) it is necessary to explain more about the current political situation and the orientation in it. Before we go on with the political situation some information about what happened: On 31st of August the police raided 28 objects Hamburg and adjacent federal states, armed with machine guns and confiscated mainly electronic devices like laptops and mobile phones. The accusation against the alleged members of “Roter Aufbau” is following the §129 (founding of a criminal organisation), which in its sub-paragraphs also contain the founding of a terrorist organisation (§129a) and the support of a foreign terrorist group (§129b). Which one of those is used exactly is not known for sure until now. Either way the allegations are very tough. Now regarding the overall political situation: First of all it is necessary to keep in mind that the main contradiction in Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is the one between proletariat and bourgeoisie. This contradiction has a sharp expression in the struggle between the revolutionary movement and the political police, which is the domestic secret service (Verfassungsschutz). The political police is part of the backbone of the bourgeois state additionally to the various armed formations of the state.

After the German police force got new spy software to decrypt encrypted communication, the German government also wants to equip intelligence (Verfassungsschutz, BND, MAD) with this tool.


While the participants of the Tour de France riding their bikes through the country as every year, the numbers of infections rise and since weeks it is spoken about a „second wave“.New measures like bars getting stronger terms and the people in Paris have to wear masks also outside, shall serve allegedly to prevent another lockdown. But now there is another factor added because on Tuesday, the 1st of September, the schools open again and 12.4 million of pupils are allowed to go back to school after up to five months. But that is often related to a health risk for the kids because keeping distance in the classrooms that are filled with more than 20 kids often is not possible. Instead there is the duty to wear masks from the six grade up on the whole day. This has nothing to do with the planned “normality” and protection of the health.

The imprisoned Turkish lawyer Ebru Timtik has died after 238 days of hunger strike, in which she and her fellow worker Aytaç Ünsal had been on since they were sentenced to 159 years imprisonment in February on terror charges. Her law firm, Halkin Hukuk Bürosu ( Advocates of the People), of which 18 lawyers, including Ebru and Aytaç, were captured in a major raid in 2017 and arbitrary trials were opened against them, announced her death last Thursday; on Friday there were attacks on the funeral in Istanbul by the police. Hundreds of adherents and supporters who had come shouted slogans such as "Ebru Timtik is immortal" and that "the murderous state will be called to account". As a result, the cops threatened to attack the assembly and finally did so with tear gas, which led to the dissolution of the assembly. Ebru Timtik joins a long line of revolutionaries who lost their lives on hunger strike for justice.

Hace un año, Aman A., exiliado de Afganistán, fue asesinado en Stade (pequeña ciudad a las afueras de Hamburgo) por los maderos. Los maderos dispararon al jóven de dieciochos años con problemas psíquicos en su residencia a sangre fría tras haberse quedado a solas con él en su habitación con la justificación poco convincente de que el jóven con unas pesas en la mano presentara una amenaza para los maderos. El proceso judicial contra los maderos, quienes le dispararon cinco balas, fue paralizado hace poco con el argumento de que la manera en la que se actuó fue „claramente en defensa propia“.



In Norway, the combative anti-fascist protests of the last few months have continued.

Oslo. On 15.08, the fascists of "Stop Islamization of Norway" (SIAN) came to the proletarian neighborhood Furuset in the Norwegian capital. The masses tore down the barricades erected by police and threw eggs and metal bits against the fascists. The police used tear gas in an attempt to defend the square, which the masses fought to seize from the fascists. As a result, the struggle was spread out to multiple squares and even train stations. Comrades of the Struggle Committee ( report: "The attempt of the police to stop the demonstration with violence simply resulted in the struggles developing further. The rage of the masses spread like the tear gas in the air. Eggs paved the way for bottles, and bottles for stones. It was almost impossible to see the fascists, and in many ways, they were no longer central. Now, the confrontration was principally about the heroic struggle of the masses against the police".

Ålesund. On 19.08, the SIAN fascists attempted to demonstrate in Ålesund, but they were met by a counter-demonstration, posters and banner drops. The fascists were practically drowned out by speeches and shouts from the anti-fascists.

Bergen. On 22.08, SIAN attempted to demonstrate in Bergen, but this had consequences for these enemies of the people. Comrades of Serve The People Media report: "The demonstration began around 13:00. Beforehand, various antifascists had mobilized broadly. Several banners and red flags were well visible. The fascists only got 45 minutes before people had enough. Tens of demonstrators jumped over the barricades and stormed against SIAN, which unleashed chaos. During the heroic acts of the masses, SIAN leader Lars Thorsen was struck several times, according to Times of Bergen. He apparently was laying on his back for several minutes before being escorted away by police. Anna Bråten from SIAN screamed many times that the police should shoot the demonstrators. It must by now be beyond any doubt, that these are reactionaries of the worst sort. No shots were fired, but the police fast began using what was likely tear gas against the demonstrators, children among them. The same was done by police during the demonstration against SIAN on Furuset on 15.08. After SIAN were forced to stop their manifestation, the masses turned against the police. The demonstrators threw objects such as eggs on police and soon surrounded a police car. Then, the police threatened tear gas. The police nonethelesss had to leave the square afterwards, which made the popular masses applaud and celebrate. Again, SIAN was defeated. Again, the police had to evacuate".



In the city of Turku, more than 500 anti-fascists gathered for the "Turku Without Nazis" demonstration on the 16th of August. This was to show clearly to fascist demonstrators that day, that those enemies of the people are not welcome in Turku or anywhere else at all. The demonstration had a combative expression, as comrades from Red Flag report: "Speeches and shouts were heard on the spot, until the relative peace broke down, as the anti-fascist forces came into the line of sight of the fascist demonstration. The cops present - who were far too few for the situation (some didn't even wear riot helmets) - were surprised, as the anti-fascist forces rushed towards the fascists, shouting slogans like: "Crush the fascists!" and "Anti-fascists, forward!". At this point, the police had to retreat and the anti-fascists were able to advance through the park on the Old Grand Square all the way to Aninkaistenkatu, at which time the police had time to reorganize and summon their riot reserves.

Traffic was blocked from the busy street for about 1.5 hours. The police were equipped with rubber bullet guns as well as numerous police dogs. The masses did not retreat despite the police threats of registration and arrest, but continued to shout their militant slogans.

It was made clear to the fascists that there would still be a counterforce to them - forces that felt legitimate sacred hatred for their class enemy and its running dog. The day showed once again that the masses are ready and willing to oppose fascism in spite of all the liberalism and apathy with which the minds of the masses are poisoned as part of a general counter-revolutionary offensive".



Revolutionaries in Denmark have carried out a propaganda action in support of the current people's struggles in the United States, emphasizing the defense of political prisoners and martyred revolutionaries. The graffiti reads: "It's Right To Rebel! Honor and Glory to Garrett Foster! Defend Austin's Targeted Three!", with the hammer and sickle.