The documentary named „The Uprising of the Middle Class“ presented by ARTE illustrates with different people the collapsing of the so called middle class.

The documentary shows very good how the „middle class“ falls down more and more and how they lose faith in social upgrade and the bourgeois politicians.
The „social class“ that is so important for the stability of the bourgeois society falls down since years and more and more people becoming proletarian or are threaten by this. The dream of the „social upgrade“ that is promised if you just work enough, is becoming nothing than an illusion for many. Though many of the protagonists are shown as militant and furious and speak about the need of another system than capitalism, the documentary shows clearly how they did not give up hope in the old system finally. For example they also state that just the politicians that are in power were the problem.
The documentary might not be a revolutionary piece but it gives deep looks into a part of the change of the French bourgeois society.