We received a translation of a report by comrades from the Spanish State about actions on the 25th of November, that we want to publish. You can find the original report here.


Spanish State: Actions and mobilizations on November 25th in different cities


During the last few days we have received a series of reports and images on actions that different collectives and revolutionary masses have carried out on the November 25th, both the days before and during the mobilization itself. In this way, graffiti, leaflets, interviews with migrant masses have been made, politicizing the masses with the slogans "Proletarian feminism for communism!" and "Against patriarchal violence! We also participated by attending various rallies and demonstrations, distributing leaflets or selling the Servir al Pueblo newspaper. We proceed to compile the information we have received to date.



 On November 25th, the day against patriarchal violence, the Revolutionary Collective of Madrid (Colectivo Revolucionario de Madrid) has launched a campaign to show its line of struggle against the violence suffered by women under capitalism, defending proletarian feminism and communism as the only way for the emancipation of working women.

In the days prior to the mobilization, two graffiti with slogans of the campaign could be seen in the Pradolongo park in Usera [one of the proletarian neighborhood]. On Wednesday of the same week, leaflets with the Servir al Pueblo slogans were distributed in the neighborhood, specifically on Marcelo Usera street and at the bus terminal in “Plaza Elíptica” [proletarian square frequented by deep masses], also in some mailboxes. On Thursday 23rd the Revolutionary Collective of Madrid distributed leaflets at the Faculty of History of the Complutense University of Madrid (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). The leaflets contained Servir al Pueblo's argument on the day against patriarchal violence and were well received by the students, who read them with interest and asked questions.




In addition, the Collective participated on the 25th itself to the rally in the neighborhood of Usera, where the same leaflets were distributed among the attendees and workers in the vicinity of the march. This march was carried out through the streets of Almendrales and Marcelo Usera and ended in front of the Municipal Board with about one or two hundred people, in addition to the police who made a disproportionate deployment with at least 3 vans and numerous agents. Throughout the march, the drums that led the march were heard and, above all, shouts against the daily violence to which the patriarchy subjects women, shouts that at different times also pointed to capital as the guarantor of gender oppression and the main enemy of working women. To end the march, the different neighborhood associations gave a joint performance and read manifestos defending their commitment against gender oppression and showing solidarity with the popular struggles of women in countries such as Afghanistan, Iran and Nicaragua.




Some collaborators of the newspaper went to the College of “Blasco” and “Tarongers” of the University of Valencia to speak with the students of the different faculties about the November 25th and to make known the position of the revolutionaries on the necessity of revolution and communism for the liberation of working class women. Within a bourgeois system working class women will never be able to emancipate themselves, that is why the struggle against patriarchal violence is the struggle for proletarian power.



Revolutionaries went to the neighborhood of Patraix to talk with the working mothers of the neighborhood about the November 25th, debating with them about the implication of the class struggle with gender violence and about proletarian feminism. The mothers told us about different experiences they have lived, from inequality in household chores, through problems with work-life balance, to problems of patriarchal violence that they themselves have lived. They already related the issue of being workers with the violence they experienced, differentiating themselves from women of the bourgeoisie who, as they commented, "we are not equal". After this enriching experience we continued the struggle for the spread of proletarian feminism for the emancipation of the working class.


Agitations in the neighborhood of Patraix and the University of Valencia claiming proletarian feminism by the Red Valencia Collective (Col·lectiu València Roja).








Sympathizers of Servir al Pueblo handed out leaflets on the occasion of November 25th, the day against patriarchal violence, at the University of Seville and in the surrounding area, such as the theater. Issue 2 of the newspaper has also been sold in physical form, corresponding to the months September-December, as well as propaganda material.






Revolutionary propaganda was carried out in Carrús, the working class neighborhood of Elche that concentrates more than 40,000 workers and 37 nationalities, mainly Moroccans, Ecuadorians and countries of sub-Saharan Africa, such as Mali and Senegal. It is also a neighborhood where many dressmakers and proletarians of the footwear sector live.

Some of the graffiti appeared in places frequented by the poor masses, such as the Parque 1º de Mayo (May Day Park), or by the proletarian youth, such as the Avenue of Novelda.





Banners were hung with the image of comrade Norah and the slogan "Proletarian feminism for communism", making clear the position of the revolutionaries.



The rally in front of the City Hall square was also attended.




Throughout the week on the occasion of November 25, day against patriarchal violence, several graffiti have appeared in Albacete in the university area and neighborhoods of the city, with slogans such as "Long live proletarian feminism!", " November 25th Against patriarchal violence and against capital" or "Fight for communism to emancipate the working woman".




The Revolutionary Committee of Albacete emphasized in its social networks (@CR_Albacete_) that "On the 25th of November, Day against patriarchal violence, we vindicate the just struggle for the eradication of this scourge, and against the system that supports and cements the oppression of working women. Against patriarchal violence and against capital: long live proletarian feminism!

On the other hand, some activists and collaborators of Servir al Pueblo were distributing among the student masses a leaflet on the occasion of November 25. In several faculties leaflets have also appeared on the importance of linking the struggle against patriarchal violence with the revolutionary struggle and the seizure of power for the proletariat.



Also, revolutionaries have conducted an interview with a woman in the shantytowns of Albacete, a testimony of the double oppression of proletarian women.


Activists and collaborators of Servir al Pueblo distributed propaganda at the University of Malaga on the occasion of the November 25th, day against patriarchal violence.

