On July 9, 2022, a loud rally was held by the Red Collective Bremen in Bremen's working-class neighborhood of Gröpelingen as part of the International Day of Action for the People's War in India. The genocidal Modi regime and the old Indian state were denounced. The red greeting of the Indian comrades "Lal Salaam" resounded loudly through the streets of the quarter! The achievements of the People's War in India were highlighted, where the masses led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) have formed revolutionary People's Committees, where land has been distributed to the peasants, all reactionary laws have been abolished, and the oppression of women is being bitterly fought. The war against the people, the counter-revolutionary war operations "Green Hunt", "SAMADHAN" and "Prahaar", as well as the drone attacks in Chhattisgarh on April 15 this year were condemned.
Attention was also drawn to the situation of political prisoners, including carrying signs depicting the prisoners Varvara Rao and Professor G.N. Saibaba. Slogans such as "Freedom for all political prisoners", "Up the international solidarity", "Long live the people's war in India" and "Down with imperialism" were shouted, along with hundreds of leaflets distributed and newspapers sold. The slogans "Naxalbari Jindaabaad" and "Inkalaab Jindaabaad" were also shouted in Hindi. The crowds welcomed the action, and many showed solidarity by honking their horns or raising their fists. The rally was a powerful and vibrant expression of proletarian internationalism.
Previous to the rally there were also other actions, we document the pictures here: