
In the follwong we document the Turkish translation of the declaration of class solidarity with the Maoist  Communist Party in the French State:

 Fransa`da kararlı kitle eylemlerinde İleri! Komünist Partiyi Sınıf Mücadelesinin fırtınası içerisinde yeniden İnşa et!

Marksist – Leninist – Maoist Parti ve Örgütlerin 4. Avrupa Toplantısı

“Marksizmin gerçeği binlerce ilke içerebilir. Fakat sonunda bir cümle içerisinde özetlenebilir. İsyan etmek Meşrudur!Başkan Mao

İşçi sınıfı ve kitlelerin Fransa`da uzun soluklu fırtınalı protestoları Başkan Mao Zedong’un bu güçlü sözlerinin bir kez daha tezahürüdür. Tüm Avrupa`da ezilen ve sömürülenlere güçlü bir ilham kaynağı olarak devrim eğilimi içinde bulunduğumuz çağda ana eğilim olarak kendisini etkili bir titizlik ve güçte yansıtmakta. Bu eğilim karşısında emperyalistler ise gittikçe büyüyen bir şekilde karşıt cevap olmaya zorlanmaktadır.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Declaration of class solidarity in support of the Maoist Communist Party in the French State
IV. Meeting of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations in Europe

Forward in the determined mass protests in the French State!
Reconstruct the Communist Party in midst of the storms of class struggle!

In the following we want to share a general report from the activities which were made in various countries on the international week to support People's War in India. We found the report on


Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!


General report on the international week of actions:

„Freedom for Ajith! Support People‘s War in India!“


The international week of action for the release of Comrade Ajith and for solidarity with the People‘s War in India could have been turned into a great success! This is because of the numerous support for this campaign on an international level, the new forces, which were involved and the dynamics, which developed through this campaign. Hundreds were moved, thousands of posters were spread, tens of thousands of leaflets were distributed, hundreds of thousands masses were reached! After the coordinated solidarity work with the People‘s War in India has declined slightly in the last years, especially in Europe, an impulse was set now, in order to emphasize again more strongly the concernment and demands within this work in the spirit of decisive internationalism, to spread it within the masses and to develop this work more strong and powerful in the future.

The banner of solidarity ranged from Brazil to the Balkans, from Austria to Galizia, from Germany over Italy and Belgium to France! Everywhere internationalism and the justified demands and concerns was upheld in the middle of class struggle. The campaign for the Support of People‘s War in India, which is led by the Communist Party of India (maoist) and for the release of Comrade Ajith, was upheld in important demonstrations and peoples gatherings in Brazil and discussed in a meeting of the Women‘s Popular Movement (MFP). In Austria as well there have been special interventions by using the materials and the call of the campaign within activities of the women's movement following the 8th of March (as well as there were activities, which were realized partial together by different internationalist and anti-imperialist forces). These examples show us, that the force of the women‘s struggle was very important, to make great contributions to the success of this campaign! The demands and concerns of the international campaign were also upheld within the present class struggles in France, whereby the campaign was directly carried into these significant struggles of the proletariat and the masses. With the spreading of the international call for the campaign by antifascist forces in Bulgaria, it was the first time, that an international campaign on the People‘s War, led by the CPI(maoist), and for the release of Comrade Ajith has been supported within the Balkans, which means to be a significant enhancement! The Galizian Committee to Support People's War in India made an important work with supporting and spreading the international call, with participating in activities an in addition, activities were carried out in Belgium through its important initiative. In Belgium, or rather Brussels, the formally capital of the imperialist alliance of European Union, the posters of the campaign were put up in public, which is an important signal to the anti-imperialist and internationalist forces. As well the fact, that the call was spread in Germany and activities have taken place there, which connected the concern of the campaign with the concerns of imprisoned Turkish revolutionaries in Germany, which underlines the internationalist spirit of the campaign. In various countries new forces were mobilized through the activities of this internationalist campaign, which shows a good work of the supporting and performing forces within the masses. These are only short extracts of the successful campaign. The numerous activities in various countries expressed a eminently combative character within and through demonstrations, speeches, gatherings and graffiti, which casts no doubt, that the further development of this work can be seized with new strength.

It is nearly impossible to sum up the variety of activities which have been made on an international level within the campaign, in a short report. Hence we want to present a big photo gallery, as well as various sources. Obviously it is the most powerful campaign to support People‘s War in India and for the release of Comrade Ajith since a long period of time. We see, that the proposal to carry out such a campaign was absolutely correct, we see that it is wrong, to hold tight on the old and known conservatively and that this campaign has taken a path, which has to serve us as a good example for the future, from which we should not step back. The campaign was successful because it made a firm connection between supporters and participants possible, which will be important for the future of this work. The campaign was a progress especially because it marks a success against the Indian and international counter-revolution, against imperialism and hindu-fascism. It emphasized the Support of the New Democratic Revolution in India, for the Peoples War lead by the CPI(maoist) and upraised loud and clearly the call of the immediate and unconditional release of Comrade Ajith!

Freedom for Ajith!

Freedom for all Political Prisoners in India!

Support People‘s War in India!

Long live international solidarity! Lal Salam!




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Following we document an International Call for Solidarity with Cormade Ajith and the peoples war in India. The call is also available in Portuguese, German and French language. The call was first published on There you can also find the poster in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Persian, Bulgarian, German and Turkish language.


Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!


Freedom for Ajith! Support People‘s War in India!


„The people’s war has now been raised to the position of a countrywide recognized revolutionary pole, a pole that stands in total opposition to the counter-revolutionary pole of the ruling classes and imperialism. The ruling classes, who were dismissing it till recently as insignificant, are now forced to acknowledge it as the biggest internal threat they face.“

- Communist Party of India (M-L) Naxalbari: „Message to the International Conference to Support People‘s War in India, Hamburg“


„Comrade Murali’s [Ajith‘s] arrest in particular is one of the biggest losses suffered by our Party and the Central Committee.“

- Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (maoist): Declaration of 16-05-2015


India is not, as the imperialists like to proclaim it, the "world's largest democracy", but a peoples dungeon[prison] of enormous proportions. US imperialism, as well as some European imperialists, rule over India through bureaucratic capitalism and also conserve feudalism to a great extent. The fact that the imperialists are talking about „democracy“ in the face of the genocide perpetrated daily in India, the ruin of innumerable peasants, the caste system, the murder of women, the genocide of the Adivasi and many more examples, shows clearly what imperialists mean when they talk about „democracy“. The plundering and oppression of the masses of India is fueled by numerous resistance, a multitude of struggles: militant peasant movements, people's struggles against nuclear power stations and repression, national liberation struggles and large workers strikes show this to the progressive and anti imperialist forces of the whole world. However, as "the greatest threat to India's internal security" the Indian government described the People's War, led by the Communist Party of India (maoist). The CPI(maoist) leads with People's War the New Democratic Revolution, which smashes the old state apparatus and brings the liberation from imperialism and bondage.

Through the "Operation Green Hunt" and the counterinsurgency method "Hearts and Minds", both of which mean genocide, the ruling classes try to isolate the CPI(maoist) and to suffocate the People's War in the blood of the masses. No matter how furiously they strike out, they do not succeed! The CPI(maoist) and the masses became more and more connected, and the people's war beats deep roots in the masses, who stand firmly by the side of the New Democratic Revolution. The deep attachment of the Party to the masses and the steadfastness with which it leads the revolution, the people's war, set great example and hope for revolutionary forces throughout the world. In the context of the crisis beginning from 2008, the imperialists increasingly promoted the Hindu-fascist policy they supported in order to step up their fight against the mass movements and, above all, the people's war. These plans suffered a defeat, because on May 1, 2014, the CPI (M-L) Naxalbari, whose spokesman Comrade Ajith was, joined the CPI(maoist), which emerged itself in 2004 at the 9th Party Congress / Unity Congress from the merge of two parties.

This merger was a great leap in the striving of the workers, peasants, and oppressed masses for a single leading center of the New Democratic Revolution. At this historic step, Comrade Ajith played a prominent role and became a member of the Central Committee of the CPI(maoist). For almost forty-five years, Comrade Ajith, who joined the revolutionary movement in 1976, has been playing an important role in it internationally and in India. He fought tirelessly against a lot of anti-Marxist deviations, he led the publication of numerous documents and periodical publications. Through his translation work, he also opened the possibility for revolutionary and anti imperialist forces of the world to gain a better understanding of the New Democratic Revolution in India. In May 2015, the rulers were able to imprison Comrade Ajith, but this imprisonment sparked an international wave of solidarity with Comrade Ajith and the People's War in India. His imprisonment is part of the counter-revolutionary warfare against the popular masses in India, a furious blow of Hindu-fascism against the New Democratic Revolution. Those who at that time of the situation of the imprisonment began calling the party‘s unification „failed“, spreading counter-revolutionary pessimism and unprincipled criticism, turned out to be allies of the reaction. Comrade Ajith showed by his example that these forces have no ground under their feet. Even under the harsh conditions of detention, Comrade Ajith was not broken and even found methods and ways to complete a previously started translation work. Comrade Ajith's health, who had a heart surgery a few years earlier, has severely got worse under fascist imprisonment conditions, with no provision for adequate care, torture and the toughest detention conditions have still remained intact. Comrade Ajith is due to be released on bail in the foreseeable future. But this method has been used by the ruling classes of India several times against imprisoned revolutionaries: they are released as a short-term concession to the solidarity movements on high bail from prison, only to detain them shortly after again. This approach shows that the solidarity work with the political prisoners, which is done in India and also internationally, could already develop a certain strength. The ruling classes try to confront this strength with their vicious tactics. Their action is part of the attempts to break the prisoners, part of the psychological warfare that pursues the goal of the final annihilation and murder of the revolutionaries.

These sinister plans are to be condemned with determination and all the democratic, revolutionary and anti imperialist forces of the world are resolutely opposing to them! We call to raise the loud and clear demand on the 18th of March, the International Day of Political Prisoners, for the immediate and unconditional release of Comrade Ajith! We defend Comrade Ajith, who put his whole life in the service of the CPI(maoist) and People's War, the New Democratic Revolution. The struggle against imperialism is justified and requires international solidarity and solid support. Signatory organizations and initiatives will take up this common cause through actions in the week around March 18, setting a powerful impulse for the spread and expansion of solidarity with the People's War in India!

Freedom for Ajith!
Freedom for all political prisoners in India!
Support the People's War in India!
Long live international solidarity! Lal Salam!

Committee to Support People‘s War in India, Austria

Galician Committee to Support People's War in India

International Committee to Support People’s War in India

Partizan Europe

Maoist Communist Party (France)

[additional supporters will be added]

In the following we document the translation of the International Leaflet for the 8th of March into Chinese:

















In the following we document the translation of the international leaflet in Danish that is currently distributed in streets of Copenhagen in preparation for the 8th of March:

Proletarisk Feminisme for Kommunismen!

De regerende imperialister hævder at undertrykkelsen af kvinder i Vesteuropa er et problem der for det meste er løst. De såkaldte »højrepopulisters« åbenlyst racistiske kræfter hævder, at problemet hører til det muslimske fællesskab. Småborgerlige »teoretikere« reducerer undertrykkelsen af kvinder til et spørgsmål om »identitetspolitik«. Revisionister og opportunister følger trop og fortæller om »sexisme« og sidestiller undertrykkelsen af kvinder med undertrykkelsen af LGBTQ personer. Alt dette fungerer som en distraktion for at skjule den reelle situation, det faktum at undertrykkelse og udnyttelse af kvinder er et udtryk for patriarkatet, som opstod med fremkomsten af den private ejendomsret og derfor kan patriarkatet kun afskaffes når den private ejendomsret bliver afskaffet.

Proletários de todos os países, uni-vos!

Feminismo Proletário pelo Comunismo!

Os imperialistas dominantes clamam que a opressão da mulher na Europa ocidental é um assunto em geral resolvido. As forças abertamente racistas dos chamados “populistas de direita” clamam que o problema é algo pertencente à comunidade muçulmana. “Teóricos” burgueses reduzem a opressão à mulher a uma questão de “política identitária”. Revisionistas e oportunistas fazem o mesmo e falam de “sexismo” e iguala a opressão à mulher com o preconceito contra pessoas LGBTQ. Tudo isso serve como cortina de fumaça para esconder a situação real, o fato de que a opressão e exploração da mulher é uma expressão do patriarcado que apareceu com o surgimento da propriedade privada e somente pode ser abolida com o desaparecimento do mesmo.

A opressão e exploração da mulher de forma alguma desapareceu na Europa ocidental, assim como não desapareceu em lugar nenhum no mundo. Pelo contrário, mulheres são pior pagas que homens ao fazer o mesmo tipo de trabalho e ainda precisam carregar o peso do trabalho reprodutivo, socialmente indispensável. As mulheres estão sujeitas à violência patriarcal em todo lugar e estão sendo mortas aos milhares por machos no que é chamado cinicamente de “violência doméstica”. O assassinato, estupro e molestamento de mulheres estão por toda parte e agora os imperialistas estão lançando a ofensiva contra os direitos conquistados pelas mulheres e a classe operária e mesmo tentando tirar o direito ao aborto, usando a mais reacionária propaganda.

Os ataques a mulher imigrante e em particular às mulheres de fé islâmica são uma parte sinistra das tentativas de dividir a classe operária e justificar a agressão imperialista contra os países oprimidos. É parte da campanha para pintar a reação imperialista como “civilização” e reviver o velho e podre conceito colonial de “fardo de homem branco”. Os “populistas de direita” não dão a mínima para as mulheres serem liberadas das ideologias semifeudais e reacionárias, o que eles querem impor é seu chauvinismo nacional.

Todo o conceito de “política identitária” é idealismo e parte da ofensiva contrarrevolucionária geral contra o marxismo. Fomos ditos que a realidade material, a luta de classes e contradições fundamentais no mundo atual são secundárias, deveríamos acreditar que não há verdades e tudo é uma questão de sentimentos subjetivos e pessoais. Eles clamam que não há ideologia científica e tudo é um “constructo”. É a negação absoluta do materialismo dialético. De acordo com esse critério as conversas sobre “sexismo”, como se a opressão e exploração das mulheres fosse meramente uma questão de ideias. e não inseparável da propriedade privada, é falsa e reduz a opressão patriarcal à mulher ao mesmo nível que os homens que sofrem devido as suas preferências sexuais.

A opressão às pessoas LGTBQ é secundário à opressão e exploração das mulheres, mas sua raiz está no mesmo patriarcado. Há uma tendência chauvinista entre certos oportunistas, enfrentar “politica identitária” com obreirismo, economicismo e chauvinismo descarado. Maoistas e feministas proletárias unem fileiras e buscam organizar todos aqueles oprimidos pelo patriarcado e enfrentar chauvinismo contra tais grupos.

As mulheres constituem ao menos a metade da classe operária e são duplamente oprimidas e exploradas em relação aos seus irmãos de classe. É indispensável desenvolver uma linha com consciência de classe no movimento feminino, uma linha feminista proletária que ideologicamente, politicamente e organicamente aplaste as linhas burguesas e pequeno-burguesas explicitamente considere a luta pela emancipação da mulher como decisiva e parte indispensável da luta pela emancipação da classe operária. Sem a luta pela emancipação da mulher não pode haver luta pelo comunismo. Sem a luta pelo comunismo não pode haver luta real para a emancipação da mulher. Portanto a consigna “Feminismo Proletário pelo Comunismo” dá a correta orientação básica para os marxistas-leninistas-maoistas no movimento feminino.

Onda após Onda, Golpe após Golpe – Contra o imperialismo e o Patriarcado

Hoje não há um movimento feminista proletário internacional forte e a principal razão é a falta de Partidos Comunistas Marxistas-Leninitsas-Maoistas na maioria dos países do mundo e mesmo na Europa, que gere tal movimento nos diferentes países. Então a tarefa principal na situação atual para qualquer um que queira lutar pela verdadeira emancipação da mulher é contribuir de toda forma possível para a reconstituição de Partidos Comunistas.

Uma vez que a luta pela reconstituição de Partidos Comunistas não pode ser travada em outro lugar senão em meio a luta de classes e a luta de duas linhas na base da justa e correta linha ideológica e politica marxista-leninista-maoista desde o princípio da mobilização, politização e organização das mulheres, particularmente as mulheres das massas amplas e profundas, é parte decisiva do mesmo. O Partido Comunista é destacamento de vanguarda do proletariado e deve ser formado de líderes que representem o verdadeiro interesse da classe e das massas amplas e profundas, os mais oprimidos e explorados. Qualquer conversa de reconstituir o Partido Comunista sem promover e desenvolver o movimento feminista proletário de forma planificada e sistemática é uma farsa. Qualquer posição que não o faça desde o princípio é uma posição revisionista. Qualquer estrutura que se proclame comunista mas não luta luta para promover aqueles que possuem o interesse mais direto na luta pelo comunismo em suas próprias fileiras não pode ser considerada comunista. A vanguarda do proletariado necessita quantas mulheres líderes, quadros e militantes quanto o possível, e quanto mais este o tenha, o melhor ele é.

O movimento feminista proletário deve representar o interesse da mulher operária, a mulher das massas amplas e profundas, deve ser desenvolvido em seu meio e não pode ter seu foco principal nas universidades ou clubes de debates. Deve ser desenvolvido nos locais de trabalho, nos bairros proletários e nas ruas, ao compreender os problemas reais das massas e dar a elas a orientação correta em como resolvê-los, gerando as formas de organização e luta para fazê-lo e desenvolvendo sua luta diária a serviço da luta pela conquista do poder para o proletariado, o que hoje significa pavimentar o caminho em todo nível para o início da Guerra Popular. O movimento feminista proletário deve se manter ombro a ombro com as mulheres operárias que lutam por seus direitos a salários iguais, com as mães solteiras que lutam desesperadamente todo dia para alimentar seus filhos, com as mulheres muçulmanas que são atacadas por chauvinistas pela forma que se vestem e por defender seu direito a usar as roupas que preferirem, com as mulheres idosas que não sobrevivem com suas pensões, com as mulheres que são sujeitas a violência patriarcal e todas as outras que sofrem formas de opressão e exploração do imperialismo e patriarcado, as ensinar como lutar e como defender seus interesses. O movimento feminista proletário deve desfraldar, defender a aplicar o marxismo-leninismo-maoismo, principalmente o maoismo, para resolver as tarefas pendentes que enfrenta em cada país, aprendendo das experiências das lutas operárias, populares e femininas por todo o mundo e particularmente aprendendo das mulheres comunistas que estão nas primeiras fileiras das Guerras Populares atuais. Deve avançar, servindo a luta pela reconstituição de Partidos Comunistas e a construção da Frente Única para a revolução proletária, pela ditadura do proletariado, em ondas e dando golpes duros e precisos no inimigo.

Este ano os Marxistas-Leninistas-Maoistas na Europa conjuntamente desfraldamos nossas atividades em torno do dia 8 de março sob estas consignas, Feminismo Proletário pelo Comunismo! E Onda após Onda, Golpe após Golpe – contra o imperialismo e o patriarcado!. O fazemos com a intenção de desenvolver mais o movimento feminista proletário europeu e para desencadear mais a fúria das mulheres como uma força poderosa para a revolução mundial proletária

Por uma linha de classe no movimento feminino!
Para as ruas no dia 8 de março!
Adiante Mulheres Vermelhas!

Comitês de Mulheres Vermelhas (Áustria)
Comitês de Mulheres Vermelhas (RFA)
Servir ao Povo – Liga Comunista (Noruega)
Movimento Popular Peru (Comitê de Reorganização)
Coletivo Bandeira Vermelha (Finlândia)

Proletarians of all countries, unite!


We address our class, the international proletariat, and peoples of the world to condemn, smash, mark by fire and with deep class hatred reject the direct and shameless intervention of Yankee imperialism, single hegemonic superpower, world great counterrevolutionary gendarme and principal enemy of the peoples of the world, against the nation, against the people of Venezuela.

At this new direct aggression, Yankee imperialism applies a state coup to impose a puppet government in Venezuela. It is a plan of Yankee imperialism; it comes into play with the self-proclamation as temporary president by its puppet, the president of the suspended Legislative Assembly, Juan Guaidó, who was immediately acknowledged as the “legitimate” president of the country by the arch-reactionary and genocidal government of Trump-Pence and making an ultimatum to the operating government of Nicolás Maduro for him to hand over the temporary government; intimidating him, in case the imperialist rule is not followed, it will use all power and violence of the superpower establishing the capitulation of the current government of Maduro to favor the temporary government as “causas belium”. Which means, either capitulation of the oppressed country of the imperialist war of aggression, does not matter the form that the military intervention adopts.

This direct aggression of Yankee imperialism, headed by Trump-Pence, to change the government of Venezuela for a Yankee puppet one would imply the change of the semi-colonial situation of Venezuela into a colonial one. These imperialists, in the name of the struggle against “dictatorship” and for “democracy and freedom” intend to submit the Venezuelan people to colonial slavery. It constitutes the most shameless intimidation, interference, control and aggression by the United States against an oppressed nation of the Third World violating the national independence, the national sovereignty and dignity of the country and in the international juridical order that is an expression of its world hegemony – the ONU letter, or the OEA, etc.

Imperialism allows itself to act in a presumptive and shameless form against a formally independent country through its condition of single hegemonic superpower and self-appointed world gendarme; because it is the principal imperialism that imposes its semi-colonial rule over Venezuela as well as the other countries of Latin America, principal base of its world domination (backyard), a situation that was deepened during the years of the current regime of Chávez-Maduro; who, as representatives of the big bureaucratic bourgeoisie of its country, despite their discourse and secondary contradictions with the successive governments that USA has increasingly submitted the country to the economic rule of Yankee imperialism through its principal and practically only exportation product, oil, while associating to its direct foreign investment and increasing its financial dependence from Wall Street. However they further opened the country to the penetration of other imperialist powers, did not break with Yankee imperialism, then trying to ride two horses. Increasing the imperialist contend for the exploitation of the country and turning Venezuela an increasingly sharpened inter-imperialist contend arena

Now, more than ever, the New Democracy revolution that put an end to imperialism domination, to semifeudality and bureaucratic capitalism, which means the three mountains that oppresses the people, demands for its concretion through the People’s War led by the proletariat through its militarized marxist-leninist-maoist Communist Party.

The current regime in Venezuela was established in February 2, 1999, while riding on the struggle of the masses against the so called privatization and the “packages” that the previous governments of the comprador faction attempted to impose. The fury of the masses that was expressed in “Caracazo” (1989) has momentarily obstructed the desires of the comprador, principally linked to USA, to completely take everything the landlord-bureaucratic state had accumulated for decades.

Now, with the deepening of the crisis of the country, the Yankee imperialists and the lackeys at their service, the moment has come to further completely appropriate the great riches of the country through the imposition of a puppet government: aiming the oil of Venezuela in the first place, the biggest reserve of the world, and to get advantage of the excellent conditions that this country offers for the exploitation by the imperialist finance capital. By establishing its colonial slavery through a puppet government, the Yankee imperialists would not share the economical monopoly over Venezuela with many other imperialists (semicolonial character), but would establish its exclusive imperialist economic monopoly over the country (colonial character).

Just how it has always been, it is the people who has to defend the country. The Venezuelan people has to broadly mobilize in order to prevent the danger of capitulation that is expressed by the representatives of Maduro government as the tendency to commitment, which has been openly or hiddenly expressed by those who fear the power of imperialism and consequently propose the inevitable subjugation of the nation, because they do not trust in the power of the people and the solidarity of the peoples of the world.

For the revolutionaries, imperialism is a colossus with clay feet, paper tiger and the guns are not decisive, but men, the masses. Other ones put their hopes to overcome the threat of colonial subjugation of the country, principally in the foreign help from another superpower, Russia (the skinny dog) or the Chinese social-imperialists, through economic help, weapons, etc. or through diplomatic mediation. The last one is linked to the doubt these people have regarding if the enemy will attack: some consider it a probability, other say there is no chance.

On their part, the Yankee imperialists, through their representatives, have declared that the politics of the USA regarding Venezuela is established. Whoever imagine that it is possible a deal with USA that do not imply the capitulation of the government of the country and the handing over of independence and sovereign of Venezuela, only live illusion. The national security advisor of Trump, Bolton, let an official document where is demonstrated that they are mobilizing for direct military aggression be shown: “deploy 5.000 troops to Colombia”. Furthermore, just like in the wars of the Middle East, the imperialist powers act in collusion and contend with the Yankees to drive Maduro into capitulation. The German government has demanded the immediate venue of “free and fair” elections and has indicated that is willing to acknowledge Guaidó temporarily as the leader of the puppet state as long as those primary elections are summoned. The same with England, France, Spain, etc.

It corresponds to the government of Venezuela to reject the capitulation and let all commitment policy aside, the political situation entered the stage of preparation for the national resistance against the imperialist aggression, they have to assume the challenge and mobilize and broadly arm the people, as well as the armed forces in order to safeguard the national independence, the national sovereign and the territorial integrity to dedicate them in a hard national resistance war against the foreign aggression.

Maduro government, demonstrating political myopia, took long time to recognize that they were facing a state coup that was applied by imperialism through its lackeys, considering central the main responsibility in the “opposition” as it was an internal affair, which means, in the functionaries and not the employer; facing the action of Trump government to impose the puppet government, acknowledging Guairó as the “temporary president”, they announced the break with diplomatic relations with USA, etc, which they clarified it did not mean a break with the USA but only with its government; they did not dispose of the mobilization of all the forces of the nation to face imperialism aggression as it should have been done with the military mobilization of their forces and the masses; neither immediately applying the punishment measures against the lackeys that have carried out all sort of crimes against the Venezuelan people to serve Yankee imperialism.

Despite the change of the internal and external situation that are determined by the direct imperialist aggression, they intend to keep maneuvering without the energy, decision and wholeness, speaking of “dialogue”, of “peace”. In similar situations, despite having the same class limitations than Maduro, others have dared and elected the path of resistance.

It corresponds to the proletariat and the people to put an end in all the talks that impedes a more forceful rejection to the imperialist ultimatum and the adequate preparation for the resistance, to oppose the military aggression to the invincible Resistance War against Yankee imperialism.

The proletariat and the people from Venezuela, combative as always, is uprising with a great patriotic feeling and deep hatred to imperialism and all its lackeys in the country and abroad with which demands the government of Maduro to reject the capitulation, that they fulfill their duty and abandon any hope that centering on dialogue with the lackeys or diplomatic treaties with the imperialists would make them abandon their ongoing plan.

It corresponds to the proletariat of Venezuela, the most advanced within them, the Maoists, to uphold the slogan of forging a broad anti-imperialist national united single front; to merge with the workers, peasants, petty bourgeois, national bourgeois and members of all other classes that are willing to face the imperialist aggressor and its lackeys excepting a handful of traitors, it corresponds to actively impulse the general taking up of arms by the people in the countryside and the city to prepare for a broad war of resistance, as armed struggle, striving to lead it and struggle to reconstitute their Communist Party along the course, as a militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Party, to transform the armed struggle of resistance into People’s War of national liberation. It corresponds to the maoists to prepare the application of a broad guerrilla warfare that takes the countryside as principal and the cities as necessary complement.

It corresponds to unite to all of those who does not want to be slaves of the United States, all those who are for conquering true independence, national sovereign and dignity of the country, all those who refuse to submit to intimidations, interference, control and aggression from the Yankee imperialists. With all those, it corresponds to unite and mobilize them while opposing the calls for conciliation, peace or privileging negotiations before resolutely acting to smash the Yankee imperialism aggression that started to develop under the form of state coup at the moment.

As representatives of the proletariat and of its blooming vanguard, it corresponds to the Maoists, from the principle of the independence and self-determination, to apply unity and struggle with other forces that started to form the people in the current political situation, where the contradiction nation-imperialism is becoming principal. It is necessary to demand to meticulously proceed to reform the system that is enforced in the army and the political system by widening democracy, develop the independent mass movement, put in motion the education for the national defense, repress the lackeys and other collaborationists, develop war industry and improve the life conditions of the people.

It is presented as utmost importance to raise the resistance program, which is of protracted nature in the current conditions. The resistance war of the people must point out into building a true Revolutionary Power (the New Power) and not the falsification of socialism of the 21th century, which has frustrated the people so much, but if the Power of a New Democracy on each part of the resistance, until expelling the invading enemy and smash all their worms and lackeys, for their establishing on all countries.

The peoples of Latin America, in order to safeguard the national independence and national sovereign, have the order to carry out the struggle “blow by blow” against the aggressive and genocidal Yankee imperialism, principal enemy of the peoples of the world.

The direct intervention of Yankee imperialism has begun with a state coup followed by a whole deployment and siege of forces to make Maduro government capitulate and subjugate the nation, it will not be stopped there if the objectives are not achieved, this increases on all fields until we reach their objectives and this is why it awakes and will awake a new wave against Yankee imperialism among the peoples of Latin America and the world.

It corresponds to the signing Parties and Organizations to assume the role of giving organizational expression to this new anti-imperialist wave, combating imperialism and it servants and lackeys on each country. We need to develop a broad and energetic world campaign to support the Venezuelan people against the Yankee imperialist aggression.

You, heroic Venezuelan people, there is no place for doubts, you are not alone on your struggle. The proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world are together to the people of Venezuela. You have the support of the proletariat of United States and Canada, from the proletariat of the imperialist countries of Europe and Asia, and from all peoples of Latin America, Asia, Africa, to support the peoples of the whle world.

Facing the direct aggression of Yankee imperialism to Venezuela and the peoples of South America, it is up to our peoples to raise in revolution and face the imperialist war of aggression with more People’s War.

Venezuela and all Latin America will be the tombstone of the Yankee imperialist hordes!

Venezuelan people, renounce illusions and prepare for resistance!

Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers!

The struggle of the peoples of the world against Yankee imperialism will win!


Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun

Peru People’s Movement (Reorganization Committee)

Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction)

Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile

Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Colombia


Building Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galiza

Committee Red Flag - FRG

Maoist Communist Party of Italy

Revolutionary Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico

Committees for the Foundation of the (Maoist) Communist Party - Austria

Maoist Communist Party (France)

New Communist Party (under foundation) - Tunisia