Despite quite few official COVID19 case numbers, the death rate in Ecuador is rising rapidly.

According to reports from the BBC and the Peruvian daily newspaper "El Comercio", more than 6,700 people have died in only 15 days in the Ecuadorian province of Guayas, usually only 1,000 people die in the same period. This rapid increase is so alarming that it has even been confirmed by the government. So far there are only 6,855 registered COVID19 cases in the whole of Ecuador and 1,035 have died from the virus so far, according to official figures. Guayas is the most populous and most affected region in Ecuador, with more than 70% of all reported cases registered there. However, the number of unreported cases will be much higher, which alone shows the mass of deaths. This difference is also easy to explain, there is no testing, or the people have no access to the health system in general. The thousands of deaths are not to be found in the bourgeoisie, they are workers and peasants. Because of the many infected people, the already poor care of other sick people becomes even worse, s more and more people die of other curable diseases.

By the end of March, the funeral companies in Guayaquil, the capital of the region, were already so overloaded that the corpses were literally lying on the streets. The dead could no longer be collected, so that the relatives had no other choice than to take the deceased outside after a period of conscience. According to media reports, some of the corpses had been lying on the street for more than two weeks before they were picked up, and decaying bodies are of course another health problem and illustrate the extent of the situation.


Who is really killing here is not the Coronavirus but the bureaucratic capitalism, the imperialists and their lackeys. Even though the coronavirus is more dangerous than other influenza diseases and even if there would be some deaths with the best health care, what happens in Ecuador and everywhere else in Latin America is nothing but a genocide.