
Kampkomiteen in Norway reports that on Saturday the 5. of December, several organisations held a manifestation outside Trondheim City Hall, against the cuts on the budget, especially cuts on unemployment support (Dagpenge), which is especially important for the many people affected by the economic crisis, which the bourgeoisie falsely calls the “Corona-crisis”.

Kampkomiteen also held a speech, which was also distributed.




Socialistisk Revolution (Socialist Revolution) reports that a painting has been spotted in the Greater Copenhagen area on occasion of the 86 birthday of Chairman Gonzalo, with the slogan “LONG LIVE CHAIRMAN GONZALO”.




Punalippu (Red Flag) reports that anti-fascist paintings were seen in Turku. Punalippu also shares an interesting text in English translation about Estonia, and the role that different Imperialists have in exploiting the country.



The new annual budget proposal from the Danish government, has new prioritization of funds for Greenland. Almost 4 million DKK will be used next year to train narcotic-dogs to “fight the hash problems”. The problem leading to large scale hash addiction in Greenland is the fault of Danish Imperialism and their lackeys in Greenland, and so what will these dogs do? Inform people that they are smoking hash and that it is bad for them? Of course not, everyone knows it is bad, but people feel helpless to fight the problems of drugs, and now the “helping hand” of Danish Imperialism will come with their dogs, to give fines or imprison people who are addicted. Will that solve the problem? No.

Also pro-imperialist propaganda will be escalated, with 12 million DKK to be used for a “Children’s Rights” campaign, to let the Greenlandic masses know that child abuse is bad. This is no more than imperialist chauvinism, to imply that the problems of child abuse are not deeply rooted in danish colonialism, and the imperialist exploitation of the Greenlandic people, but implied is of course with this campaign, that it is not imperialism that is the problem, it is the inferiority of the uncivilized Greenlandic culture that needs to be corrected with an “awareness” campaign.

This goes hand-in-hand with 26,8 million DKK for the production of propaganda films about the “Rigsfælleskab” (“The Community of the Danish Realm”)




The Police in Sweden have made a new propaganda campaign, to create public opinion for the police, with advertisement billboards, posters on buses, social media ads and most importantly: a “reality” TV-series, where the police is being filmed while at work. The purpose is to portray it as “cool and fun” to be the oppressive foot soldiers of imperialist Sweden, currently one in five positions for the police is vacant, since it is so unpopular.

There has been much critique of this TV-series, which has even spread to the bourgeois media. These pigs are so out of touch with reality and completely narcissistic, that the show contains content, that shows the masses all too clearly, how they manage their supposed “societal responsibility” as police officers. For example one scene they arrest a dad, while his child is yelling “dad” and crying, the police officers are however more concerned with their fast-food becoming cold.