

In the collective bargaining negotiations with its employees, the Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof retail group has made a proposal to the workers employed by it to reach an agreement. As is so often the case,, this proposal was in no way in the interests of the employees and was consequently rejected by them. A pay dispute at Galeria is now on the horizon.

The Palestine Alliance Hamburg has called for a manifestation in front of the French consulate in Hamburg on June 14 as part of the international week of action for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

In Saarland, the state government now wants to introduce a new law ordinance that will make it easier to introduce special weapon-free zones in public spaces. The reason for this is supposedly the fight against "knife crime", but let's take a closer look at this question.

Last week in Mannheim, an rally of Islamophobic chauvinists was attacked by a man with a knife. During the attack, several people were injured with the knife, including a police officer who subsequently died of his injuries in hospital.

We recently reported on the repression of the old Turkish state against the Partizan readers, who were arrested and partly tortured by the police in the context of the commemoration of the Communist leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya in mid-May.

This wave of repression is now also continuing against the prisoners of the May Day demonstration.We wrote about the events on May Day in our brief overview of May Day worldwide:"42,000 police officers were sent onto the streets in Istanbul to brutally suppress the Turkish masses fighting on May Day. Fierce fighting broke out on Taksim Square, barricades were built, and the henchmen of the old state used rubber bullets and pepper spray. So far, countless people, including 6 Partizan readers, are still under arrest."

Declaration of Principles and the Program of the Red Women's Committees – FRG

When you talk to people these days, you often hear that we are living in a kind of "dystopia". That's not wrong if you look at what imperialism is trying to do in its decline to keep itself alive for a few more years. And often enough, we have already become accustomed to many forms of oppression. For example, we write relatively often about the surveillance of the German state and how it is constantly expanding it. But how often do we notice this surveillance in everyday life?

In the last week, a law was decided in Saarland, which is supposed to promote stronger participation of children and youths in political decisions. In the end, this "participation" is only a participation in the sense of the bourgeoisie.