
In the night of December 17 to 18, Essen police are said to have stormed an African bar on the corner of Siemenstraße/Altendorfer Straße during an operation in Altendorf, according to their press report. The operation is said to have led to a large brawl, injured cops and several criminal proceedings.

There is still no end in sight to the wage dispute at Südwestdeutsche Landesverkehrs GmBH (SWEG), which has been ongoing since August. Repeated work stoppages have made it very difficult to plan trips in Baden-Württemberg.
The reason for the strikes is SWEG's refusal to pay its employees according to the federal wage agreement to which all railroad workers are entitled.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!


Jose Maria Sison, the historical leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the People’s War, passed away on the 16th of December. The outstanding role of comrade Sison in re-establishing the CPP, founding the New Peoples Army and initiating and leading the People’s War in his home country, can not be overestimated. An important leader in the International Communist Movement have left us, we pay him tribute and send our internationalist condolences to all his comrades, family and friends. We are absolutely convinced that his memory will be cherished and celebrated the best way possible in the development and victory of the People’s War which he initiated.


Below we publish the official statement on the occasion by the Central Committee of the CPP.


- Editors of “Dem Volke Dienen”, 19th of December 2022


Proletarians of all countries, unite!



The blood and pain of the African masses shed on June 24 of this year on the borders of the Spanish empire (in its colonial territory of Ceuta and Melilla) and of the African semi-colony of imperialism, the Kingdom of Morocco, fills us with legitimate class hatred against imperialism, all reactionaries and their opportunist and revisionist servants.

On the morning of December 14, numerous raids were carried out in the FRG against accused members of so-called clan families, including the Al-Zein. The main focus was on North Rhine-Westphalia, especially the Ruhr region. But the police are not actually concerned with taking real action against organized crime against the people.

On Wednesday, the German state deployed 3000 police officers in order to carry out raids and arrest 25 people, in different states of the FRG, Austria and Italy, with 8 the most in Baden Württemberg. 23 are in custody and 22 are accused of being members of a terrorist organization.

On Wednesday, November 30, a motion was adopted with the votes of SPD, Greens, FDP and CDU/CSU. AfD and the Left abstained. According to the statement the Bundestag decides to classify the so-called "Holodomor" (death by starvation) as Stalin's genocide against the Ukrainian population. What is meant by this term is the famine that affected parts of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1930s and which is repeatedly presented by some bourgeois "historians" either as a deliberate extermination of the Ukrainian population or at least as a necessary consequence of an allegedly ruthlessly implemented collectivization of agriculture.

Last month got the police station of Mülheim an der Ruhr distance electropulse devices. After a testing phase in 2021 is the plan of the interior minister of NRW that all police station in Northrhine-Westphalia use the Distanzelektroimpulsgeräte. Five station more get in 2022 this weapon to the end of the year.