A new study concludes that Lockdowns do not constitute a suitable measure for the fight against pandemics. To this result, the authors come through the meta analysis of 24 selected studies on the mortality rate in the US and Europe during the first wave of the pandemic.
As Lockdowns, all compulsory NPIs (non-pharmaceutical interventions) are evaluated. For example, this includes measures such as school closures, travel restrictions, restriction of freedom of movement etc. While wearing masks, according to the study, could reduce the mortality rate by more than 20%, the result for the above measures is very sobering. According to the study only 0.2% less deaths occurred because of them. The complete cufews imposed in 2020 are rejected as well. The so-called SIPOS (Shelter-in-Place Orders) could only provide for a mortality reduced by 2.9%.
So what does that mean? The state makes massive limitations of fundamental democratic rights, the further establishment of police-state methods, draconian penalties for even the smallest violations of the imposed curfews, summarized terror against wide parts of the population. In addition, the dramatic consequences for the development of young people and children as well as the enormous psychic burden of all by the de facto abolition of social life.
According to an extrapolation of the University Hospital Essen, the number of children and adolescents who came to the hospital during the second Lockdown 2021 due to a suicide attempt rose to being four times as high as in the first Lockdown. According to a statistic of the White Ring, cases of domestic violence increased by 10% in 2020. All this was justified with the fight against the Corona virus.
The ridiculously small effect of these measures is just cynical compared to the social consequences. It is clear and must also be named again and again: The authoritarian measures of the bourgeois State are not in the best interest of the masses. They do not serve primarily for the fight against the pandemic or are sometimes even completely unfit for this. This applies to the lockdowns as well as for the vaccination obligation. Instead of some measures for show and further limitations of our rights we need real solutions. We finally need a health system that is not destroyed in the name of profit and where the stations aren't permanently overcrowded.