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Mannheim: The police killing again
Shortly before Christmas on Saturday, December 23, there was another murder by the police in Mannheim. A 49-year-old father, who was in an acute mental crisis, was killed by several police officers with four shots.
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Leipzig: Actions to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao
On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, posters of the International Communist League were put up in Leipzig-Schönefeld. We share pictures sent to us.
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Berlin: Actions to celebrate the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth
To celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, posters of the International Communist League were put up on Herrmannstraße in Berlin-Neukölln and at Frankfurter Tor in Berlin-Friedrichshain. We share pictures sent to us
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- International
Brazil: Attacks on poor peasants and the peasants' resistance
The numerous reports of violent attacks by large landowners and their henchmen against poor and landless peasants who either have to fight for a piece of land or defend their hard-won land against these forces show the sad normality and continuity of the reactionary terror under which poor peasants throughout Brazil have to live.
On December 18, another such incident occurred.The inhabitants of the community of Marielle Franco in the south of the Brazilian state of Amazonas were once again attacked by gunmen and large landowners. This time it turned out that the gunmen were civilian police acting on behalf of the large landowners.
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Bremen / Bremerhaven: Actions for the celebration of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao
In proletarian areas in Bremen and Bremerhaven, posters of the International Communist League and dazibaos with quotes of Chairman Mao in German and Arab were sticked on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of the Great Helmsman. We share images that have been sent to us.
Klassenstandpunkt: Speech on the occasion of the celebration of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao
We are publishing here the speech given by the editors of the magazine Klassenstandpunkt at the celebration to mark the 130th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth. We would like to thank the editors of Klassenstandpunkt for sending it to us. The speech is also available here in German and Spanish.
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Solidarity against their repression
On Wednesday, December 20, a large contingent of 170 officers raided alleged members of Zora, who according to investigations by state security are accused of distributing a flyer and uploading a post on Instagram referring to "progressive forces such as the PFLP".
The Interbüro and Karanfil - places of political and cultural encounters - were also searched and completely vandalized. In addition to five young people between the ages of 18 and 23, there was also a raid on a 67-year-old man who allegedly posted the PFLP symbol on Facebook. On the occasion of this, we have received the following action report: