
We share this call to boycott the Quebec elections:

Boycott the Bourgeois Elections! Fight For Workers’ Power!

For the vast majority of the population, voting is useless. From one election to the next, the wealth gap continues to widen, attacks on workers are multiplying, the military budget increases, wars against the peoples of exploited countries carries on, indigenous peoples’ extreme poverty persists, and that, no matter the ruling party, whether right or “left”. The reason for this is very simple: under capitalism, despite universal suffrage, it is those who hold Capital—banks, industry, natural resources, trade, media, etc.—who decide. State and parliament, despite their democratic varnish, are in reality nothing but the apparatuses used by the bourgeoisie—the social class who owns the means of production—to maintain its domination on society. In Canada, this domination currently takes on the form of bourgeois democracy.

We publish this joint declaration of the Red Guards Collectives from the USA, which was sent to us:

Regarding the class combat of left and right lines in Germany and the incidents following May 1, 2018

It is the responsibility of revolutionaries all over the world to analyze contending ideological lines as internationalists, and we must take the position of combating centrism and rightism. In regard to the events that transpired on May 1, 2018, and the subsequent numerous statements, we have remained silent for too long. For this we are self-critical and seek to rectify this matter by staying abreast of the important struggles going on in the International Communist Movement and making our support clear and timely. In short we must learn to separate the revolutionaries from the revisionists and firmly support the revolutionaries. Both sides have made their documents available online for months, and it is through the careful study of these documents that we come to the following positions:

We publish this communique of the Red Flag Collective of Finland:

To our friends in Finland and in the international communist movement

The Red Flag Collective has held a successful reorganizing meeting, through which our organization has been cast anew. The meeting was held because the one and half year since the initiation of our activities has demonstrated the need to renew our organization as well as to sharpen our line and present it unified.

The meeting adopted a temporary program which for the first time uniformly defines our ideological basis, which is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and defines the situation and tasks internationally and in Finland. Our organization upholds this program as a most valuable guide for Finnish communists, and it orients our work as a whole, the work in which the gained development creates preconditions to uplift the program to an even higher level.


We publish this declaration of the Red Guards Austin in solidarity with Igor Mendes:

Igor Mendes, son of the Brazilian people, fighter of the international proletariat, is not alone!

a slogan painted on the walls of proletarian neighborhoods all over the world.

Who is Igor Mendes and why do we support him?

We publish this inofficial translation of a declaration from Parti Communiste Maoïste which was sent to us:


On Tuesday, July 3, Aboubakar, a young man from the popular neighborhood of Breil in Nantes was shot dead by a police officer. Because he was wanted, the cop thought he had the right to shoot him. Since then, their hierarchy has mounted a defense accusing the young man of putting the life of a cop in danger, which would justify the use of a weapon. Avalanches of testimonies from residents and residents of the Breil and even photos and videos evidences come to expose the lies of the police.

That same evening, despite the despicable attitude of the police, who did not even respect the dignity of the family, the youths went out into the street and attacked the police. Deployments of cops and gendarmes never seen were urgently sent for clashes that lasted all night. Today, these anti-riot repression devices have not ceased, the state reacts on the contrary by intensifying them.

We publish the english translation of the article which was published on A Nova Democracia website about the celebration for the 200 years of Karl Marx.

We publish the english translation of the statement of comrade Miguel Alonso originally published on Dazibao Rojo.


Following we document the transcription of the video greetings of the Poor Peasants League from Brazil as well as the People’s Women Movement that was shown at the celebration.

Greetings sent by the meeting of the National Committee of the Leagues of Poor Peasants of Brazil


The National Committee for the Leagues of Poor Peasants of Brazil greet warmly the founder of communism, master and first great jefatura of the international proletariat, Karl Marx. We send classist, combative and revolutionary greetings to this great international event and also pay our honor to the Maoist’s Parties and Organizations that worked for its realization and to all the internationalist comrades present.


The peasant women of the Women’s Popular Movement are present and united to the internationalist comrades in this great celebration. We are strongly united to our class men in all fight fronts for the Democratic, Agrarian and Anti-imperialist revolution, the New Democracy in our country and serving the World Revolution.

Long live the 200 years of the great Karl Marx!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!