
We would like to publish here a report from the Red League NRW on the Nakba activities of Palestine Solidarity Bochum, which was sent to us.

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, we took part in a political and cultural rally in Bochum's Westpark as part of Palestine Solidarity Bochum to draw attention to the ongoing genocide in Palestine and the ground offensive in Rafah.

Yesterday night a action against the bann of the progressive antiimperialist group „Palestine Solidarity Duisburg“ was done. Banners with the slogan „Solidarity for Palestine, in Duisburg and everywhere!" was hung up. We document here pictures, which was send to us.

While the Ampel government at EU and federal level is pushing ahead the reactionarization of the bourgeois state in its fight to seal off "Fortress Europe" and combat refugees, a 38-strong network of smugglers from bourgeois political circles has been exposed in NRW. This network has specialized in smuggling members of the Chinese bourgeoisie in particular to Germany and Europe.

In Baden Württemberg there was once again very intensive police violence in the last week. Especially on the first of May in Stuttgart, the freedom of assembly was once again hit with the police baton.

In Mexico, the electoral farce of the big bourgeoisie continues. Against this, a powerful and broad electoral boycott campaign continues to unfold under the leadership of the revolutionaries. We already reported in mid-March that violence was on the rise as a means of conflict between the various factions of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie, the comprador bourgeoisie and the big landowners, and that a total of 23 politicians had been murdered since November 6.