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New project against "fake news" from NRW
Nowadays, the news and daily reports often seem absurd. One report that is sure to raise eyebrows is that the Bertelsmann Foundation is launching a major project to combat fake news, disinformation and manipulation. Under the slogan "Forum against Fakes - Together for a strong democracy", a "citizens' council" of 120 participants, supposedly representative of all social and educational strata, will address various questions and problems on how to better protect bourgeois democracy from "fake news". For this purpose, the Bertelsmann Stiftung, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Mercator Foundation and the Michael Otto Foundation for Sustainability, has set up a website where citizens can submit their suggestions, which will be incorporated into the project's work. In September, the results of this "Citizens' Council" will then be presented to the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the public and recommendations for action will be made on how to tackle fake news and disinformation. According to Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, these recommendations for action will then become part of the federal government's strategy against fake news.
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The protests against the AfD and the hypocrisy of the government
For the past days, there have been numerous large-scale demonstrations against the AfD. These protests are very large indeed. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken part, including numerous politicians from the governing parties. One reason to ask what the revolutionaries attitude to these protests should be.
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- International
India: 35 police officers killed in major attack by revolutionary guerrillas
On January 16, in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh in Bijapur district, a fierce and highly successful combined encirclement and annihilation operation was launched by combatants of the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army and thousands of local masses against the Dharmavaram camp of the Central Police Reserve Force. A total of at least 35 members of the reactionary paramilitary forces were eliminated and over 40 others seriously injured in the attack that lasted for several hours.
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Hessen: Bundeswehr is building up additional auxiliary troops
Last year, we reported for the first time on the establishment of so-called "homeland security regiments" of the German Armed Forces.These "homeland security regiments" are military units that consist mainly of reservists and previously undrafted civilians and receive military training and tasks from the German Armed Forces in their "free time". This means that the units are primarily made up of people who have normal jobs in civilian life. The tasks of a so-called homeland security regiment are primarily associated in the bourgeois media with internal catastrophes such as natural disasters or pandemics. However, in our last article on this topic, we were able to show that there is much more behind the military propaganda of a "friend and helper in soldier's uniform".
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Mannheim: Start of the court process about the police murder of Ante P.
Last Friday, January 12, a court trial began in Mannheim against two police officers who publicly beat a 47-year-old mentally ill man to death in the city center of Mannheim on May 2, 2022.
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- International
News from the people's war in india
December 31:
At the turn of the year, the border police of the old Indian state announced the transfer of three battalions, i.e. more than 3,000 police officers, from the state of Odisha to the state of Chhattisgarh in order to achieve its self-imposed goal of ending the people's war in India. At the same time, an equal number of police from the Indo-Tibetan Border Police are to be transferred to the Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh to take action against the forest and village area of Abujhmad, described as a Maoist stronghold. These troop deployments are part of a plan unveiled by the interior minister of the old Indian state as a "plan against left-wing extremism" in December to defeat the people's war in India.
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NRW: Again deaths due to police violence
Last weekend, a 26-year-old man from Ghana was killed by police in a municipal refugee shelter in Mülheim-Saarn. Prior to this, the young refugee had allegedly gone on the rampage in the accommodation and attacked the facility's security staff. When the police found the man in the accommodation, he allegedly attacked the police officers in his room. The police then used Tasers, i.e. stun guns, on the man twice. According to the police, however, the man did not react to the extremely violent electric shocks or collapse. Interviews with police spokespeople and bourgeois media reports further reveal that the man was then arrested with pain grips and considerable force and transported in a fixed position to an ambulance. There he had to be resuscitated during the journey to hospital, so he was already close to death. Once at the hospital, the fugitive died on Sunday morning.
Speech of the Editorial Staff, Klassenstandpunkt Magazine at a Political-Cultural Activity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Hamburg Insurrection
We publish here the text of a speech that was sent to us: