
The social security counterreform sanctioned by the shift manager Temer which went into effect since November 11, 2017. Despite some adaptations and changes, this is the biggest attack on the labor rights in recent history.

The first milestone of the deepening of the predatory capital accumulation and the consequent worsening labor conditions is established in the coup of 1964. The pursuit to union organizations, extinction of employment stability and unemployment security and the minimum wage commissions were all taken from the working class.

The second one is the period of FHC (Fernendo Henrique Cardoso) which was marked more by the working post reduction (especially qualified) than altering the labor legal situation.

And the current third one is the worst, which combines both dimensions: the counterreform which removes legal guarantees from the workers and the growth of unemployment.

The Media monopoly, headed by Globo, tries to disguise the counterreform asserting that those measures are a modernization of the relations of labor and brings Brazil closer to USA and Germany. Even though USA was never a model for labor rights and Germany is no longer a model for some time, since even in imperialist countries the labor conditions are worsening.

And the necessary resources to maintain these structures, though, comes less from the profit or surplus value rate reduction and more from the exploitation of the colonies and semicolonies. And the tendency to attract the transnational enterprises points towards Thailand and Vietnam because it is getting more expensive to continue in China. And the lackey big bourgeoisie try to reduce the cost of labor to keep their profit rates and the attraction of Brazil concerning their imperialist masters at the expense of the people.

Class Collaborators

For the big bourgeoisie and imperialism it is not enough. It is necessary to overcome the situation of negotiate the rights removal with each trade union – which raise the risk of giving projection to independent classist leaderships who have been uprising against all these policies and could channel the masses´ unrest – and end everything at once. This is a task that was meant to the Worker´s Party, the electioneering popular front and CUT (Central Worker´s Union).

They did it in two carefully planned moves: first to extinguish the labor guarantees through the collective labor contract and the revocation of the law and, second, to promote the most fascist intervention on the unions to turn them into better tools for the corporativization of the masses and the class collaboration, turning the Brazilian unionist movement into a mafia organization controlled by the CUT and Union Force.


One of the most affected sectors is education, particularly higher education – which is dominated by the private companies since the imperialist monopolies started to plunder the country with waves of privatization in the 1990s. Estácio de Sá, one of the biggest companies, dismissed one thousand and two hundred professors, aiming to hire new professionals with lower wages and more “flexible” contracts.

In construction also many people became unemployed after the reform and the ones that kept their job had their working journey reduced, lowering their wages.

In Telemarketing the people lost the right to holidays, and working on them is not considered bonus work anymore.


Since this counterreform was implemented the workers are rising in revolt, countless demonstrations took place all around the country and also the peasantry raised against these policies. The National Day of Struggle Against the Reform was set to February 19 and took place in more than 20 states, being the most important in Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pernambuco and Minas Gerais. The last voting for the implementation of the reform was arranged to take place in February, but the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro extended the date forward. This counterreform is war declaration against the workers and the only solution they have is to organize their struggle against the bourgeois and landlord old State and the class collaborators in these rotten Central Unions and build a new democracy for the exploited people in Brazil.


Demonstration against the Reform of Social Security in rio de Janeiro.