45. Anniversary of the death of comrade Kaypakkaya: Statement from Chile
Comrades of the Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile have send greetings to the celebrations organized by the comrades of Partizan in Basel (Switzerland) and St. Pölten (Austria) that we will hence document:
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
In the occasion of the 45 anniversary of the murder of comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya
Dear Comrades
Receive our communist greetings to the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist and its Central Committee, we greet also the cadres and militants of the Party, the masses and guerrilla combatants, who under your leadership, struggle tirelessly to achieve the victory of the revolution.
This May 26 is a very significant date for the communists in the whole globe. Another year of the murder of comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, revolutionary leader of the proletariat and the people of Turkey, is commemorated.
With comrade Kaypakkaya the struggle to complete the revolution of new democracy in Turkey reached a new level. This because he knew to answer the fundamental problems of his country under the flags of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. In this sense, we consider the contributions to the People's War in Turkey and the necessity of the Party, the army and the front as very relevant. The current situation in the middle east keeps the necessity of the People’s War as the order of the day, fundamental task initiated by the revolutionary leader who gave his own life for it.
Comrade Kaypakkaya was a great internationalist, made of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution his own flag, he firmly combated the contemporary revisionism and parliamentary cretinism in Turkey, developed the Kurdish national question, was a consequent anti-imperialist bringing the scientific ideology of the proletariat to the poorest of the countryside.
Today, all these questions are more valid than ever in the struggle against bureaucratic capitalism, semifeudality and imperialism. We need these lessons to combat against all the opportunist and revisionist currents, new or old.
Only by applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism we can advance as comrade Kaypakkaya did, put the People’s War as the only path to establish the new power and demolish the old Turkish fascist state.
Only by the path raised by comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, the path of People’s War, can the proletariat of Turkey and of North Kurdistan set free from the yoke of the imperialist oppression, sweep away semifeudality and end with bureaucratic capitalism.
Lastly we want to express our deepest class hatred against the reactionary fascist Turkish state and the counter-revolutionary classes it represents.
Eternal glory to comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile
May 25, 2018
45. Anniversary of the death of comrade Kaypakkaya: Statement from Colombia
Comrades of the Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia have send greetings to the celebrations organized by the comrades of Partizan in Basel (Switzerland) and St. Pölten (Austria) that we will hence document:
Proletarian of all countries, unite!
The Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia sends a greeting to the TKP/ML - CC and the Marxist-Leninist Workers and Peasants Liberation Army of Turkey (TIKKO), who continue the revolutionary legacy left by Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, struggling to develop the People’s War.
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- Weltweit
200 Years Karl Marx - Big Celebration
We share this mobilisation video for the big celebration on the 30th of June in Bremen.
At 13:00 Sielwall 38.
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- Asien
India: Latest News on the Struggle
Since the massacres of the old Indian state in Gadchiroli in late April (in the current edition of the "Red Post" can be found a detailed report and assessment of events), the reactionary press reports daily about the Maoist developments in India. The CPI (Maoist) is developing strong campaigns and activities to advance the People's War, while the reaction is desperately gathering its forces and attempting to brutally crush the rebellion with psychological warfare (especially lies, as proven through the events in Gadchiroli) and devious actions. At the moment, for example, the reaction is trying to put the masses against the masses by mobilizing tribal youth to fight the Maoists. A special unit, consisting only of tribal youth, is now supposed to join and support the CRPF, the armed forces that mainly and almost exclusively try to fight the Maoists. In addition, they decorate themselves with the fact that this special unit consists even to 33% of women. Apparently they want to pretend that they are not the oppressors they are. As they were in favor of the people and would consider women as equal, as fighters. What they want is to spruce up their image, to put the masses against the masses. They want to overshadow, that the Maoists have always mobilized tribals and women and involved them in the struggle, because they are the ones exploited and oppressed by the old Indian state and the imperialist chauvinists, they are the ones being displaced, raped, tortured and killed. And the masses will always know who really is on their side, who will bring about change and who just wants to use them, just to drop them after they have served their purpose. The masses can’t be confused. And the successes of the CPI (Maoist) confirm that. The Sukma administration in Chhatisgarh said yesterday that half of the “village panchayats” are “no-go areas” for the government due to “Left-Wing-Extremism”, as the reaction calls the People’s War in India .
About the coward attacks of the liquidators
We publish this english translation of a declaration that was sent to us:
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
About the coward attacks of the liquidators:
To the comrades of the Committee Red Flag, its militants and masses who struggle together with you for reconstituting the Communist Party of Germany, as marxist-leninist-maoist, principally maoist communist party.
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- Dokumente
"Combatendo fogo com gasolina" ou como cavar seu próprio túmulo político
Hoje recebemos o texto dos camaradas da Redação do Posição de Classe [Klassenstandpunkt] que é o presente documento. A questão dos liquidacionistas de direita é mais desenvolvida na Declaração original da Redação da Posição de Classe e também na Declaração do Comitê Bandeira Vermelha e do Partido Comunista do Equador – Sol Vermelho.
About the First of May 2018 in Berlin and the group "Jugendwiderstand"
We publish this inofficial translation of a statement of Partizan and the Red Front Collective:
Below we publish a statement by Partizan and the Red Front Collective of 18 May 2018, on the reactionary attack of the so-called "youth resistance" against the May Day demonstration in Berlin. At this point we again refer to the statement by the Red Flag Committee and the comments from Ecuador and the Ruhr.
About the 1. May 2018 in Berlin and the group "youth resistance".
Here we speak as organisations from Austria and Turkey / Kurdistan to clearly and unequivocally condemn the reactionary and insidious attack of the group "Jugendwiderstand" on the First of May demonstration in Berlin, to brand it as a reactionary manoeuvre, which took place under the eyes and tolerated by the German police against revolutionaries, anti-fascists, feminists and communists.
Greetings to the International Communist Movement in the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of the great Marx.
We document an english translation of a declaration of the Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia:
With great communist joy we celebrate the giant’s steps that the International Communist Movement has taken in the last years. The current combative May is a thermometer for this: through the whole world, we communists and revolutionaries have energetically and belligerently celebrated the First of May, international day of the working class, and the 5th of May, the bicentenary of the birth of our great master and founder of the proletarian ideology: Karl Marx.
In this milestone, and with great pride for having the comrades we have, we greet all the maoist parties and organizations throughout the world that carry People’s Wars forward or are preparing them, and advance in the task to reconstitute the Communist International with iron will. Times show what our dear Chairman Gonzalo had told before the world: maoism is starting to command the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution. And is doing so in the only possible way: combating imperialism, reaction, revisionism and all kinds of opportunism in an inseparable and implacable way.