
In the following, we document the english translation of the message of the comrades of the Red Front Collective from Austria send to the celebration.


Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Long live Proletarian Dictatorship!
Hold high the teachings of great Karl Marx!

We salute with great enthusiasm the successful international celebration on occasion of the 200th birthday of the great Karl Marx! Specially we want to thank the organisation committee, which took up the effort and the exertions in the spirit of proletarian internationalism to give the possibility for turning this day into a wonderful celebration of the communists and revolutionaries from different countries of the world!

In May 1818, this year 200 years ago, the titan of the proletariat, the father of scientific socialism, the great Karl Marx was born! We want to honor this protagonist of the world proletariat and hold up high his mighty red banner!

As son of an forced converted Jewish lawyer, Karl Marx experienced since his childhood the oppression by the reaction of feudal Germany and by the young bourgeoisie as well. The rising capitalism, the spreading revolutionary and democratic movements and the upcoming modern proletariat, spurred the young Karl Marx in his struggle against a world full of exploitation, perfidy, misery and oppression. Karl Marx realised quickly, that it are the masses, whose struggle carries forward history. Not by accident he addressed important parts of his early work just those lowest and broadest masses, which had to „thieve“ the wood out of the forest, belonging to the princes and aristocracy, to not freeze to death during winter. Further it was no one less than Karl Marx, who achieved as young revolutionary the first scientific, materialist document against antisemitism.

Already in 1843, so with just 25 years, he had to go in exile because of the persecution by the reaction, in which he had to live for 40 years, until his death with 65 years. In exile he got together again with other persecuted and hunted revolutionaries, he joined with all of his strength the struggles of the most forwarded forces of his time and took actively part in the debates about the way of the revolutionary movement this time. In this struggles and debates an livelong consisting relationship with Friedrich Engels as comrades in arms was forged. Persecuted and defamed, the giant Karl Marx was  flagellated by sickness, poverty and misery, here we want to remind, that for example only three of his seven children reached an grownup age. But the titan Karl Marx accepted all of it for developing and forward his work in the duty of the world proletariat. The main part of his works, examples like from the „Holy Family“ to the „German Ideology“ and the „Manifesto of the Communist Party“ up to the „Capital“ will be sufficient here, emerged under this hard conditions in Paris, Brussels and London. Although not all conditions for the historical determinant victory of the proletariat matured in the Epoch of rising capitalism, mighty Karl Marx was always an leading participant in the political struggles of his time. Thusly he founded 1846 in Brussels the Communist Corresponding-Committee, with what he aimed to assembly the revolutionary proletariat in Europe. He developed an active international work, answered question from workers of different countries, drew up directives and instructions in form of circular letters and showed unendingly patience and strength for imposing an proletarian class standpoint within the revolutionary circles in that time and to lead it to victory. Still in the same year the great Karl Marx and his loyal companion Friedrich Engels got members of the „League of the Just“, which developed threw their insistent work and formed into the „Communist League“. Here the mighty slogan „Proletarians of all countries, unite!“ got put on the eternal victorious red banner, which lead the communists until today.

Despising reconciliation, liberalism and sectarianism, bourgeois and petty bourgeois socialism, Karl Marx as first classic, led an epic struggle and formed in it the historically first form of the Communist Party. Armed with a programm, the document of the birth of communism, the „Manifesto of the Communist Party“, no one other than Karl Marx in person, founded based on these struggles with the First International Workers Association also the First International. Its short existence for only nine years does not reduce its historical greatness, if we see, which glorious place the great proletarian leader Karl Marx gave to it in the international arena of class struggle, how wise he navigated it in the storms of the Paris Commune, what broad analyses and revolutionary synthesis he concluded from the Commune and with that finally imposed the doctrine of Proletarian Dictatorship in the ranks of the communists. Inseparably linked with that was for Karl Marx always the struggle for unleashing the revolutionary violence as only consequent answer to the reaction, this is why he taught the proletariat, that only threw the revolutionary civil war it will gain the abilities for the use, leadership and exertion of the political power: „15, 20, 50 years of civil wars and peoples wars lie ahead of you, not only for changing the existing conditions, but also for changing yourselves and to make you capable for political rule.“

Karl Marx gave the proletariat its scientific world view, he teaches us in his eternal work the endless willingness to make sacrifices for the world proletariat, he teach us the need of the Party and the International, he guides us the way for practicing socialism scientifically and to always, in every question, hold tight the proletarian standpoint and marching forward to the proletarian dictatorship threw revolutionary civil war, today peoples war.

How true the teachings of Karl Marx are, was proven in the 20th century with the Great Socialist October Revolution and the Sowjet Union under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, with the Chinese Revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution under the leadership of chairmen Mao Zedong and is proven today by the peoples wars as the strategic axis of the Proletarian World Revolution.

200 years ago Karl Marx was born! His work, like the teachings of the Paris Commune, „are eternally burning in the heart of the proletariat“. The world proletariat will finally march forward to the classless and nationless society, to communism. Even though the mighty Karl Marx developed his teaching in the epoch of rising capitalism, his teaching are alive in the current epoch on the third, highest and last stage, on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, therefore is determinant for the proletarian way until communism, the emancipation of humanity. Hence the banner of Karl Marx is waving mighty and uncompromising. Hence the titan Karl Marx lives on also 200 years after is birth in the struggles of the proletariat in the whole world!

Celebrate the birth of the glorious, great Karl Marx!
Hold high the teaching of the first leader of the wold proleatiat, of mighty Karl Marx!
Long live the Communist Party and the International!
Eternal glory to the victorious Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Red Front Collective, Austria

We publish the english translation of the very important statement of the Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction) that was sent to us.



Proletarians of all countries, unite!



On the incidents of the 1st of May in Berlin, internationalism and the two lines struggle for the unity of the International Communist Movement


To the International Communist Movement, the proletarian revolutionaries in Germany and the anti-imperialists in the whole world:

In the 1st of May, the so called “Jugendwiderstand” [“Youth Resistance”] (JW) deliberately attacked revolutionary activists during the march of the 1st of May in Berlin. The activists who were attacked were part of the Internationalist Block and carried scarfs and banners of the World Campaign for the 200 years of the Great Karl Marx, with the slogan of “Proletarians of all countries, unite!”. These are the same activists that for a long time, both in Germany and abroad, have been in the front of the International Campaign of Support for the People’s War in India and actions to support the People’s War in India, Peru, Philippines and Turkey, as well as to the revolutionary struggle in Brazil and Latin America.

This incident did not result from a heated political debate that could cross the limits, but was a surprise and coward action of aggression, without any justification, against revolutionary militants. It is a grave fact that sinisterly converges with the imperialist reaction, because it happened precisely when the imperialist German state had unleashed a hateful witch hunt, that is still going on, against the revolutionaries who were accused of violent actions during the G20 summit in Hamburg-Germany in July 2017.

We consider this a grave problem for all the democratic revolutionary movement in general and the communist revolutionary movement in particular, from which a clear position is demanded by all the true communists and revolutionary democrats. Since its happening we reject and crush such attitudes and we reserved a greater time in order to, based on the close examination of the information and public declarations presented by the organizations that were directly involved, publicly speak.

The attacked activists are part of the growing revolutionary movement in Germany, within which a hard and incontrovertible two lines struggle for the necessary, pending, late and great task of reconstituting the Communist Party of Germany is being waged. A struggle and task that are inseparable part of the struggle for the future reconstitution of the Communist International, together with the intense struggle of the marxist-leninist-maoist Parties and organizations of Europe, Asia and Latin America. This whole revolutionary movement in Germany is part of and represents true internationalism, proletarian internationalism.

As the Committee Red Flag – CRF from Germany clearly exposed on the happenings, the “JW”, under the direct and personal command of its leader, used the situation in which the Maoists from Berlin were participating in the demonstration to launch a physical aggression against them. It is important to reproduce their description and understanding of the reason of this hysteria:

“Our comrades participated in the 18 o’clock demonstration in Berlin with the mentioned front in the international block. There are very different forces active in this demonstration, which always mobilises around 10.000 people. It is not a demonstration led by communists. The people, who organise this demonstration are no people whom we seriously expect to challenge this state, to put it very diplomatically. But it is a demonstration, where the masses want to fight; where revolutionarists want to fight; where the communists have to be to bring the clear voice of the proletariat in this cacophony, this chaos. And this is what the comrades have done. They achieved a spontaneous participation of the masses. The enthusiasm of the masses about the banner of 200 Years Karl Marx meant, that our comrades need not carry it, but gave it into the hands of the masses. And one of them made a very expressive remark. When the comrades asked: Are you not tired, comrade, don’t you want to hand away the banner?, he responded: I will not give away this banner for all my life. This is the work of the Maoists in Berlin.”

“This provoked the right liquidationists to deadly hatred. This breed of rats walked behind the rows of the police. The rows, which separate the demonstration from the pedestrians. Then the head of this gang gave the direct order to attack. They stormed through the rows of the police. Of course they have not been hindered by the reactionary state. They specifically targeted the masses of the International Collective Berlin. These wretches have threatened comrades under the operative leadership of their head’s minion. They told the comrades not to do activities in Neukölln, because it would be, in their neanderthalian phrasing, “our hood”. Then, before the masses could mobilise their answer, the rats retreated protected by German police.” …. “In consequence: These breed of rats, who always fled from open ideological and political struggle, who never wrote any document of criticsm against the proletarian vanguard in formation in the FRG, started to attack comrades physically by mobilising lumpen thugs.”

“Why is this bunch doing such an attack now? They do so, in order to hide their roaring failure. Nobody shall talk about the fact that their so called 13 o’clock demonstration was a roaring failure. Since they have begun this theater they are fewer and fewer. They get more and more isolated. The only ones who join them are lumpen and reactionaries, no matter what flags they carry. Of course they hate our comrades for that. We proudly declare: Yes, this is our fault. Yes, we countered your mobilisation. Yes, we argued against you. Yes, we denounced your political standpoints. Yes, we sold the Rote Post in Neukölln. And damn good on top of that. And yes, we sold the Klassenstandpunkt in every “left local”. And hence, people like you a little bit less. Yes, we are responsible for your defeat.”...

.... “What is the consequence of this? We summarize it like this: Under the conditions of the sharpest anti-communist witch hunt, which threatens hundreds of revolutionaries in the FRG with law suites,  the proletarian vanguard in formation progresses closely shoulder to shoulder with the communists all over the world.

Against this, there is right liquidationism, that is opposed to wanting a militarized party. They bargain with the struggles of the peoples of the world and, by now, are degenerated to the worst, most degenerated gang mentality, as it can only exist in Berlin.

The publication of the Rote Post, a newspaper that gives a voice and an ear to the deepest and broadest masses, made this bunch desperate. It demonstrates the power, the strength, the invincibility of the application of Maoism. When Maoists dare not to limit themselves to general declarations, but to grasp the real problems of the masses in a form and style, that allows the mobilisation, organisation and politisation - in perspective the arming - of the masses, then revisionism has mortal agony. An important result of the distribution of the Rote Post was the attack of three lumpen on two comrades, who sold the Rote Post at Sonnenallee [street in Neukölln]. Draped in thick gold chains and all other signs of lumpen culture, they wanted to forbid the comrades to sell the Rote Post in Neukölln.1

Although in their “answer”, “JW” is attacking the CRF as a “dogmatic”, “ultra dogmatic” sect and of “narrow thought”, they try to evade the problem themselves by attempting to get rid of any responsibility with the misguiding disclaimer that they would be a: “revolutionary youth mass organization - no communist cadre organization, no party, no party-building organization - so we are in the form not bound to any guidelines of these”.

Which means, this grouping of youths proclaims themselves to be outside of the limits of the communist movement. Why then did this grouping made an attack against a contingent of the revolutionary activists who are part of the movement in struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany that, as such, is part of the International Communist Movement and the struggle for the future Communist International? And why is this small incident covered with such great importance for the development of the current development of the ICM?

On its turn, curiously, since the happening and until now - after the forceful denounciationfrom the activists and the directly attacked organizations and, also, the cynical declaration and prevarication of facts by the coward aggressors, the “JW”, and the positions taken by other parties of the ICM - some “prominent” characters of the international movement, always very active in these occasions, mentioned nothing regarding it and kept a convenient silence, and although they know the facts they pretend to be deaf, blind and numb and even do not take a clear and public position.

It was not by chance that this sinister happening occurred in Germany and in Berlin. For some years the communist movement in Germany experiences a powerful development, because there the advances of the maoist left are being manifested in forceful form, breaking with the complacency of a long tradition of revisionism and reformism. It is the same CRF that, in its declaration, puts forward the contradiction of the proletarian movement in the country:

“The ideology of the proletariat was born here. And here it was negated for the first time. Marxism is a “German invention”, but so is revisionism. Bernstein, Kautsky - Germans. Only Germany was capable to create someone like Ebert or Noske. What is clear from the start: In Germany the contradiction has to be sharpened. There is no middle way in Germany, which Marx called the Prussian Smaller Germany, which was founded on the genocide of the Slavic people by the Teutonic Order. There is no “social peace”. In Germany there are two options: Subjugation or fight for life and death. We, who continue the work of Karl Marx on this soil, will not subjugate ourselves. Hence we always insisted that the party of the proletariat has to be a war machine. It has to be a machine of ruthless class war. Communists in this country have to follow this path from the start. This is not an easy way. It is not a way, which is appreciated by those, who want to go on wasting away in this system; those, who want to live in this rotten, dying and parasitic system. It is nothing for those, who want to keep on living as always, those, who want it comfortable, who want to arrange themselves with the situation. Consequently resistance against this path has to develop from those, who want to bargain with the struggle of the peoples of the world, the struggle of the working class, for their own small-minded and lumpen interests because of “personal”, meaning egoistic, individualistic reasons. This is where right liquidationism originates from.3

The “JW” from Berlin emerged as a group that separated from the CRF for ideological, political and methodical differences, but principally for capitulating in the struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany, refusing the two lines struggle, to be formed as a separategroup.

The filthy action of the people of “JW”, as is not hard for anyone to conclude, is a symptom of despair, but also a political and methodical expression of a certain ideology and also not an isolated fact. It is a political action of a militaristic kind that not only is largely distant from the proletarian ideology, politics and method, but is its opposite and joins together with other attitudes present in the ICM, typical to the right line. Such acts are the continuity of the opportunist politics of substituting the two lines struggle in dealing with the contradictions, for the forge of the communist party, the proletarian revolutionary line and for persisting on it, with the tolerance, diplomacy, liberalism, criticism and self-criticism as a rhetoric and administrative methods, divisionism and splitting in practice

It is true that facing this split, some forces of the ICM were truly confused or undecided and, due to the lack of further information, kept relations with what revealed itself to be a little gang.

Anyone that is truly interested about the situation of what happens in Germany can find documents of the Committee Red Flag - CRF (see website Dem Volke Dienen – Serve the People) that shows a broad ideological and political basis as well as forceful practical advances, corresponding to these principles.

However, for some time certain rightist and recalcitrants used this situation of emergence and opportunistically tried to raise “JW” as a “true maoist organization in Germany”. This generous and short-sighted sponsor does not follow any verification of the proletarian principles, but mere political convenience in using this kind of grouping as the tip of the spear to oppose the advancement of the ICM, united under the old cackle of the revisionism of all times of accusing the left of “dogmatism”. Without ever providing any theoretical or practical basis, the “JW” started to attack the CRF with the epithets of “small sect”, “sectarians”, “dogmatics”, “gonzaloists”, etc.

The “JW”, in its pursuit of publicity and prominence, accepted the miserable role of a pawn on the board and was thrown by their sponsors into the “Lion´s Den”, while the true responsible for the incident of Berlin keeps complicit silence. For this we consider that the correct understanding, debate and positioning of everyone on this happening is part of the necessary development of the two lines struggle that pit two opposed conceptions and two opposed lines on internationalism against one another and propels the ICM, just in the moment when it advances and struggles for the complete overcoming of the dispersion of forces in it.

So this attack is not only an attack against a contingent of revolutionary militants of Berlin, or Germany, which would be a grave fact by itself, but constituted in an attack of the rightist and liquidationist opposition to the struggle for the reunification of the International Communist Movement, as it is irrefutably characterized in facts and shamelessly prevaricated in the statement of its authors.

Such happening is on the base of the inevitable and necessary two lines struggle in the ICM, such acts, despite the most grotesque it can be, is not an unthoughtful attitude or rapture of youth facing a sharp divergence and even less an isolated fact. They express ideological-political positions within the ICM that, on the contrary of being based on the proletarian methods and criteria on dealing with the internal contradictions, which is the open and loyal two lines struggle, intend to impose administrative and bureaucratic methods, which like in the case in question, fall into gangsterism practice. Behind such attitudes there are ideological-political conceptions and positions which correspondence in methods is equivalent to the same methods and criteria of the bourgeoisie of free-for-all. So it is necessary to go to the bottom of the question and put on the table its true nature, because it is the dirty method of struggle in service of those who, speaking of marxism-leninism and including maoism oppose to two lines struggle. Unmasking these evil intentions is part of the two lines struggle to clearly mark the red line with revisionism and opportunism.

Two conception of internationalism and two opposed lines in the International Communist Movement

In the last years the ICM experiences an undeniable and potent re-emergence. This re-emergence is a result of the accumulation of hard two lines struggle in its interior, of the implacable combat to revisionism of the old and new kind, such as avakianism, prachandaism and the Right Opportunist Line in Peru, inseparable from the combat against imperialism, its lackeys and all reaction. Old opportunist and revisionist leaders, as well as their liquidationist complicits are being unmasked and defeated, and Maoism is winning battles to be affirmed as the command and guide of the World Revolution.

The persistence and development of People’s Wars in India, Peru, Philippines and Turkey, defeating the successive campaigns of encirclement and annihilation, as well as the so called “peace agreements” and capitulation, are a great source of inspiration and solid pillars of Maoism to defeat revisionism and all opportunism. With the field cleared from the weeds and in the midst of the general crisis of imperialism, throughout the world, through all continents and through a growing number of oppressed and imperialist countries, maoist Parties and organizations flourish and develop while raising the banner of the People’s War.

By upholding, defending and applying maoism the dispersion of forces is being overcome through the reunification of communists in the whole world, part by part, a task that today is furnished in the realization of the necessary Unified Maoist International Conference (UMIC) that originates a new International Organization of the Proletariat based and guided by maoism.

The V Meeting of marxist-leninist-maoist Parties and Organizations of Latin America, that took place in May 2016, represented a milestone in this process. The parties and organizations that took part in it and others that joined, passed to systematically work for the reunification of the communists in the world, advancing through the impulse of its processes in each country, the campaigns of support to the current People’s Wars, the defense of revolutionary political prisoners and prisoners of war and for the realization of a Unified Maoist International Conference that originates a new International Organization of the Proletariat.

Starting from the understanding that the communists do not reduce themselves to hide their goals and purposes and that true unity can not be achieved without hard and persistent two lines struggle, the Parties and Organizations that took part in the V Meeting handed three joint declarations, for debate and position taking, to the ICM: Thesis on the international situation and the tasks of the International Communist Movement”, “Celebrate the 50 years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution with People’s War until Communism” and “Resolution of Class Solidarity with the Communist Party of India (maoist) and the People’s War”.

In these documents we advanced on the questions of utmost importance for the Proletarian World Revolution, such as the understanding of Maoism as the new, third and superior stage of the development of Marxism, the defense of the necessity of the concentric construction of the three fundamental instruments of revolution, of the militarization of the Communist Parties, the understanding of great leadership and guiding thought of each party and the revolution it struggles and leads - among other contributions of universal validity of Gonzalo Thought.

This understanding was exposed in the joint declaration of the V. Meeting, as well as in articles of the issues 1 and 2 of the magazine El Maoista, and in the successive joint declarations of the 1st of May, June 19 (Day of heroism), September 12 (Speech from the jail from Chairman Gonzalo), December 26 (Birth of Chairman Mao) and of the celebration of the 200 years of the birth of the Great Karl Marx, among other documents.

These documents were handed over as contributions for the development of the two lines struggle in the ICM and were broadly debated with other Parties of the American continent, by Parties and organizations of Europe who participated in the I. Meeting of maoist Parties and Organizations of Europe, as well as are known by Communist Parties of Asia.

We base ourselves on the teachings of Chairman Mao ofpracticing unity and struggle, because struggle without unity is ‘left’ opportunism and unity without struggle is right opportunism. This method corresponds to Marxism - defended and applied by Lenin and Chairman Mao - the one of advocating the active ideological struggle to achieve even greater and more advanced unity, through putting the problems on the table. Even more: Acting in frank and loyal form, and not scheming intrigues and machinations and working for unity and not for splitting, for systematically practicing criticism and self criticism, as it corresponds to the principles of democratic centralism.

Those who affirm that the Communist Parties should not express their positions beyond what is “the current unity base”, with the pretext of “preserving unity”, must first tell with whom this “current unity” is with and how was it achieved. Not clearly and objectively answering to this problem is not wanting a true unity based on the maoist principles and conceptions; is the manifestation of conservationism, of resistance to advance and opposition to two lines struggle. This position leads to avoid the class struggle as the base of everything, nourishes the right and, then, a serious rightist deviation. When the defenders of this positions go into a passive resistance attitude to stubbornly act to impede the development of the two lines struggle, they start to play an actively negative role of opposition to the left line and must be harshly combated.

As well remarked by the CRF in its declaration on the incident of Berlin while quoting Lenin in his note:

When we speak of fighting opportunism, we must never forget a characteristic feature of present-day opportunism in every sphere, namely, its vagueness, amorphousness, elusiveness. An opportunist, by his very nature, will always evade taking a clear and decisive stand, he will always seek a middle course, he will always wriggle like a snake between two mutually exclusive points of view and try to "agree" with both and reduce his differences of opinion to petty amendments, doubts, innocent and pious suggestions, and so on and so forth.” 4

Just like we manifested once more in the Joint Declaration of the 1st of May this year, we understand that the fundamental ideological and political criteria for the unification of the communists of the world, a task that today is condensed in the necessity of a Unified Maoist International Conference, are:

“Therefore, the unity of the communists at the world level demands: 1) defense of Maoism as new, third and superior stage of Marxism, against all kinds of revisionism, old and new, such as the Right Opportunist Lines in Peru, Avakianism and Prachandism, 2) defense of the People’s War as superior military strategy of the class, the Military Line of the Proletariat, center of the General Political Line for the International Communist Movement, as means to realize the new democracy and socialists revolutions, to defeat the Imperialist World War if it is imposed, opposing it with World People’s War.5

We consider that these three elements, taken as a unity, fundamentally express what the International Communist Movement today is, which means, the demarcation line between Marxism and revisionism. This unity base is a result of hard two lines struggle in the midst of the fire of class struggle, in which the ICM has purged itself from the revisionist and opportunist elements, reaffirming the full validity of Maoism, added the contributions of universal validity provided by the People’s War in Peru and the CPP that leads it and by Gonzalo Thought that guides it. Contributions that come from the affirmation that Maoism is the third, new and superior stage of the development of Marxism and the universal validity of People’s War.

Based on these criteria, guided by proletarian internationalism, it is that the Parties and organizations that took part in the V. Meeting, as well as the ones who joined this initiative and campaigns, started to work in a systematic and planned form by the UMIC, waging all the positive factors, uniting all the forces able to be united in order to serve the struggle for the reuenification of the communists, for the reconstitution of the Communist International, a task that today is realized in the struggle for a Unified Maoist International Conference and the founding of a New International Organization of the Proletariat.

Since then a series of Meetings and general and regional meetings, world campaigns and actions were made, in a coordinated work in its planning and execution: for the 50 years of the GPCR, in defense of the life and health of Chairman Gonzalo, for the 100 years of the Great Socialist October Revolution, against the imperialist G20 summit in Hamburg and the great Campaign for the 200 years of the great Karl Marx, serving to advance in the reunification of the communists in the whole world.

The World Campaign for the 200 years of our great founder Karl Marx under the slogan of “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” was developed in vigorous and coordinated form, showing the vitality and the advance in the unification of the Communists in the world.

The actions of the World Campaign for the 200 years of the Great Karl Marx express the great progress of the International Communist Movement. On the 1st of May, throughout the world, in the countryside and in the city, masses marched under the leadership of maoism, upholding the defense of the People’s War. Parties and organizations marched for the first time in decades under a single red flag, under a single slogan, and a single leadership, as part of a single and coordinated action.

On May 5, while some were blowing candles, the maoists realized forceful actions throughout the world in the same night and under the same slogan “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” hundreds of red flags of Communism were hoisted in cities and rural zones of dozens of countries, uniting with the heroic combatants of the People’s War in India, Peru, Philippines and Turkey.

However, facing the march of the maoist parties for the unification of the communists in the whole world, some recalcitrants based on their eagerness of hegemonism started to oppose this march, making everything to stop it. Those who reject the frank and active ideological struggle and refuse to work collectively with those theydiffer from, like vulgar liberals, advocate the split, preach unity without principles to impose their points of view, advocate and practice then the nefarious hegemonism.

This seems to be the attitude of the high leadership of the ILPS, facing the communist movement in Germany and the International Communist Movement. They seems to have “two weights and two balances” [a Brazilian expression used to express that one applies different criteria to similar situations] on what happens in Germany. Like some others who assumefor themselves the role of implacable arbiter, viewing whatever they judge in their criteria to be a show of “sectarianism”, “dogmatism” and “leftism”, now, while viewing a physical aggression against revolutionary activists, from those who acted in the vilest and most repugnant gangster style and until now were referred to as “democratic”, show to be incredibly omissive and indulgent viewing this coward action.

For years, the only web page in Germany to actively spread news and support to the People’s War in Philippines was Dem Volke Dienen, without being ever mentioned by the leadership of the ILPS, of the NDF (Democratic National Front – Philippines) or any affiliated organization. But when this same blog published an article in which the author expressed a critic opinion on the “peace agreements” between the NDF and the recently elected government of the genocidal Duterte it was targeted by offensive accusations disguised inoutraged political criticism, published by the spokesman of the NDF on his official website, which immediately started to stigmatize the authors with such criticism as “Internet revolutionaries”, in an absolute form and not presenting greater reason or basisfor this to the German comrades that struggle for revolution in Germany with accusations such as:

“If you are engaged in a real revolution and not just in revolutionary phrase-mongering, a favorite past-time of armchair revolutionaries, you can have a realistic assessment of what is achievable at any given time based on the concrete objective and subjective conditions and the balance of forces between revolution and counter-revolution.6"

And it keeps affirming:

“only infantile petty bourgeois revolutionists or Left ” philistines will reject any thought of reforms just because it does not fit into their narrow dogmatic understanding of Marxism as pure storm and thunder without any place for basic reforms”7

Differently seems to be the adopted criteria toward the “JW” of Berlin. However as soon as they announced a “solidarity” campaign to the People's War in Philippines, after a long visit to the revolutionary bases in the Philippines, they became object of effusive greetings from the high leadership of the ILPS in March 2018.

Since then the “JW” of Berlin started to be painted with the most beautiful colors, their components greeted as notable revolutionaries and their grave errors such as the aggressions, denounciations and splits in the revolutionary movement of Germany were conveniently ignored and/or disregarded as such.

This indeed is being similar to and in correlation with attitude of the high leadership of ILPS regarding the revolutionary movement in Brazil: not distinguishing between marxism and revisionism, proclaiming unity without principles, friends policy, serving its hegemonism, apart from the policy of spreading split (such as the policy of Avakian and his party in the times of RIM) in the organizations that do not accept their administrative and diplomatic methods on dealing with divergences.

The breaking with ILPS by a part of revolutionary democratic organizations of Brazil, together with other organizations of India, Turkey, Greece and others, despite the divergences on the programmatic eclecticism and opportunist practices of the ILPS, were mainly due to the method and working and leading style. And the “last drop” was the summary revocation of mandates, elected in congress, by a convenient majority in its Council, without any discussion on important divergences. For not accepting the continuity of such administrative-bureaucratic methods on dealing with internal contradictions in an organization that defines itself on democratic centralism, such organizations, many of them its co-founders, started to become targets of offenses and cliché shouting of labels such as ultra-leftist, dogmatic and sectarian sects.

In Brazil, on the occassion of the emergence of a youth group, among many that emerged in the last years opposing the “left” electioneering opportunism in the management of the old state, our Party openly and sincerely criticized their ideological eclecticism in trying to conciliate marxism with Juche Idea. Althoughtheir main leaderdeclared to be in agreement with the ideology, general political line and program of the C.P.B. (RF) and additional had applied for hisadmittance to the Party through a letter of 20 pages, he limped to support the opportunist government of PT in bankruptcy, under the rota argumentation that those were being attacked by the right. His police of looking for an international sponsor soon became evident, despite the alignment with the revisionist Party of Labor of Korea, he started to call himself Unity of Communist Reconstruction – UCR; for “reconstituting the Communist Party of Brazil” he established contact with ILPS.

The high leadership of the ILPS hurried to promote this group as the most high level revolutionary organization of Brazil. In conversations through Internet-Skype with leaders of this group, the leadership of the ILPS attacked the revoluionary-democratic organizations of Brazil, affirming that they would have beenremoved from the ILPS for having sectarian and ultra-leftist positions. Until then it was about divergences, however in the eagerness of offending them, it did not holdits tongue and when, refferring to Cebraspo [Brazilian Center of Solidarity to the Peoples], a legal democratic organization, started to make police-like insinuations, affirming that “the problem with Cebraspo is the party behind it...”, insinuating that this organization would have behind it the C.P.B.(RF). In the end of such conversations, for almost three hours in the Internet, it gave lessons and councils to the new pupils that is necessary to work jointly with the Worker's Party – PT, PCdoB and MST, despite that they themselves agreed that such organizations are revisionist, opportunist and committed to imperialism. The attempts of this URC to launch defamation and unrest among the youth regarding the C.P.B.(RF) only brought them failure, not going beyond what it always was: an eclectic group without any link with the masses. It was like this that they intended to answer the criticism of the German comrades to the “peace agreements” of the NDF with Duertre, or the baseness with which in conversations with other interlocutors, they gratuitously attacked us, affirming that the C.P.B.(RF) is only an Internet group.

But long time before these attacks, our party heard for decades these same swearwords of “dogmatic”, “sectarians”, etc., from the trotskyist currents and others from petty-bourgeois socialism of the Worker’s Party-PT, as well as the hardened revisionists of the PCdoB, PCBrazilian and from the Christian-castroist MST. Today these parties are demoralized after being perched for 14 years on the bureaucracy of the old state and its shift government presiding the genocide repression to the masses in struggle. In tatters, demoralized in front of the masses as traitors for their long list of crimes against the people, while the true communists are called by the most combative masses, including those who are freeing themselves from the electioneering misleads they were victims of, demanding revolutionary leadership.

This is the same attitude that was taken in Latin America in support to the masses-manipulating populist regimes and its pawn governments in the board of the imperialist contend. The leadership of the ILPS makes efforts not only to regiment all and every revisionist, reformist and opportunist organization, orphans of the failed governments, traitors of the people, some of which are notoriously anti-maoist, as long as they serve their hegemonist interests, but also to stir them against the revolutionary movement and its maoist leadership.

The banner of “combat dogmatism” and “orthodoxy”, “combat leftism” and “sectarianism” is not something rare, on the contrary, they are always frequent words when the revolutionary movement suffers defeats, passes through periods of hard difficulties and when the revolutionary situation gains greater development. For this reason the use of such words are no news in the ICM. What the historical experience demonstrates us is that they were never aimed against people from the hue of Bernstein and Kautsky, Trotsky, Khrushchev, Liu and Teng, but against Lenin, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Chiang Ching and Chairman Gonzalo. So, such rejection does not seem neither strange nor surprising considering from where and who they come from.

This radical change of mind of the Parties which were “orthodox” before is accompaniedby thetendency to revisionism, like Lenin well observes. Let us remember the miserable Prachanda, when in the beginning of the People’s War in Nepal affirmed “I hate revisionism!”, when his vile treason wasforeshadowed when entering in theinfamous “peace agreements”, he began to advocate that the main danger for the ICM and the proletarian revolution was “dogmatism”. Whos steps did he follow, if not the ones opened by Khrushchev and followed by Liu Shao-Chi and Deng Siao-ping? In the Conference of Communists and Workers Parties of 1957, in Moscow, answering the cackle of Khrushchev that the problem was dogmatism, Chairman Mao, defending the need to combat all kind of deviation, be it right or “left”, categorically discerned affirming that the main danger for the ICM and the proletarian revolution “is still revisionism”.


The Great Lenin, while opposing social-chauvinism of Kautsky, taught us that true proletarian internationalism for the communists is in that “the interests of the workers movement in a given country, submit to the interests of the world movement for emancipation of the workers in its totality” and Chairman Mao affirmed that: “internationalism is the spirit of communism”. Does a position that does not express such an axoim represent proletarian internationalism and serves the development of revolution in Germany, Brazil, Latin America and the ICM?

The Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction) effusively greets the proletarian revolutionary activists and militants of Germany, especially the communists and combatants in formation of the Committee Red Flag who assumed the glorious banner of struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Germany, honoring it with their actions for the revolution in Germany and in service of the World Revolution. We greet the march of the maoist Parties and Organizations in the world, that through hard two lines struggle in the midst of class struggle against the wind and tide, implacably combating revisionism and opportunism inseparably from the combat against imperialism, its lackeys and all reaction, advancing in all parts of the world, practicing marxism and not revisionism, internationalism and not chauvinism/narrow nationalism, working for unity and not for splitting, for the reunification of the communists and not for their dispersion. We greet the young forces of the proletariat that dare “defy the emperor” with the invincible banners of maoism and the People’s War. We greet the Great World Campaign for the 200 years of the great Karl Marx, a historical campaign that is brilliantly serving to advance maoism and the ICM.

We greet very especially the People’s Wars in India, Peru, Philippines and Turkey and the Communist Parties that lead them, holding high, in the midst of uncountable heroism and sacrifices, the red sun of maoism for the exploited and oppressed masses of their countries and of the whole world.

In the midst of the deepening of the general crisis of imperialism, in which the revolutionary situation in the world develops unequally, the objective and subjective conditions for a new and powerful impulse to the World Revolution are formidably ripening with the people’s revolts and principally with the heroic persistence of the People’s Wars and the preparation for the initiation of new others. The overcoming of the dispersion of forces will give a leap with the UMIC and the foundation of a New International Organization, this is an inexorable march.

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism principally Maoism and the contributions of universal validity of Gonzalo Thought!

Death to revisionism of the old and new kind and all opportunism!

For the Unified Maoist International Conference!

Down with imperialist war! Long live the invincible People’s War!

Long live the Great Karl Marx and his immortal work!



Communist Party of Brazil (Red Fraction)

Central Committee


Brazil, June 2018


1 Committee Red Flag, Our solution is: Proletarians of all countries, unite! And our war cry is: rebellion is justified! Death to revisionism!

3 Committee Red Flag, Our solution is: Proletarians of all countries, unite! And our war cry is: rebellion is justified! Death to revisionism!

4 Lenin, one step forward, two steps back.

5Joint declaration of maoist Parties and Organizations on the occasion of the First of May of 2018 - “Proletarians of all countries, unite!”



In the following we document the original message of the PCm Italy to the international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx.


dear comrades and friends
best wishes for your celebration!

Marx teach us

The aim of the communists is clear and precise: the formation of the proletariat in class, the overthrow of the bourgeois domination, the conquest of political power by the proletariat.

The task of the Communists is traced in an eternal and indispensable form by the Manifesto, they “struggle to achieve the immediate aims and interests of the working class, but in the present movement they represent at the same time the future of the movement itself. They work to awaken in the workers the conscience, as clear as possible, of the hostile antagonism existing between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, so that the workers can convert into direct weapons against the bourgeoisie the social and political conditions”.

“The communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political conditions and in all these movements stress the question of the ownership of capital as a fundamental problem”.

“The Communists - today more than ever teach us Marx and Engels - disdain to hide their opinions and their intentions and openly declare that their objectives can be achieved through the violent overthrow of the whole social order existing ... because the proletarians they have nothing to lose but their chains and have a world to win”.

Capitalism, analyzed by Marx, who has become imperialism in Lenin's development, continues to go through a profound economic crisis and unload it on the proletarians and peoples of the world.

They speak of "recovery" but the only thing that resumes is the race for profits, wealth and armaments.

For the proletarians and the popular masses we have unemployment, precariousness, exploitation and slavery, poverty, robbery of raw materials and energy resources, devastation of the environment and territories.

Against this situation, proletarians and popular masses rebel in imperialist countries as in the countries oppressed by imperialism.

To the rebellions of the proletarians and the oppressed peoples, the imperialist bourgeoisie and the ruling classes enslaved to them in the countries oppressed by imperialism, oppose repression and massacres. States go through always more reaction and fascism.

Proletarians and peoples resist and develop their struggles and popular wars to affirm the revolution as the main trend.

The imperialist bourgeoisies and the reactionary states enslaved to them intensify the inter-imperialist quarrels, unleash commercial and through a third party wars, revive the tendency towards a new world war of division.

To the imperialist war one can only oppose the transformation of the imperialist war into a revolutionary civil war and the development on an international scale of popular wars.

Against the way of the revolution is opposed within the workers' and popular movement, the path of reformism, the path pursued by revisionists and social democrats, to reconcile with governments and imperialist states and to favor the realization of their plans.
In front of the crisis of reformism, social democracy and revisionism, new populist electoral forces that use reactionary demagogy to divide the masses and take them to the chariot of the ruling classes are advanced in the interest of the bourgeoisie and the imperialist states. Populism fuels fascism and neo-Nazism.

Communists and avant-garde proletarians work to turn the rebellion of the masses into a victorious revolution, of New Democracy in the countries oppressed by imperialism marching towards socialism, and in proletarian and socialist revolutions in imperialist countries marching towards communism. The communists, based on the ideas of Marx, Lenin and Mao applied to the concrete reality of each country, build and develop new genuine revolutionary communist parties, united fronts directed by the proletariat of all the exploited and oppressed masses, combat forces and revolutionary and popular armies.

Only where the masses have these instruments, their heroic and generous struggles can win.

On a world scale, the popular wars led by the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties are the decisive and essential strategic indication.

The people's war in India, directly affecting one of the main bastions of imperialism and reaction in the world, is a powerful reference point, along with popular wars in the Philippines, Peru, Turkey. Today they concretely show the way to overthrow the system of exploitation and oppression of imperialism and of all reactionary reactionary forces, for the construction of a new power and a new society.

The mlm communists must unite and strengthen their unity, freeing the ranks of the international communist movement from revisionist and capitulationist tendencies, without at the same time falling into the sterility of petty bourgeois revolutionism, of dogmatism.

The construction of the communist parties is only possible in the fire of the class struggle in close connection with the masses, as a function of the authentic revolutionary struggle for power.

In the 200th anniversary of the birth of K.MARX we declare with force
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the Marxism of our age! The essential basis for the unity of communists all over the world.
“Proletarians of all countries, Unite!” the great slogan indicated by Marx, it is the red flag of proletarian internationalism, it is the weapon for the construction of a new Communist International.

An International Conference needs for building a new mlm international organisation, after the collapse of the RIM. All marxist-leninist-maoist parties and organisations must be invited, a balance and a debate must be realized, a two line struggle must be conduct, a new unity gained.
The future of communism is in our hands.

PCm Italy  - june 2018

In the following we publish the preliminary translation of the speech of the Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee) held at the celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx in Bremen. The final correction is pending. The Spanish original can be found here.


Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Message of the Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee), the organism generated by PCP for the work abroad and the great international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Marx

We are here reunited to render homage to Karl Marx in the 200th anniversary of his birth. The one who founded Marxism. Marx and Engels gathered what humanity produced the best: The German Classic Philosophy, the English Political Economy and French Socialism to fundament the ideology of the proletariat. The first greatest great leader of the world proletarian revolution.

We express our exultant and full of revolutionary optimism to our ideology marxism-leninism-maoism.
with this reason we greet all the present maoist parties and organizations, as well as other revolutionaries and progressives that are present in this great celebration for the great Karl Marx

We greet the international proletariat and the peoples of the world and revolution as the main historical and political tendency in the current world, to the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that develops on the stage of its strategic offensive and of the sweeping away of imperialism and the reaction from the face of Earth.

We express our greeting and subjection to Chairman Gonzalo and gonzalo thought, the heroic combatant that leads revolution, the CPP, that assuming its role as communists they are taking up the task of the General Reorganization of the Party to give a new impulse to the People’s War.
We greet the People’s War in Peru, India, Philippines and Turkey and all the ones that will necessarily come. We greet the armed struggles of the oppressed nations against the imperialist war of aggression, that demands the reconstitution of the CP from us for its transformation into People’s Wars of liberation.

We greet the processes of reconstitution of the parties in Latin America, Europe and the whole world.

We express a very special greeting to the Committee Red Flag of Germany, the organizers of this great and very successful international celebration. The struggle of the comrades of the Committee Red Flag for the reconstitution of its Communist Party, goes through the same path followed by  Karl Marx and his inseparable comrade in arms Engels, of K. Liebnicht, Rosa Luxemburg and many other numerous representatives of the proletariat of this country.

This event is a good expression of the successful path taken for the reconstitution of the party that these comrades carry on successfully and vigorously, through the hardest class struggle, constituting themselves into the vanguard of the proletariat against the blackest reaction unleashed by the imperialism of this country, in death struggle against revisionism and opportunism of all kinds, smashing the gangster like crusade of all kinds of micro street fighter groupings, like what happened the happening in the 1st of May in the demonstration in Berlin. Where elements that assume the role of mercenaries of the reaction, revisionism and opportunism, those desperate because of the sure advances in the task of the reconstitution of the party, attacked the communists in formation in the middle of the demonstration.

However, nothing can stop our comrades in the decision that was taken. The successful development, which is achieved step by step through hard two lines struggles to apply marxism-leninism-maoism, gonzalo thought, like they have themselves established to generate the guiding thought of the proletarian revolution in this imperialist country. Comrades, we are sure and predict great victories in this path.

Comrades, Marx and Engels, the founders of scientific communism, were, in opposition to the utopian socialists, the first to put clearly that socialism is not a result of the cavilaciones of some dreamers (utopians), but a necessary result of the development of the modern capitalist society. They put in relieve that the capitalist regime will be drawn down, the same way the feudal regime was, and that capitalism itself engenders, with the proletariat, the force that will bury it. And they signaled that only the class struggle of the proletariat, only the triumph of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie, will free Humanity from capitalism, from exploitation, this is how it is written on the birth certificate of our movement.

Communism is the first great revolution, because all the previous ones only meant the shift of domination of one class by another, Chairman Gonzalo tells us.

Marx and Engels taught that the proletarian revolution will only be achieved through the application of revolutionary violence (which today is People’s War) to destroy the domination of the bourgeoisie and to establish its political domination over its wreckage, the dictatorship of the proletariat, that shall smash the resistance of the exploiters and create a new society, the comunists society without classes.

Marx and Engels taught that in order to defeat the old world and create a new society without classes, the proletariat has to be gifted with its own workers party, to which Marx and Engels gave the name of Communist Party.

Engels, the comrade of struggle of Marx, acknowledged the great leadership of Marx and that the new doctrine that he contributed in generating, scientific socialism, fundamentally corresponded to Marx, with these words that are written in sendos prologues and notes in the manifesto:
“the central idea that inspires all the Manifesto... was personal and exclusive result of Marx.”

From this, the new doctrine, the ideology of the last class of history, the proletariat, carries the name of its founder: marxism. But its current application, of marxism-leninism-maoism, must be specified to each revolution,   for it not to fall into a mechanical application and it is for this reason that, the Peruvian revolution has generated Chairman Gonzalo and gonzalo thought which is principal in the party unity basis. Then, each revolution must specify its guiding thought or there is no application of marxism-leninism-maoism neither there is the development of a revolution.

Marxism has not taken a step in life without the struggle against erroneous positions against anarchism, revisionism and opportunism. Thus it has developed until it gave us maoism and three internationals in the STRUGGLE FOR THE UNIFICATION THE INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAT.
Now, in this celebration, we want to reaffirm very briefly some questions of the history of the 170 years of development of the international proletarian movement related to what we just signaled that are:

That on its process of development, every revolution for the struggle of the proletariat as leading class and, above all, of the communist party that upholds its unrenounceable class interests, generates a group of great leaders and principally one that represents and leads it, a great leader of authority and acknowledged antecedents.

That with the birth of marxism, in its own act of birth, the Manifesto, is established the necessity of its application and, therefore, the necessity of a guiding thought, that originates from the founding of all great leadership, the revolutions generates a thought that guides it as a result of the application of the universal truth of the ideology of the international proletariat to the concrete conditions of each revolution. A guiding thought that is indispensable to achieve victory and conquer power and even more to continue revolution and always keep the path toward the single great goal, communism.

Any revolution that comes shows that only in decades a number of great leaders are forged. If we think in the glorious bolshevik party, in LENIN and STALIN, but principally in LENIN that was its creator, forger, think, we speak of great leaders and we have a STALIN, we have a SVERDLOV, a DJZERZHINSKI, to point out real great leaders, few; the Chinese revolution is similar.

But the main point is that a great leader is generated, one single head that clearly stands out, way higher than the others, and this is what we have to understand and is not because of the will of anyone, it is the very reality of the revolution, of the class and the party themselves, that demands and promotes this formation. If one talks about a great leader, we have MARX for example, there is a notoriously standing out head, a summit. If one talks about the great LENIN, there is another great leader of acknowledged authority and of an immense ascendancy; no one could be compared with the immensity of LENIN, no one. Or in the case of China, Chairman Mao; obviously none of the great leaders that was generated by this Chinese revolution could equal Chairman Mao Tsetung, no one, and in him we also have a glorious summit. Then we have the three greatest of the great leaders of the world revolution, because this is their dimension; what also were their parties and their concrete revolutions is subsidiary because the principal is that they were great leaders of the world revolution and have then established to us the great process of development of marxism by furnishing marxism-leninism-maoism.

The key question of this issue is in the understanding of the historical process of development of the ideology of the proletariat, of its three stages furnished into marxism-leninism-maoism and maoism as the principal; and the essential, mainly, it is the application of marxism-leninism-maoism as universal truth to the concrete conditions of the revolution in each concrete case.

In our case, of the Peruvian revolution, the class and the party that have generated a great leader, Chairman Gonzalo, whose great leadership is solidly based in the gonzalo thought, this is a particularity of the development of the CPP. The leap of the guiding thought to gonzalo thought.

Through People’s War, having the guiding thought reached a qualitative leap of decisive importance for the party and the Peruvian revolution being turned into Gonzalo Thought marking then a milestone in the party life. Furthermore, is Chairman Gonzalo who has defined maoism as the third, new and superior stage of our ideology, marxism-leninism-maoism. And with the beginning of the People’s War in Peru, since May 17, 1980, has proven the full validity of maoism and the universal validity of the People’s War.

We must know to place gonzalo thought well: it is a specification of our revolution, of our proletariat, of our party, of the class struggle and the People’s War that is its superior form. The most substantial and developed part of Gonzalo Thought is the general political line. Over this thought the line and its five elements are sustained, consequently the military line as the center.

The starting point of this base is how to understand and firmly keep the course of the program. In the specifications of the general political line are included the contributions to the world revolution that we must highlight from gonzalo thought. And that the Maoist Parties and Organizations in the V Meeting of Latin America and in the I Meeting of Europe have agreed that what correspond is to apply marxism-leninism-maoism with the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo.

When one says contributions to the world revolution is underlining its universal validity, this means that one can not be truly marxist-leninist-maoist, principally maoist if they do not also apply the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo thought to each concrete revolution to generate its guiding thought, the base for the great leadership of the revolution. But, not only this, in the case of gonzalo thought it is also necessary to study and assimilate, regarding the theory, how Chairman Gonzalo understands and applies the three integrand parts of marxism-leninism-maoism, principally maoism.

To clarify, pointing out the importance that it gives to the marxist philosophy, the necessity to be formed on it and specially its application of the law of contradiction to the study of all problems always aiming to define the principal aspect and the process of the things.

In political economy, the concern for the relations of exploitation and very specially for the bureaucratic capitalism, being guided to the ripening of revolution and the consequence of the People’s War at the base, as well as its attention to the economic relations of imperialism pursuing its political consequences.

In Scientific Socialism, how it centers aroung the People’s War and its concretion on the country, how it has always present the problem of power and particularly its furnishing and development as new state. Two things as well: a) People’s War, centers in the People’s War because without it there would not be the second in this part, b) furnishing and development as new state.

There is the problem of the theory, because one can never put forward a thought if not having in mind the universal truth which is integrand part of. How could a communist thought exist without having the three integrand parts in mind? Furthermore, some questions in gonzalo thought have not been known by all, for example the generalization of bureaucratic capitalism, because at least today it is not to put it this way, today is a question of the general political line, the three types of revolution and many other questions. Because it is a problem of the own development of our ideology, of its perspective, of the perspective of the world revolution and this one, in its necessary development, will make it reach a better understanding of the meaning of gonzalo thought for the very theory of marxism-leninism-maoism. And, why not say it this way, from the own application with the concretion with the critics of arms like the great Karl Marx established. Today it correspond, as defined by Chairman Gonzalo and the CPP: struggle to impose maoism as third, new and superior stage of marxism.

Today ir correpond to highlight: that is Chairman Gonzalo, great leader of the Peruvian party and revolution, who defined maoism and demonstrated the universal validity of the People’s War, has given us the first reconstituted communist party, as marxist-leninist-maoist, gonzalo thought militarized communist party. Highlighting how Chairman Gonzalo understands and applies maoism and make contributions of universal validity to the world revolution as specifications of the general political line of the CPP.

from this, the essential is principally the application of marxism-leninism-maoism with the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo thought to the concrete condition, this in strict application of what Chairman Mao has taught us, that the problem of marxism is its application and this is what taught us Lenin and this is what taught us Marx as it it established in the Communist Manifest of 1848.

From taking this base, maoism, that is marxism today, from this application that is essential, what comes from it? That the guiding thought is specifically principal for the communist party of each country and the revolution it leads. Here the word is “specifically”, this is what we have to catch here, because if we have not said “specifically principal”, then comrades we would be negating that the principal is marxism-leninism-maoism with the contributions of chairman gonzalo. Would be not seeing its universal validity and we could not do it, to be a communist we must first have to be marxist-leninist-maoist and as we are active on a determined country, the essential is to apply it here in the country we act, but without the first the second does not fit. From this comes: the guiding thought is principal for the party of each concrete country, yes, specifically, What does it mean?, as application, as necessity of each concrete revolution, in this specific case, for this specific question; and like this, there is no way of avoiding marxism-leninism-maoism because it is the universal truth and this is the font we will always have to drink from.

Comrades, we want to finish with the following words from Chairman Gonzalo:

While making revolution one transforms the world and also men. The root is egoism and is a base of revisionism and requires time. To remove the root of individualism it will be a long process. While generating new, more developed, relations of production it will reflect more and more in the idea of all society.

We communists must be the trumpets that announce the future. The ideology allows us to develop and advance in the struggle against egoism. We must be the most advanced. We work for a goal that we will not see. To reduce individualism and egoism each time more. In the struggles where action strikes individualism more. The ideology is what allows us to advance.

Long live the 200th anniversary of the birth of th great Karl Marx who founded marxism and together with Engels, thus, gave birth to the international communist movement!

Long live marxism-leninism-maoism, principally maoism with the contributions of universal validity of Chairman Gonzalo!

For the immediate realization of the United Maoist International Conference!

For a new international organization of Maoist Parties and Organizations as a new step forward in the reunification of the communists in a world level!

Bremen, June 30 2018

In the following we document the preliminary english translation of the speech held by the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights of Brazil at the international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Final revision is pending. The orgininal can be found here.



It is with immense joy and sense of duty that we from the Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights of Brazil greet this grand event that shows the validity and th fortress of marxism in the occasion of the 200 years of the birth of its founder Karl Marx. And this joy is even bigger because of the possibility of doing so in his homeland.

One of the most important lessons that Marx and Engels left was proletarian internationalism. We can only accept and realize revolution on each country as part and in service of the world proletarian revolution. We are continuers of the historic, and glorious, tradition of the Communist international and we should never forget it.

Chairman Mao said that “internationalism is the spirit of communism”, and Chairman Gonzalo completed it saying: “one can not be communist if not thinking of communism”. We must understand these great truths and assume all the responsibilities that comes from this.

I would like to use this occasion to greet the comrades that for an year valiantly faced and defeated the reppression on the streets of Hamburg, during the imperialist summit of G20. Great struggles of July! Great victory of the German proletariat! Great victory of the International Communist Movement! The right, both the open one and the one disguised as “maoist”, had to feel this defeat.

The definition of combating hard was successfully fulfilled, what proves once more what Chairman Gonzalo taught us: every time the communists struggle in their way, the reaction can not defeat it. The reaction trembles when see the masses marching in the streets, and the masses made the reaction tremble under the leadership of the communists not only in Europe, but in the whole world.

Another point I want to highlight and do so in the name of the organization: we condemn with force and class hatred the coward aggression the comrades under the leadership of the Committee Red Flag suffered in Berlin. We repudiate this grouping – Jungenwiderstand – rightist and liquidationist. And we are certain that they will soon have what they deserve. We reject not only them but also the hardened revisionists that from the shadows handle these puppets. However, we learned from Chairman Mao that is good when an enemy attacks us, it is even better when it attacks furiously.

There is a certain sign that we are on the correct road! We are on the correct road, in the “shining path” of the world revolution and from it we will not take a single step away. We must combat revisionism inseparably from imperialism and we have been doing so yesterday and we do so today, and will keeping doing so tomorrow.

Now, comrades, I would like to share something from Brazil with you. First I will make a brief description of the political situation and then will speak about the revolutionary movement.

Latin America is going into a great social convulsion. One by one the governments of opportunism were unmasked in front of the masses and removed from their profitable posts by their true bosses: the local ruling classes and imperialism, principally Yankee. The local economies  depends directly from the exploitation of primary products, especially commodities and the fall of prices of these goods in the last years have generated grave crisis, not only economic but political. Specifically in the case of Brazil, since the great demonstrations of 2013, we live a scenery of great and growing instability. Revolts against the government have being hatching in the city and in the countryside. Recently a strike of truckers has completely stopped the supply of the country, generating great disturbances. On the metropolis like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo the unemployment and inflation greatly multiplied misery and the number of people living on the streets or in favelas.

The only answer of the reactionary state have been repression, as it could not cease to be. Last year, 60 thousand people were murdered in Brazil, half of them by the police. Only on Rio, this year, the police and the armed forces murdered 400 people. Is an ongoing genocide, a reactionary civil war. Beyond this Brazil had the third biggest prisoner population of the world, almost totally composed by the poor youth, who lives in the favelas.

On the countryside, the policies of concentration of lands and selective murder of leadership goes on, especially from the Poor Peasants League, who against all difficulties uphold the great banner of the agrarian revolution. The revolutionary situation develops in Brazil and the preparatives for a military coup in  the country marches, as part of the bigger Yankee intervention in South America.

However, and this is the principal, this situation coincides with the advance of the mass struggle in general and the revolutionary movement in particular. For 23 years that our leaders have acted without day offs to reestablish the Communist Party of Brazil; as an authentic marxist-leninist-maoist party incorporating the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo thought. We faced very hard situations, especially when the false left was in the government with Lula and apparently there was “stability”.

We never lower our flags and now many who did not hears us before gives us reason. During all these years we have educated cadres, militants and masses on the combat to revisionism and on revolutionary violence. We are paying the blood price, especially in the countryside and also countless processes and arrests but we did not take a single step back. And, the most important: the communists forged a solid leading nucleus and a proven great leader that leads it.

On the countryside, millions of peasant masses marched led by the proletarian vanguard. In a way that the worsening of the political crisis in Brasil, I repeat, coincides with the reestablishment  of the Communist Party, generating the extraordinary conditions for the unleash of the invincible People’s War. People’s War that will take place as part and serving the World Proletarian Revolution, as taught to us by Marx, Lenin, Chairman Mao and also Chairman Gonzalo, the biggest living marxist-leninist-maoist living on Earth and to whom we render homage from this tribune.

In a word, comrades: the path has zigzags but the perspectives are brilliant; nothing is impossible in the world for those who dare climb the heights!

Revolution will inevitably triumph!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live the bicentenary of the great Marx!
Long live the new wave of the world proletarian revolution!

Revolutionary Front for the Defense of the People’s Rights, Hamburg, June 2018.


In the following we document the prelimiary english translation of the speech of the comrades of the Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile held at the international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. The final revision is pending. The Spanish original can be found here.


Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile brings the communist greet to each one of the comrades that are reunited today to celebrate the 200 years of the birth of the founder of our scientific ideology, the great Karl Marx.

We reaffirm ourselves in the scientific ideology that Karl Marx founded and in the internationalist slogan and chant that after 160 years still propagates firmly and strongly in all corners of the world: Proletarians of all countries, unite! It fills us of pride to have been part of the joint actions the comrades of numerous corners of the world of the planet made to raise this slogan with flag hoisting acts and actions in honor to our first proletarian great leader.

These actions and this celebration is magnificent, but we also want to express that we consider that the best way to celebrate the great Marx is by following his example and applying his legacy.

Since Marx and Engels joined efforts, their restless work indeleble brought the internationalist seal and had to overcome all kind of difficulties to give birth to the science of the proletariat, the sole scientific ideology. Their work gifted the international proletariat with a mission, a program, defined common means and tasks to defy its class enemies.

It was by following this example and applying this legacy that the great Lenin, great leader of the glorious Bolshevik Party, and both great leadership and party, heading the deep and broad masses of Russia, later achieved victory of the proletarian revolution in October 1917, immediately establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat and opening the path for the socialist construction and raising marxism to a new stage, turning it into marxism-leninism.

Soon it was Chairman Mao, the great helmsman, as the great leadership of the CPCh who led the proletariat and the people in the revolution and reached other two milestones: the Chinese revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which through fragor and in struggle against contemporary revisionism raised marxism to a new, third and superior stage: maoism. Maoism is the new third and superior stage of marxism. To e marxist today is to be marxist-leninist-maoist.

Today we communists have magnific conditions to continue the task initiated by Marx. The international situation of growing disorder is presented as most favorable to make the world proletarian revolution decidedly advance. The condition of hegemonic superpower of the yanke imperialism and the reach of its dominion increasingly turns against itself. But at the same time the current situation of thr International Communist Movement is characterized by the dispersion on the fields of ideological, firstly and principally, as well as in political and organizational field.

We have maoism, but the task to put it as command and guide of the world proletarian revolution is in the current agenda. Its fulfillment requires constitute or reconstitute militarized communist parties, propel the ongoing People’s Wars and unleash new People’s Wars on all countries.

This is why in this celebration of the 200 years of the great Marx, the maoists in Chile greet the ICM by expressing that we are decided to fulfill the task of reconstitute the Communist Party that our great leadership Luis Emilio Recabarren founded in 1922 and of initiating the People’s War in our country. We will make it on the base of the application of marxism-leninism-maoism and the contributions of universal validity of gonzalo thought. We also reaffirm in the internationalist task of contributing to the unity of the maoists in a United Maoist International Conference that serves to prevent the risk that our isolated efforts are punished with the common defeat, according to what Marx warned us in the opening manifesto of the Workers International Association.

We greet the People’s Wars in India, Peru, Turkey and Philippines. We greet the parties and organizations that carry on forward the reconstitution of their parties and the preparatives for new People's Wars. We greet the world proletariat and the peasantry, the main force of revolution in the oppressed nations.

Long live the 200 years of the Great Marx!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Red Fraction of the Communist Party of Chile
June 2018

In the following we document the english translation of the speech held by the comrades of the Maoist Communist Party of the French State to the international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx.


The Maoist Communist Party of the French State is honored to participate in this great international celebration for the 200 years of Karl Marx. We send our thanks to the organizers of this day, and we send our warmest greetings to all Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations of the oppressed and imperialist countries and their heroic masses.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the working class emerged as a class in its own right. After various bourgeois revolutions that shook the world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Marx and Engels analyzed the rise of this class and especially its historical role. They thus demonstrated that the bourgeoisie had gone from a progressive class (through its role in the abolition of feudalism) to a reactionary class, which could no longer be the driving force of social progress. This revolutionary historical role was now in the hands of the proletariat. Marx, supported by Engels, laid the foundations for the scientific ideology of the revolutionary proletariat. These bases are in philosophy the dialectical materialism which constitutes the point of view of the proletariat in its analysis of the world, with the discovery of the fundamental laws which govern human history; in political economy the discovery of the nature of capitalist exploitation and the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production ; in organization, tactics and strategies of struggle of the proletariat, the construction of the first International, the Manifesto of the Communist Party and drawing lessons from the Paris Commune of 1871 - take political power by violent revolution and use the dictatorship of the proletariat to achieve a classless society. This set is what is called Marxism, the first stage of the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

« The weapons used by the bourgeoisie to defeat feudalism are now turning against itself. But the bourgeoisie has not only forged the weapons that will put it to death: it has also produced the men who will handle these weapons - the modern workers, the proletarians. » Manifesto of the Communist Party.

Later, Lenin developed Marxism at a higher stage during the experience of the revolutionary movement in Russia and in the international struggle against revisionism. Lenin thus analyzed the development of capitalism as being at its highest stage : imperialism. He developed the necessity of the new-type Party, the Communist Party, as an indispensable tool for the revolution. He then concretely realized the dictatorship of the proletariat on the scale of an entire country, the first proletarian revolutionary practical experience at this level. The echo of October Revolution throughout the world unified the struggles of the oppressed peoples and the world proletarian revolution. The Communist International has been formed. These developments, among others, constitute Marxism-Leninism, the seond stage of the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

After Lenin's death, Stalin continued the construction of socialism in the USSR under difficult and previously unknown conditions and led the masses of the USSR to victory against the Nazis in the Second World War. He has worked extensively for the recognition of Marxism-Leninism as a revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

Finally, Mao Zedong, during the long revolutionary struggle for the seizure of power in China, for the construction of socialism, in the struggle against modern revisionism and in the struggle against the restoration of capitalism, developed Marxism-Leninism in a higher stage. Mao developed the three components of Marxism - philosophy, political economy, and scientific socialism.

Mao also theorized the development of the three instruments for the success of the revolution : the Party, the United Front and the People's Army. The Party is central and it is always the Party that commands the rifle. Mao Zedong initiated and directed the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which was a great leap forward in the exercise of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Hundreds of millions of people have risen up to overthrow capitalist leaders who have emerged in the socialist society and who have been particularly focused on the leadership of the Party itself (such as Liou Chao-chi, Lin Piao and Deng Xiaoping).

Mao led the proletariat and the masses in their confrontation with the leaders on the path of capitalism to impose the interests, the point of view and the will of the vast majority in all areas which, even in socialist society, had remained the preserve of the exploiting classes and their way of thinking.

The great victories won during the Cultural Revolution have prevented the restoration of capitalism in China for a decade and have led to great socialist transformations in the economic base as in education, literature and art, scientific research and the other areas of the superstructure.

Under the leadership of Mao, the masses have turned back the old humus that breeds capitalism - such as bourgeois right and the three great differences between city and country, between workers and peasants, and between intellectual work and manual labor.

The Cultural Revolution was conducted as an integral part of the proletariat's international struggle and was a school of proletarian internationalism. The Communist Party of Peru has affirmed that Maoism forms the third milestone of Marxism, it has elevated Marxism Leninism maoism, mainly maoism as an international ideology of proletariat. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is a living ideology, it is a guide for action, it is the ideology of the proletariat, making it possible to understand society from its point of view as a class with a view to transforming it. The development of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations in the world today, including in the imperialist countries, is a testament to its timeliness, vitality and relevance in facing the revolutionary challenge we face.

Since the 1970s, in the imperialist countries, capitalism has undergone major resstructurations : that is the capitalists of the dominant countries have begun to modify and reorganize the production tool - factories, transport and companies in general. This has led to a decline in the living conditions of workers in general, to a stabilization of management classes and to a rapid enrichment of the bourgeoisie, which is still more powerful. It also depleted the proletariat and destroyed many social links, by multiplying so-called "atypical" hours (night hours, staggered hours, Sunday work ...). There is a real desire to atomise the proletariat by individualizing wages, dismantling large production sites to favor subcontracting, new management techniques and precarious contracts : breaking the class unity of the proletariat was a necessary objective for the bourgeoisie to continue to maintain profit rate by deepening the exploitation.

This is also paid for by the masses of the oppressed countries, who are suffering French imperialism, ever more violent and more aggressive at a time when inter-imperialist contradictions are sharpening for the redistribution of the world.
The contradictions of our society are hardening : the masses are moving. There can be no oppression without resistance! That is why the Maoist Communist Party was founded : For giving the masses a fighting tool as effective as possible, to serve the people in these difficult times, to try to build a headquarters of the Revolution capable of sweeping away this system that proletarians doesn't want. Communists will, in the period that open in front of us, go into the people, learn the struggles of the proletariat and strengthen their instruments of struggle.

The actual crisis  leading imperialism to be more and more aggressive. The installation is felt both inside and outside. Inside, a preventive counter-revolution and a militarization of society are needed to prepare and promote the war abroad. The state of permanent emergency is a perfect example : the rights of justice are reduced, and those of the repressive arsenal are greatly increased.
While the war in Libya was a disaster for the Libyan people, it is now in a Syria ravaged by inter-imperialist conflict that the bourgeois government has decided to reinforce its intervention alongside Donald Trump and Theresa May. In the partition-repartition of  Mashrek between rival imperialists, France isn't ready to miss its chance. In spite of course of oppressed nations, ravaged by a carpet of bombs.

Elsewhere, it was during the visit to Burkina Fasso that the French government showed its true face. In an oppressed country where industry, banking and services are almost entirely owned by French capital, Emmanuel Macron behaved like a real colonist, not hesitating to make fun of President Burkinabe Roch Kaboré and insistent  on the fact that France was going to strengthen its grip. Faced with Burkinabe students questioning him about the presence of French soldiers on the soil of Burkina Faso, he didn't hesitate to answer them that they owed only respect to the French army.

France is today the third arms dealer in the world, among these lucrative contracts concluded by French imperialism there is for example that concluded with Saudi Arabia. In an impassioned joke, Minister Florence Parly even allowed herself to say, speaking of the weapons used by Saudi Arabia during the massacres in Yemen, that "Weapons weren't made to be used." to serve. The imperialist government does not hesitate to sell arms to the ultra-reactionary government of Saudi Arabia, nor to the fascist government of Modi in India, which has sent a million and a half soldiers, police and militia to wage war against its own people and the People's War led by the Maoist Communist Party of India. While everyone sees the tension rising between India and its Pakistani neighbor, selling arms to an expansionist country is criminal. The crimes of imperialism are numerous, but we will not be able to name them all. During his visit to India where Macron re-affirmed its proximity to the reactionary regime of Modi, he also made the perfect sale representative of Areva by advancing the possibility of selling nuclear reactors to India. French imperialism is thus reinforced, as the Indian example shows, by the exploitation of resources, as does Lafarge, but also by the trade of nuclear reactors and Rafales, french avitation fighters.

While the Macron government, which ran as "neither right-wing nor left-wing" in the presidential elections, was already sowing doubt by its reactionary composition (former opponents of marriage for all, ultra-reactionary remarks about women and immigrants), the Macron government appears more and more as a "hard" right showing the real Macron project that had already been widely previewed in the presidential elections.

While the condition of proletarian women is getting worse, with the rise of different forms of unemployment, the more overwhelming weight of domestic chores and the increase of social violence, which affects them mainly, no action has been taken by this government. On the contrary, Emmanuel Macron didn't hesitate to present himself alongside reactionary Bishops and to say to them his vows to renew the link between Church and State. The president's racist and paternalistic statements about the suburbs and the proletarian masses of immigrant origin are also noteworthy. The increase in the cops power, and the violence they inflict on the masses of working-class neighborhoods, is clearly visible.
Finally, it's a very reactionary government who's in  the head of the state : and this is normal, since the bourgeois system can not do anything more progressive, its only way of governing today is to appeal to ever more reactionary forces, hence the inexorable rise of fascism.

However, the masses don't give upand raise their heads as for example during the rebellion of the suburbs of 2006, and the great social movements of the last year. Outside French metropolis, in the Myotte colony, general strikes multiply. This massive resistance is an example for us, an example for all those who want to advance in the resistance. The economy crashes, destroying the profit of the exploiters of the bourgeois imperialist and its comprador allies.
This resistance, which starts from the proletariat and extends into the masses, sees its opposite grow with it : the repression becomes more fierce and the fascist organized bands begin to structure themselves, to serve as the armed arm of the reactionary government - which they claim struggle against.

In this situation, the communists can only take part in all the fighting, without ever falling into purism, dogmatism or blind following. If the masses make mistakes and learn in the fight, it's exactly the same for us. We first learn about these fights. We learn that everywhere there is oppression, there is resistance. We learn the methods of action. We also learn what are the embryos of popular power in the masses.

The contradiction between the imperialist system and the popular masses, between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, hardens, becomes ever more visible and ever more violent ; only revolution can really change the situation of the proletarians and all the oppressed people.

Lenin says, in The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution, that « There is one, and only one, kind of real internationalism, and that is—working whole-heartedly for the development of the revolutionary movement and the revolutionary struggle in one’s own country, and supporting (by propaganda, sympathy, and material aid) this struggle, this, and only this, line, in every country without exception.»

Long live Marxism Leninism Maoism, mainly Maoism!
Long live the struggle of the heroic masses!
Let's develop the three instruments of the revolution!
Long live Karl Marx!

In the following we document a preliminary translation of the speech held by the comrades of the Committee for the Construction of the Communist Party of Galiza at the international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Revision is pending. The Spanish original can be found here.


Receive a warm red greeting from the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Maoist Party – Galiza. We want to begin this intervention with two greetings, the first one to the comrades that made this successful celebration possible with their work, and the second to the rest of the present organizations and parties in this vigorous campaign for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx.

For us it is a glimmer of pride to participate in this great celebration.

The bourgeoisie and its lackeys of all kind had declared “the end of history” and other rotten theories that negates that the class struggle is the engine of history. They have declared Marxism and communism dead. The old and new revisionists do the same, the first ones empty the revolutionary content from it, the second ones like Avakian and the renegade Prachanda considers it obsolete.

Nothing is more false, comrades! Marxism changed the history of humanity, leading it to the epoch of the proletarian revolution and it develops in struggle, becoming Marxism-Leninism and afterwards a new stage: Maoism.

This is the truth history teaches us! Our history, which is the history of the oppressed and the exploited that from the Paris Commune, to the Great Proletarian October Revolution, to the Revolution of New Democracy in China and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution led by Chairman Mao, led Marxism-Leninism to a new and superior stage, Maoism, that today commands the truly revolutionary processes in the world through People’s War from Peru to Philippines, from Turkey to India. Because, comrades, all triumphant revolutions had been work of men and women that hoisted the red flag of communism.

We must not forget!

There are no true revolutions if they are not based in the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Chairman Mao, in Communism. The bourgeoisie and its lackeys can go on trembling in front of the specter of Communism because the proletariat and the oppressed masses will be their gravediggers, leading human kind to a new model of society free from exploitation and oppression. And we owe all this to Karl Marx, teacher of teachers, and today we celebrate with great joy the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Eternally lives Karl Marx!

Long live the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx!

Long live the father of scientific socialism!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism!

Long live the glorious revolutionary People’s War that the maoists of the whole world command!

Long live the Proletarian World Revolution!

20th of June 2018

Committee for the Construction of the Communist Maoist Party of Galiza