In the following we document the english translation of the speech held by the comrades of the Maoist Communist Party of the French State to the international celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx.


The Maoist Communist Party of the French State is honored to participate in this great international celebration for the 200 years of Karl Marx. We send our thanks to the organizers of this day, and we send our warmest greetings to all Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations of the oppressed and imperialist countries and their heroic masses.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the working class emerged as a class in its own right. After various bourgeois revolutions that shook the world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Marx and Engels analyzed the rise of this class and especially its historical role. They thus demonstrated that the bourgeoisie had gone from a progressive class (through its role in the abolition of feudalism) to a reactionary class, which could no longer be the driving force of social progress. This revolutionary historical role was now in the hands of the proletariat. Marx, supported by Engels, laid the foundations for the scientific ideology of the revolutionary proletariat. These bases are in philosophy the dialectical materialism which constitutes the point of view of the proletariat in its analysis of the world, with the discovery of the fundamental laws which govern human history; in political economy the discovery of the nature of capitalist exploitation and the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production ; in organization, tactics and strategies of struggle of the proletariat, the construction of the first International, the Manifesto of the Communist Party and drawing lessons from the Paris Commune of 1871 - take political power by violent revolution and use the dictatorship of the proletariat to achieve a classless society. This set is what is called Marxism, the first stage of the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

« The weapons used by the bourgeoisie to defeat feudalism are now turning against itself. But the bourgeoisie has not only forged the weapons that will put it to death: it has also produced the men who will handle these weapons - the modern workers, the proletarians. » Manifesto of the Communist Party.

Later, Lenin developed Marxism at a higher stage during the experience of the revolutionary movement in Russia and in the international struggle against revisionism. Lenin thus analyzed the development of capitalism as being at its highest stage : imperialism. He developed the necessity of the new-type Party, the Communist Party, as an indispensable tool for the revolution. He then concretely realized the dictatorship of the proletariat on the scale of an entire country, the first proletarian revolutionary practical experience at this level. The echo of October Revolution throughout the world unified the struggles of the oppressed peoples and the world proletarian revolution. The Communist International has been formed. These developments, among others, constitute Marxism-Leninism, the seond stage of the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

After Lenin's death, Stalin continued the construction of socialism in the USSR under difficult and previously unknown conditions and led the masses of the USSR to victory against the Nazis in the Second World War. He has worked extensively for the recognition of Marxism-Leninism as a revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

Finally, Mao Zedong, during the long revolutionary struggle for the seizure of power in China, for the construction of socialism, in the struggle against modern revisionism and in the struggle against the restoration of capitalism, developed Marxism-Leninism in a higher stage. Mao developed the three components of Marxism - philosophy, political economy, and scientific socialism.

Mao also theorized the development of the three instruments for the success of the revolution : the Party, the United Front and the People's Army. The Party is central and it is always the Party that commands the rifle. Mao Zedong initiated and directed the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which was a great leap forward in the exercise of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Hundreds of millions of people have risen up to overthrow capitalist leaders who have emerged in the socialist society and who have been particularly focused on the leadership of the Party itself (such as Liou Chao-chi, Lin Piao and Deng Xiaoping).

Mao led the proletariat and the masses in their confrontation with the leaders on the path of capitalism to impose the interests, the point of view and the will of the vast majority in all areas which, even in socialist society, had remained the preserve of the exploiting classes and their way of thinking.

The great victories won during the Cultural Revolution have prevented the restoration of capitalism in China for a decade and have led to great socialist transformations in the economic base as in education, literature and art, scientific research and the other areas of the superstructure.

Under the leadership of Mao, the masses have turned back the old humus that breeds capitalism - such as bourgeois right and the three great differences between city and country, between workers and peasants, and between intellectual work and manual labor.

The Cultural Revolution was conducted as an integral part of the proletariat's international struggle and was a school of proletarian internationalism. The Communist Party of Peru has affirmed that Maoism forms the third milestone of Marxism, it has elevated Marxism Leninism maoism, mainly maoism as an international ideology of proletariat. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is a living ideology, it is a guide for action, it is the ideology of the proletariat, making it possible to understand society from its point of view as a class with a view to transforming it. The development of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations in the world today, including in the imperialist countries, is a testament to its timeliness, vitality and relevance in facing the revolutionary challenge we face.

Since the 1970s, in the imperialist countries, capitalism has undergone major resstructurations : that is the capitalists of the dominant countries have begun to modify and reorganize the production tool - factories, transport and companies in general. This has led to a decline in the living conditions of workers in general, to a stabilization of management classes and to a rapid enrichment of the bourgeoisie, which is still more powerful. It also depleted the proletariat and destroyed many social links, by multiplying so-called "atypical" hours (night hours, staggered hours, Sunday work ...). There is a real desire to atomise the proletariat by individualizing wages, dismantling large production sites to favor subcontracting, new management techniques and precarious contracts : breaking the class unity of the proletariat was a necessary objective for the bourgeoisie to continue to maintain profit rate by deepening the exploitation.

This is also paid for by the masses of the oppressed countries, who are suffering French imperialism, ever more violent and more aggressive at a time when inter-imperialist contradictions are sharpening for the redistribution of the world.
The contradictions of our society are hardening : the masses are moving. There can be no oppression without resistance! That is why the Maoist Communist Party was founded : For giving the masses a fighting tool as effective as possible, to serve the people in these difficult times, to try to build a headquarters of the Revolution capable of sweeping away this system that proletarians doesn't want. Communists will, in the period that open in front of us, go into the people, learn the struggles of the proletariat and strengthen their instruments of struggle.

The actual crisis  leading imperialism to be more and more aggressive. The installation is felt both inside and outside. Inside, a preventive counter-revolution and a militarization of society are needed to prepare and promote the war abroad. The state of permanent emergency is a perfect example : the rights of justice are reduced, and those of the repressive arsenal are greatly increased.
While the war in Libya was a disaster for the Libyan people, it is now in a Syria ravaged by inter-imperialist conflict that the bourgeois government has decided to reinforce its intervention alongside Donald Trump and Theresa May. In the partition-repartition of  Mashrek between rival imperialists, France isn't ready to miss its chance. In spite of course of oppressed nations, ravaged by a carpet of bombs.

Elsewhere, it was during the visit to Burkina Fasso that the French government showed its true face. In an oppressed country where industry, banking and services are almost entirely owned by French capital, Emmanuel Macron behaved like a real colonist, not hesitating to make fun of President Burkinabe Roch Kaboré and insistent  on the fact that France was going to strengthen its grip. Faced with Burkinabe students questioning him about the presence of French soldiers on the soil of Burkina Faso, he didn't hesitate to answer them that they owed only respect to the French army.

France is today the third arms dealer in the world, among these lucrative contracts concluded by French imperialism there is for example that concluded with Saudi Arabia. In an impassioned joke, Minister Florence Parly even allowed herself to say, speaking of the weapons used by Saudi Arabia during the massacres in Yemen, that "Weapons weren't made to be used." to serve. The imperialist government does not hesitate to sell arms to the ultra-reactionary government of Saudi Arabia, nor to the fascist government of Modi in India, which has sent a million and a half soldiers, police and militia to wage war against its own people and the People's War led by the Maoist Communist Party of India. While everyone sees the tension rising between India and its Pakistani neighbor, selling arms to an expansionist country is criminal. The crimes of imperialism are numerous, but we will not be able to name them all. During his visit to India where Macron re-affirmed its proximity to the reactionary regime of Modi, he also made the perfect sale representative of Areva by advancing the possibility of selling nuclear reactors to India. French imperialism is thus reinforced, as the Indian example shows, by the exploitation of resources, as does Lafarge, but also by the trade of nuclear reactors and Rafales, french avitation fighters.

While the Macron government, which ran as "neither right-wing nor left-wing" in the presidential elections, was already sowing doubt by its reactionary composition (former opponents of marriage for all, ultra-reactionary remarks about women and immigrants), the Macron government appears more and more as a "hard" right showing the real Macron project that had already been widely previewed in the presidential elections.

While the condition of proletarian women is getting worse, with the rise of different forms of unemployment, the more overwhelming weight of domestic chores and the increase of social violence, which affects them mainly, no action has been taken by this government. On the contrary, Emmanuel Macron didn't hesitate to present himself alongside reactionary Bishops and to say to them his vows to renew the link between Church and State. The president's racist and paternalistic statements about the suburbs and the proletarian masses of immigrant origin are also noteworthy. The increase in the cops power, and the violence they inflict on the masses of working-class neighborhoods, is clearly visible.
Finally, it's a very reactionary government who's in  the head of the state : and this is normal, since the bourgeois system can not do anything more progressive, its only way of governing today is to appeal to ever more reactionary forces, hence the inexorable rise of fascism.

However, the masses don't give upand raise their heads as for example during the rebellion of the suburbs of 2006, and the great social movements of the last year. Outside French metropolis, in the Myotte colony, general strikes multiply. This massive resistance is an example for us, an example for all those who want to advance in the resistance. The economy crashes, destroying the profit of the exploiters of the bourgeois imperialist and its comprador allies.
This resistance, which starts from the proletariat and extends into the masses, sees its opposite grow with it : the repression becomes more fierce and the fascist organized bands begin to structure themselves, to serve as the armed arm of the reactionary government - which they claim struggle against.

In this situation, the communists can only take part in all the fighting, without ever falling into purism, dogmatism or blind following. If the masses make mistakes and learn in the fight, it's exactly the same for us. We first learn about these fights. We learn that everywhere there is oppression, there is resistance. We learn the methods of action. We also learn what are the embryos of popular power in the masses.

The contradiction between the imperialist system and the popular masses, between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, hardens, becomes ever more visible and ever more violent ; only revolution can really change the situation of the proletarians and all the oppressed people.

Lenin says, in The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution, that « There is one, and only one, kind of real internationalism, and that is—working whole-heartedly for the development of the revolutionary movement and the revolutionary struggle in one’s own country, and supporting (by propaganda, sympathy, and material aid) this struggle, this, and only this, line, in every country without exception.»

Long live Marxism Leninism Maoism, mainly Maoism!
Long live the struggle of the heroic masses!
Let's develop the three instruments of the revolution!
Long live Karl Marx!