
An informational event took place in Bremen during the international week of solidarity with the people’s war in India. The event was well received and a lot of questions were asked. The comrades were impressed by the revolutionary work of the Indian comrades.

In July 2021, the Health Care Expansion Act (GVWG) came into force, obliging care facilities to pay a tariff wage to their care staff. As of September 1, 2022, therefore, only those care facilities that pay their care staff at least the standard rate were allowed to be licensed to provide care and to bill the care insurance fund.

We hereby publish a call to a demonstration in Essen Altendorf against the gas levy coming into effect on October 1 and the price increase in general.

In Gelsenkirchen, a mural was made in honor of the Brazilian comrade José Maria Galhasi and we were sent pictures of it, which we would like to hereby document.

In many countries around the world, various organizations responded to the call of the People’s Current - Red Sun for August 30, the Day of the Detained-Disappeared. Internationally, the focus was on the demand for the living presentation of Dr. Sernas García, who was disappeared in 2018.

We are happy to announce that we have added three new websites to our link list. Two of them address the political situation and ongoing struggles in the Spanish State while the third deals with matters regarding Colombia.

On September 1, a broad alliance called for a demonstration in Essen on the occasion of this year's Anti-War Day. About 150 demonstrators marched through the city center of Essen, shouting combative slogans primarily directed against German imperialism and its role in imperialist wars worldwide.

El 30 de agosto y en los días anteriores se realizaron acciones en Bremen por el Día Internacional del Detenido-Desaparecido, a la luz de la convocatoria de la Corriente del Pueblo - Sol Rojo, México, y la campaña #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida. La declaración de los camaradas mexicanos en la que se pedía la presentación con vida del camarada Ernesto Sernas García se distribuyó por todo el mundo en este día, y muchos de los transeúntes expresaron su solidaridad con las fuerzas revolucionarias y democráticas de México, así como su rechazo y condena de las políticas genocidas del viejo Estado mexicano.