
We repruduce an article of A Nova Democracia.

On December 7, the counterrevolutionary rondero, until then reactionary president and sell-out, Pedro Castillo, was dismissed by the Peruvian parliament and detained by the country’s National Police after trying to shut down parliament and promote a coup. The arrest warrant came after Castillo dissolved Parliament on the day a session was scheduled to vote on his impeachment. The episodes take place at a time when Peru is going through the greatest crisis in its history, a concentrated expression of the general crisis of Peruvian society.

We publish an unofficial translation of an article by the Brazilian comrades of A Nova Democracia.

On 4 December, during a popular assembly in the José Ricardo rural revolutionary area of Pernambuco, peasants held a commemoration ceremony for comrades Gedeon José Duque and Rafael Gasparini Tedesco, who were murdered by the Rondônia Military Police (PM-RO) and the National Security Force (FNS) in October 2021.

Peru's opportunist President Pedro Castillo announced that he has dissolved Congress and declared a state of emergency as of 22:00 on 07 December 2022.

December 3 marks the anniversary of the birth of Chairman Gonzalo. Due to this occasion we document the following video. In 29 years of being a Prisoner of War Chairman Gonzalo held high unbroken the banner of communism. On September 11, 2021, he was killed by the reaction. He would be getting 88 today.

We like to publish an inofficial translation of an article by the magazin El Pueblo from Chile about informal labour that was sent to us.

We are publishing an unofficial translation of an article written by the comrades from Mexico.

The ongoing rectification campaign has aroused great interest among the SolRojista base and its different structures. We have moved from the period of analysis and discussion meetings to the ideological-political training workshops. There are other phases of the rectification campaign in the pipeline, but we are sticking to the plan that has been set.

At present, the TFIPs are being developed in different regions and organised sectors of the people, promoting study, reflection, new culture and two-line struggle, emphasising, as during the assembly process, the importance of taking the right ideas from the masses to systematise and strengthen them with science for the proletarian revolution, thus giving them back to the masses to be translated into revolutionary action.

Here you can find the latest TFIP poster, which you can download and spread wherever you are, as well as some pictures taken during a workshop somewhere in the mountains.

Mexiko Nehmt an den Workshops teil und beteiligt euch an der Kampagne 2


Mexiko Nehmt an den Workshops teil und beteiligt euch an der Kampagne 3


Mexiko Nehmt an den Workshops teil und beteiligt euch an der Kampagne 4

We are publish an unofficial translation of a contribution by the comrades of the Sol Rojo popular movement from Mexico.

We publish an inofficial translation of an article by the Mexican website Sol Rojista that was sent to us.