
We hereby report on some developments of the revolutionary movement and the class struggle in general in the Nordic Countries during the past weeks.

Tens of thousands of protesters are taking to the streets in Belarus to fight against government election fraud.

On July 2, the police carried out  9 house searches in the state of Baden-Württemberg. A DNA sample was then taken from almost all affected. Most of the affected have been released since then, but the anti-fascist Jo is still in jail in Stammheim. The cops use a confrontation between anti-fascists and activists of the fascist pseudo-union "Zentrum Automobil" as a pretext. This right-wing association is home to members of the terrorist Blood & Honor network, the Identitarian Movement and AfD, as well as supporters of the NSU.
JoThe above-mentioned attack was carried out on the fringes of one of the so-called "hygiene demonstrations"  in Stuttgart. Thousands of people had gathered here under the name “Querdenken 711” to demonstrate against the so-called “Corona restrictions”. The organizer did not bother to draw a line of demarcation towards the right and so from the beginning organized Nazis and members of the AfD and the Identitarian Movement were an integral part of these demonstrations. Therefore, anti-fascist protests were developed that consisted of several forms of action; Educational work such as distributing leaflets, posting posters, but also targeted attacks against fascists.
It is obvious that the above-mentioned confrontation only serves as a pretext for the arbitrary criminalization of anti-fascism. Proceedings are still being conducted against people who were demonstrably not at the scene of the incident. Although the public prosecutor's office has meanwhile had to admit the innocence of a defendant, the proceedings against him are continuing. The reason for this? In the past he has researched, among other things, the new police law in Baden-Württemberg and fascist terror networks in the state apparatus. The police almost exclusively seized usb-disks in his apartment. This is certainly not a coincidence, which he himself also expressed in an interview
The anti-fascist struggle is justified and necessary everywhere. It should therefore be self-evident for every anti-fascist, revolutionary and generally every progressive person to show solidarity with all accused anti-fascists. The house searches carried out are a state attack on the anti-fascist movement and an expression of a reactionary campaign by the German state, which, in view of the worsening economic crisis, has ever greater problems in keeping the resistance of the masses in check.

They targeted some, they meant us all.

Bobbie is not ashamed anymore to show us his true nature. The revisionist Bob Avakian groupies, who call themselves revolutionary communists have always been nothing more than the intellectual appendix of the Democratic Party, nontheless this new statement is an important revelation.

El 1 de Agosto tuvieron lugar en Hamburgo dos acciones contra la represión contra el movimiento revolucionario en Turquía. Aquí se reunieron revolucionarios de Turquía y de la RFA temprano en la tarde ante la prisión preventiva en Holstenglacis en el centro de Hamburgo donde se encuentra encarcelado el preso revolucionario Erdal Gökulu. Erdal se encuentra en huelga de hambre en solidaridad con los abogados del pueblo en Turquía que están en ayuno de muerte por un proceso justo. En discursos fue denunciada repetidas veces la sentencia contra los inculpados en el proceso de TKP/ML que fue sentenciada el pasado martes por el tribunal superior de justicia en Múnich. Además se llamó la atención sobre la situación de los compañeros hindús Varavara Rao y G.N Saibaba que son retenidos presos por el viejo estado hindú bajo condiciones atroces. El compañero Varavara Rao tiene serios problemas de salud tras haber sido infectado con el coronavirus en cautividad, a pesar de ello el estado hindú le prohibe la libertad condicional para recuperarse.

Here we publish a photo of a graffiti in honor of Garret Foster, which was sent to us.

Colonies in Europe?
Yes, there are.

In this context we were made aware of a hip-hop song from Greenland, which is part of the anti-colonial culture and the culture of resistance. It is a pleasure for us to spread this.



TupilakDanes will come with an attitude

They’ll say you should behave

Felt it many times before

They’ll come upfront and call me names

They’ll tell me I’m nothing but shit

I don’t like how the Greenlanders think

One teacher told me

We shouldn’t be silent all the time

There’s a swastika on my door

It’s good to have a Greenlander by your side

When there’s many eyes judging youThey would call me racial slurs

Eskimo Perker

Arctic Monkey

Just yell: I will never looseThe Dane is nothing but a tupilak

Tupilak –tupilak.


If you can’t speak Danish

The educational system will not take you in

And if they can’t speak kalaallisut

They’ll flow right inThis is the reality we live in

We can only go further as we speak a foreign language

What is this municipality

What is this country

When the Danes come we welcome them with a smile

They’ll tell a homeless Greenlander to die

He doesn’t deserve to live

![ACTUAL EMERGENCY CALL] There is a very drunken man sleeping on the

ground/ Yes, what is he? Is he a Dane or a Greenlander?

They’lllabel us as drunks and nobodies

Are we still a colonized people?

Tupilak –tupilak


But I don’t put all the blame on the Danes

Some Greenlanders abroad are drunks

They’ll make us look badWe come home broken

See ourselves as nothing

And feel like nobodies

Where are we in this route?

My fellow Greenlanders: Wake up
Talk backBe mad

Make yourself

Be independent

Show them what you can

Don’t let yourself fall too deepT

hey are looking down upon us from up there

But they don’t have mountains like we do

You can’t see and you can’t feel what we are

But I’m gonna say we are tupilak

Tupilak –tupilak

On the 4th of August the Irish comrades of the Anti-imperilist Action Ireland dibstrubed thousands of newslaters.

The topic was the Seán Russell monument, which had been attacked on several levels before. Seán Russell was the IRA chief of staff in the 1930s.Now recently there was a painting made on the statue in the colors of the LGBTQ-flag, which, as the comrades also explained, seemed quite out of place. There had never been issuses or claims made against Seán Russell to be involved in any chauvinist stances or actions related to this topic.

They also denounced the claims that Seán Russell was a Nazi-collaborator, which have been brought forth once again. Seán Russell himslef said "I am not a Nazi. I’m not even pro-German. I am an Irishman fighting for the independence of Ireland." and that "If it suits Germany to give us help to achieve independence, I am willing to accept it, but no more, and there must be no strings attached".

This time the claims stem from actual political descendants of Irish fascists of the Blueshirts, which Seán Russell fought against. Fine Gael represented by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar now call for the statue and similar ones to be pulled down, claiming to be influenced by the pulling down of statues in the USA. However as the newsletter of the comrades rightfully points out, the statues being pulled down are of slaveowners and racists, which Seán Russells whole political stance is opposed to.

In addition to the newsletter the comrades also held a rally in defense of the statue with republican and antifascist forces.