
The Finnish comrades of Punalippu ("Red Flag") this week published the translation of report adopted at the V. meeting of marxist-leninist-maoist parties and organisations of Latin America. In their introduction, the comrades say:

"Below is a translation of the document "On the international situation and the tasks of the International Communist Movement " adopted by the Fifth meeting of marxist-leninist-maoist parties and organisations of Latin America  in May 2016. The Finnish translation is mainly based on the English translation ( ), but also the original Spanish text ( has been used. In view of the very high ideological level of the document, the most important thing in Finnish translation is the preservation of scientific and precise conception, but at the same time efforts have been made to ensure that the translation is in smooth Finnish. Suggestions for improvement of the translation are welcome."

We publish some impressions from actions done on the 8th of march.

We document following translation of an article publishied by the comrades of El Pueblo:


Proletarian Feminism and the Path to Women’s Liberation

By the Popular Women’s Movement (MFP) Committee
Published in the printed edition n° 67 of the periodical El Pueblo, March 2018.

Women of the popular classes are an important part of the rise of the struggle of the masses. Today in the heart of women’s organizations a struggle is beginning between proletarian feminism and bourgeois feminism. Mothers, wives, workers, fighters, are searching for a path, therefore it is of utmost importance that it be the ideology of the working class which guides their endeavors.


In the FRG the Red Women Committees and other comrades have developed powerful actions in many cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen. In Weimar approximately 40 comrades participated in a presentation on proletarian Feminism. Also in Bremen and Berlin there have been similar events prior to the 8th of March in order to mobilize. Already, comrades have sent us various images and photos of actions, from which we want document a few before we report more extensively on the 8th of March activities that took place in the FRG.

Down with Imperialism and Patriarchate!


Painting in Berlin:




Mobilization event in Bremen:


Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Joint declaration of the Red Women Committees in Austria and the FRG:

Unleash the wrath of the women as a mighty weapon for the revolution!

Shoulder to Shoulder, united in the struggle of the revolutionary women in all the world, the Red Women Committees in Austria and the FRG call on the combative women to make this 8th of March a joyful and decisive day of struggle of the women in the heart of the imperialist beast. This struggle is closely connected to the struggle in the storm centers of the world revolution, the oppressed nations. Spurning the hypocritical crocodile tears and promises of the rulers and combating the double exploitation and oppression, women take their place side by side with their class comrades in struggle for political power, for the dictatorship of the proletariat, for the emancipation of the whole humankind.

In January 12, 2018, in the São Francisco Community – between the municipalities of Manacapuru and Novo Airão the police made anownership repossession action, destroyed 80 houses, the crops and the electric and water systems. All these were built by the blood and sweat of the 180 peasant families who lived there for over 15 years.

We publish this inofficial french translation of the declaration by the TKP/ML:

Déclaration de notre Parti, le Parti communiste de Turquie / marxiste-léniniste

Au sujet de la position adoptée au regard du Mouvement Révolutionnaire Uni des Peuples ; à l'attention des organisations et Partis internationaux frères et amis.

Le 24 mars 2016, le Bureau international (BI) de notre Parti publiait une déclaration intitulée "Aux organisations et Partis internationaux frères et amis". Cette déclaration portait sur le Mouvement Révolutionnaire Uni des Peuples (HBDH – Halkların Birleşik Devrim Hareketi), dont la création venait d'être annoncée le 12 mars 2016. Notre Parti étant au nombre des signataires de cette nouvelle structure, le BI avait l'obligation d'accomplir cette tâche.

À la suite de l'annonce publique de la création de cette structure, et que nous étions l'un des Partis la composant, notre Parti s'est trouvé face à une série de tâches consistant à en comprendre correctement le caractère et le contenu. Nous voulons spécifier ici que notre participation à cette structure est le résultat d'un acte décisionnel qui a outrepassé l'autorité de notre organisation.

Lorsque notre Parti a réalisé pleinement le contenu du programme et de la déclaration fondatrice du HBDH, une discussion interne a été initiée. La discussion a porté sur divers points incluant l'outrepassement de l'autorité organisationnelle et le programme de la nouvelle formation. Comme vous pourrez le voir dans la déclaration qui va suivre, une grande partie du programme et de la déclaration fondatrice du HBDH n'est pas en accord avec les options programmatiques, les principes fondamentaux et la ligne politique de notre Parti.

Selon nous, le caractère de cette structure excède celui d'une coordination d'action conjointe. Au regard de la globalité de son programme, de ses objectifs et buts, elle revêt le caractère d'une organisation de type front.

We document this declaration of the Central Committee of the TKP/ML:


To inform the public and to underline our orientation by making “a final statement” in reference to the emerging developments in our party and the dissidence have shown itself as a need. Because, we consider it significant from the point of canalising our party to the class struggle duties in addition to the complete information for dissidence. We are going to evaluate the entire process by identifying its milestones and its main lines, which are reflected in public opinion and not. We are going to express our perspective for: what do the emerging developments mean and what do they tell to the party public opinion. Because where we stand now is a clear decomposition situation which its all fronts and lines are drawn, its organizational structure is settled and its political ideology is unveiled. In this scene, we are here to declare that how we define this leaving group in the context of political ideology, how we will relate with them and what will be our approach to them.

The Problems in our Party; the Current Factionalism; Fighting with this; Initiatives and its Consequences