
Activists of Kampkomiteen (Struggle Committee) has put up posters in solidarity with the poor peasant Luzivaldo de Souza Araújo and his brother Robélio in Brazil have been put up in Kristiansand. Both have wrongfully been imprisoned since 2019. Luzivaldo has been subjected to poor conditions and abuse in prison and has been denied medical aid.

Slogans on the posters read “Freedom to Luzivaldo!”, “To struggle is no crime!” and “Luzivaldo is a political prisoner!”.

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Punalippu reports that on June 7th the organisation Friends of New Brazil made a stand at the central market in Tampere, where information abut the situation in Brazil and the struggle of its people for the New Democratic Revolution.

The table drew a lot of attention from people passing by. Masses stopped by to learn about the people’s struggle in Brazil, how Brazil is oppressed by imperialism, mainly yankee, and the necessity of the New Democratic Revolution in the country.

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A statement by ABRAPO and CEBRASPO of solidarity was also translated by Friends of New Brazil into Finnish in solidarity with the political prisoners Luzivaldo de Souza Araújo and his brother Robélio in Brazil.