Speech of the Editorial Board of Klassenstandpunkt Magazine presented at the International Symposium held in Vienna on the 27th and the 28th of May 2023
We publish here the text of a speech that was sent to us:
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Large protests of farmers in the FRG
In Germany, there is currently a large wave of mass protests by farmers across the country. The reason for the protests is the government's planned cuts in the current budget on the backs of the people, which is currently affecting the peasents in particular. They have been resisting this and have blocked numerous highways and traffic junctions throughout the country in recent days.
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- International
News from Mexico and Brazil
This year the presidential primaries are taking place in Mexico. On the democratic and revolutionary news site "solrojista", Mexican revolutionaries give their assessment, emphasizing that these elections are a circus show by the big bourgeoisie to push through the imperialist megaprojects that are still being fought over. By imperialist megaprojects we mean large infrastructure projects that we have already reported on several times. Among them are the so-called "Mayan Train" with the participation of the German Federal State Railway and the so-called Interoceanic Corridor, a railroad line and industrial project between the Pacific and the Atlantic in the southern Mexican isthmus with the complex participation of imperialist and bureaucratic capital from all over the world.
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New Year's Eve in NRW: street fights and attacks throughout the state
The new year has arrived and New Year's Eve is over. In the run-up to the New Year, we reported in several articles on the media propaganda campaign and the arming of police forces in the run-up to the turn of the year, in view of the German bourgeoisie's fear of new fights on New Year's Eve. A look at the bourgeois media landscape now gives the impression that it was a fairly quiet New Year's Eve and that the tactic of increasing the police contingents and placing working-class districts under occupation nationwide worked. But this narrative is more likely to cause confusion than to reflect objective reality. It may be that there were fewer attacks and fights with the police overall - we have no figures independent of the police and the bourgeois press - but there were still many targeted attacks on the police this New Year's Eve. This was also the case in North Rhine-Westphalia, despite the mobilization of 6600 police officers by Interior Minister Herbert Reul.
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Freiburg: Clashes with the police in the city district Stühlinger
Also on this New Year's Eve were attacks on the police in various cities in Baden Württemberg. The highlight this of them was in Freiburg, where young people from a working-class neighborhood set up barricades and shot fireworks at the arriving cops.
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- International
India: December's actions out of the People's War
December 18:
The Andhra-Odisha State Border Special Zonal Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) issued a message of support for the Anganwadi workers' strike, according to bourgeois sources. An anganwadi is a type of day care center that is mainly found in rural India. The statement goes on to denounce the ruling party in the region for promising to raise wages and increase staff in the anganwadi before the election and not keeping any of its promises after the election.
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- Dokumente
New Documents on "Rote Presse"
The comrades of Rote Presse (Red Press) have reported us that they have scanned and uploaded the issue 70 of the Red Post, and additionally this month, the issue 20 of Class Position magazine. The documents can be found on top of the blog.
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NRW: Ministry of the Interior plans large-scale operation at the turn of the year due to fear of renewed clashes
On New Year's Eve in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Ministry of the Interior and its head Herbert Reul are sending a total of 6600 police officers onto the streets of the federal state to "keep the peace". This deployment of forces is due to concerns in the Ministry of the Interior that, like last year on New Year's Eve, there could again come to major riots and attacks on police and other forces of the bourgeois state. Reul is also concerned that an "additional trigger" for possible clashes with the police could be the war of national resistance in Palestine against the Israeli state or the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in response to the resistance.