
The death of Noor Mukadam in Pakistan has sparked renewed protests by women in the country. The young woman was found decapitated, tortured and wounded with stab wounds in her Islamabad home, and police arrested a man, his parents and domestic workers last week. They are all suspected of murdering the woman or helping to destroy evidence.

In the following we want to give a brief overview on some recent actions against the old Indian state, which are supposed to be carried out by the People´s Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) [CPI (Maoist)].

In the middle of July, Partizan and YDG (New Democratic Youth) held a cultural activity in the municipality of Samandağ on the Mediterranean Sea in the south of Turkey, against the displacement of the progressive culture of the people of Samandağ by the bourgeois culture. The fact that the police harassed the event could not spoil the mood of the participants who sang songs and hymns of the people.

In the following we want to give a short brief on some recent actions (suspected) carried out by the People´s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoists) [CPI(Maoists)], in the ongoing People´s War.

In the West Bank in Palestine, Israelis living illegally on Palestinian land are giving up their settlement. After years of struggle by the Palestinian inhabitants of this region, hundreds injured and several dozen dead, who resisted the Israeli settlers and faced the full brutal force of the Israeli military in return, one may claim that they have achieved their goal.

On July 05, 84-year-old Jesuit priest and democracy activist Stanislaus Lourduswamy SJ, known as Stan Swamy died in a Mumbai hospital while serving a pre-trial detention. Swamy was a well-known human rights activist who was particularly active on behalf of the Adivasis, who belong to the Dalit (untouchable) caste, and regularly denounced human rights violations by the old Indian state.

In the following we want to give a short brief on some recent actions, carried out by(suspected) combatants of the People´s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA), under the leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoists) [CPI(Maoists)] in the ongoing People´s War in India.

The Spanish daily El País has researched the development of cocaine trafficking and transport and, in the course of this, the relations between the drug cartels in Latin America and the mafia in Turkey. The result of the investigation is: "The new cocaine route goes through Turkey".