
The comrades at Tjen Folket Media report on a counter-demonstration against a chauvinist grouping.

The police unprovokedly attacked the counter-demonstration and used unmarked police to try to arrest specific people, but the counter-demonstrators resisted and expelled the police again. During the retreat the police attacked the flanks of the demonstration, while the counter-demonstrators stood together to resist the police attack. One woman was brutally attacked by police, giving her a concussion and a broken rib, the police had the audacity to spin the situation by arresting her and charging her with violence against police, despite video evidence showing that she was just yelling at the police. Six other people were also arrested and all were subsequently charged with violence against police officer. All of this repression was made on the allegation of “loud yelling” and “spitting”, this shows the fear of the reaction, they are deadly afraid of rebellion of the masses and the growing revolutionary movement in Norway.

The largest electronics and home appliance retailer in the Nordic countries, British-owned Elkjøp, has in Norway boasted in advertisement campaigns that they will give out 300 million Norwegian Crowns in bonuses to their more than 10.000 employees in the Nordic countries. This sham was exposed on multiple levels. For one thing, this number included bonuses paid to the executives of Elkjøp Nordic AS and when employees inquired about when they would receive this bonus, the answer was that this amount is what had already been paid through the “ordinary bonus-system”. This bonus-system is a “variable monthly bonus based on the employee’s and the company’s results”, and so it is a way to make the workers compete for higher wages against each other every month, to try and wear down comradery and make them into apple polishing stooges. Elkjøp claims that employees like this bonus-system, and prefer it to getting compensated for working on late hours, this alleged choice (that cannot be taken by individual employees, but is applied to entire warehouses) hides that Elkjøp uses this bonus-system to discourage union organising at the warehouses. When a warehouse demands collective bargaining, they lose this bonus, because the company is angry that it has to pay for odd hours and that the workers have achieved some level of organisation, but also workers reports that bosses call employees to one-on-one meetings, in order to try to convince them to leave the union or join the cheaper alternative unions (commercial unions, used and promoted by the Norwegian state to split the working class movement further).



In Turku a counter-demonstration against fascists was made, who fought with dozens of riot police, in the end it was a victory for the anti-fascists and a defeat for the fascists and the police.


In Tampere posters were hanged on occasion of the 103 year anniversary of the October Revolution, with the slogans “For the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Finland!” and “Unite under Maoism, death to revisionism!”, in combination with posters in defense of the life of Chairman Gonzalo.



The campaign to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo has spread to Denmark, after Dazibaos were put up around Copenhagen last with the slogan “Defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo!” there were now posters seen in busy areas of Copenhagen. Also leaflets were handed out in a proletarian neighbourhood and a wall slogan was spotted in a busy train station.



Further the comrades at Socialistisk Revolution write that a small group of chauvinists (outcasts from Paludan’s group) showed up in the proletarian housing area of Blågården, with a banner with reactionary slogans and burning of the Qur'an. This was in the area where three families are facing eviction, because one of their family members were convicted of participating in the rebellion in the easter of 2019, which was provoked by a Paludan demonstration. This group seems to want to reignite the anti-muslim, national-chauvinist manifestations, since Paludan has been more busy lately chatting on the internet with young boys about explicit subjects (widely known for a long time, but last week evidence was published in the major tabloid newspaper). While there were no organised counter-demonstrations, masses from the neighbourhood formed spontaneous counter-demonstrations at both occasions. At the first demonstration, the masses were able to capture a Danish flag and a Qur'an from the chauvinists. At the second demonstration a muslim woman went tried to stop a Qur'an from burning and then one of the chauvinists assaulted her, this lead to struggles where the masses stormed the police and struggles between the police and the counter-demonstrators broke out, and then some masses took down and ran away with the banner.