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- Category: BRD
We hereby share images sent to us of a grafitti against the counter-revolutionary operation "Kagaar" of the old Indian state, that attempts to destroy the peoples' war, and the concomitant terror against the people and massacres, placed at the opposite of the entrace of the train station Bremen-Sebaldsbrück, at the railway track in direction of Hannover.
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- Category: BRD
Here we publish a report, which was sent to us.
Last Friday, on the 19th of July, a presentation was held in Bremen under the title "An Introduction to the people's wars in the world"
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- Category: Dokumente
With the start of this year's European men's soccer championship, temporary border controls were introduced at the German borders on the grounds of a particular risk situation. The CDU/CSU and the FDP are now calling for these controls to be continued after the end of the European Championships.
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- Category: BRD
According to an upcoming sharpening of the law, it will be juristicial able to deport people without a German passport even more easily in future. The so-called "approval of terrorism" will be sufficient grounds for deportation. This approval includes comments or likes on social media.
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- Category: BRD
Saturday 22 June, the Red League (Roter Bund) organized a street party in Bremerhaven's Goethe district. Thanks to the lively participation of the neighborhood's residents, the festival was successfully held jointly with the residents and quite a few of them actively lent a hand.
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- Category: BRD
In the collective bargaining negotiations with its employees, the Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof retail group has made a proposal to the workers employed by it to reach an agreement. As is so often the case,, this proposal was in no way in the interests of the employees and was consequently rejected by them. A pay dispute at Galeria is now on the horizon.
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- Category: BRD
In Saarland, the state government now wants to introduce a new law ordinance that will make it easier to introduce special weapon-free zones in public spaces. The reason for this is supposedly the fight against "knife crime", but let's take a closer look at this question.