
On the occasion of the international day of Detained-Disappeared, actions with posters and leaflets were carried out on the campus of the university of Freiburg. We share pictures that were sent to us.

On the occasion of 30 august, the international day of the Detained-Disappeared, a banner was attached in front of the mexican embassy in berlin.

We are publishing an unofficial translation of a statement issued by CEBRASPO from Brazil on the occasion of 30 August.

The Brazilian Centre for Solidarity with Peoples (CEBRASPO) demands and participates in the campaign: PRESENT DR. SERNAS ALIVE!

On 10 May 2018, Dr Ernesto Sernas García, professor at the Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO), essayist, researcher, professor, activist and defender of the rights of the people, disappeared.

As part of this important campaign for justice and the life of Dr. Sernas, we express here our sincere rejection of the old Mexican state, which did nothing for the presentation of Dr. Sernas and was complicit in his disappearance.

On the occasion of August 30, the International Day of the Detained-Disappeared, a painting was made in the city of Essen using the slogans "¡Ernesto Sernas García, presentación con vida!" and "¡Porque vivo se lo llevaron, vivo lo queremos!", which we want to document here.

On the 30th of August and before, actions were carried out in Bremen for the International Day of the Detained-Disappeared, in the light of the call of the Current of the People - Red Sun, Mexico, and the campaign #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida. The Mexican comrades' statement, calling on this day around the world to present comrade Ernesto Sernas Garcia alive, was distributed, and many of the passers-by expressed their solidarity with the revolutionary and democratic forces in Mexico, as well as their disgust and condemnation of the genocidal policies of the old Mexican state.

For August 30, the "Alliance against imperialist aggression" in Hamburg called for a rally in front of the Mexican consulate. This was in support of the international campaign #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida on the international day of the arrested-disappeared. The call was answered by different revolutionary, anti-imperialist and democratic organizations.

Por el 30 de agosto la „Alianza contra la agresión imperialista“ llamó a un mítin frente al consulado mejicano en Hamburgo. Con ello se apoyó la campaña internacional #DrSernasPresentaciónConVida en el día internacional del detenido-desaparecido. El llamado fue respondido por diferentes revolucionarios, anti-imperialistas y organizaciones democráticas.

We want to publish the resolution by the meeting of anti-imperialist organisations that was held on the 20th of August. For the call click here.