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- Europa
Statement from Finland: Present Ernesto Sernas García alive!
Comrades from the Red Flag in Finland have published a statement in support of the international campaign for comrade Ernesto Sernas García that we like to document fully:
Echo the international demand – present Ernesto Sernas García alive!
Our comrade, Ernesto Sernas García, has been missing since the 10th of May 2018. The culprit is the old state of Mexico which is struggling to keep up its bourgeois-democratic mask. Loyal to the practice it has taken as its habit, it has disappeared our comrade, because he had succesfully defended those accused of “terrorism”, bringing shame to the butcher state in its own justice theatre. He has defended the 23 servants of the Mexican people, who the enemy has named as leading members of the People’s Current – Red Sun and claimed that they have possessed explosives of the bourgeois-landlord army on the 7th of June 2015. Last Spring, when the case was reaching a turning point with evidence in defence of the imprisoned, the Mexican reaction employed its familiar method which it couldn’t do at the show trial.
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- Europa
International reports on the LLL Demonstration
Comrades from both A Nova Democracia from Brasl and the English-language New Epoch Media have reported on the participation of the Maoist contigent of the LLL Demonstration. A report from DemVolkeDienen on this demonstration in German can be found here.
In the following, we document the article published by New Epoch Media:
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- Lateinamerika
Chile: Artisanal fishermen raise barricades for the regulation of fishing
Translated from A Nova Demcracia, with information from the newspaper El Pueblo
On the afternoon of January 9, artisanal fishermen raised burning barricades and blocked the entrance to the port of San Vicente, Talcahuano, in the region called Bío Bío.
The Cackle of Hens
Today we publish an important debate article that was written by a comrade from the United States. In a very concise form, it defends fundamental principles of Marxism and shows, how the communists throughout the world consequently combat the Right within the ICM.
Hence, we recommend all our readers to study this document thoroughly and we will publish a German translation in the next days.
Editorial staff of Dem Volke Dienen
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- Lateinamerika
Young boy with autism is murdered and branded a 'drug dealer' by the Military Police in Rio de Janeiro
The Military police officers, aboard an armored vehicle - the "caveirão" -, made an operation in the Chacrinha favela, in Praça Seca, and executed three people, among them a young boy with autism. According to reports from the residents, the military police arrived early firing at the population on the street.
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- Europa
France: 50,000 'yellow vests' take to the streets again
More than 50,000 protesters took to the streets of France again in the eighth major protest against the government of Emmanuel Macron and its anti-people measures on 5 January. The protests took place in several cities and assumed violent form, mainly in Paris, spreading through the poor districts.
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- Lateinamerika
Led by the USA, 'Lima Group' advances its intervention plans against Venezuela
The so-called "Lima Group," made up of governments from 13 Latin American countries, decided not to recognize the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro, who takes office on January 10. The decision was taken at a meeting held on January 4. The current Foreign Minister of Bolsonaro military government, Ernesto Araújo, attended the meeting.
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- Europa
On the “hard border” in Ireland
While the question of the “Brexit” still continues to be a focal point in the persisting political crisis in Britain, police and military are already preparing for what they consider the worst case scenario: a “hard border” within Ireland. In fear of what is to come, now plans have been put into motion to train almost 1.000 additional cops from England and Scotland for they deployment in Northern Ireland before the end of March.