This 1st of May marks the first anniversary of the announcement of the foundation of the Red League (Roter Bund) as a nationwide revolutionary activist organization and a quick overview shows, that the Red League has celebrated this anniversary adequately.


Before and on the 1st of May nearly 40,000 copies of the call for the 1st of May were distributed and thousands upon thousands of posters decorated the walls of the proletarian neighborhoods of many German cities.

On the 1st of May itself, hundreds of Red Flags with Hammer and Sickle appeared in 17 cities and contingents of the Red League participated in 1st of May demonstrations in five cities. Furthermore, an independent 1st of May demonstration was organized additionally.


Beflaggung Berlin Marzahn Beflaggung Braunschweig Westbahnhof Skatepark Beflaggung Bremen Beflaggung Bremerhaven

Berlin (Mahrzahn)

Brunswick (Westbahnhof, Skatepark)

Bremen (Tenever)

Bremerhaven (Goetheviertel)

Beflaggung Duisburg Beflaggung Essen Beflaggung Freiburg Beflaggung Halle Neustadt

Duisburg (Hochfeld)

Essen (Altendorf)

Freiburg (Weingarten)

Halle (Neustadt)

Beflaggung Hamburg Beflaggung Hannover Beflaggung Köln Beflaggung Leipzig

Hamburg (Mümmelmannsberg)


Cologne (Mühlheim)

Beflaggung Mannheim Beflaggung Oldenburg Beflaggung Rostock Beflaggung Wuppertal
Mannheim Oldenburg

Rostock (Innenstadt)

Wuppertal (Oberbarmen)



Here an overview of the activities in the various parts of the country:

In the North activists of the Red League participated in the 1st of May demonstration organized by the DGB (the General German Labor Union) in both Hamburg as well as in Bremen. In Hamburg activists of the Red League marched shoulder to shoulder with the comrades from Partizan. Together with other anti-imperialist forces, a strong show of support for the struggle of the people of Palestine was made and the ongoing genocide was denounced. In Bremerhaven the comrades have, as has by now has become a tradition over the years, organized their own demonstration in the Goetheviertel. There, as part of the ongoing Days of Action in support of the People’s War in India, complete support to the struggle of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) was declared. Moreover, a banner in support of the People’s War in India decorated the sound truck and was afterwards presented visibly at the subsequent bloc-party. Here, activities with the children from the neighborhood were organized. Comrades and friends put up flags in Brunswick, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Hanover, Oldenburg and Rostock.



Demo Hamburg 1mai 2024

The contingent of the Red League together with Partizan at the Union march in Hamburg. The banner reads: „To the streets on 1st of May! Combat and resist! Forward in the construction of the Anti-imperialist Front!“


 Demo Bremen 1mai 2024

Activists of the Red League distribute leaflets and sell the Red Post at the unions march.


Demo Bremerhaven 1mai 2024 01

In Bremerhaven the youngest waved the banner of the Palestinian resistance ahead of the Red League’s march. The banner reads: “To the streets on 1st of May! Combat and resist!”


Demo Bremerhaven 1mai 2024 02

Banner reads: “Support the People’s War in India!”


Demo Bremerhaven 1mai 2024 04

Banner painted together with the children of the neighborhood Goetheviertel, which was put up afterwards. It reads: “Against the price-hikes”


In the West, activists of the Red League participated with a strong detachment in the revolutionary 1st of May Demonstration in Cologne. Despite the police frequently halting the demonstration due to pretenses like the lighting of fireworks or supposed masking, the protest did not allow to be intimidated, comparatively marched until it announced its dissolution on its own accords – only to go over to an orderly retreat in the form of an unannounced demonstration. Noteworthy in North Rhine-Westphalia are also the activities of the comrades in the so-called “Vorabenddemonstration” (a very strange German concept, very popular among “autonomous” forces, that instead of doing the demonstration on the day you should you do it the evening before – translators note) in Bochum where, together with different forces from the revolutionist movement, a strong demarcation against the so-called “Antideutsche” was made. Flags were hoisted in Bochum, Duisburg, Essen, Cologne and Wuppertal.


Demo Koeln 1Mai 2024

Red League at the revolutionary 1st of May demonstration in Cologne. It reads: “Forward in the construction of the Anti-imperialist Front!”


Demo Bochum 1Mai 2024

Red League at the demonstration in Bochum. Banner reads: “Down with all occupiers! Combat and resist!”


In the East activists of the Red League in Leipzig participated in organizing the revolutionary 1st of May demonstration with great success: More then 2000 people participated in the demonstration and it was hence one of the biggest 1st of May demonstrations for years. Activists of Red League participated vigorously in the “internationalist block” and, as a strong show of internationalism the flag of the ICL was carried in four different languages. Flags were hoisted in Berlin, Halle and Leipzig.


Demo Leipzig 1Mai 2024 01

Contingent of the Red League at the revolutionary 1st of May demonstration in Leipzig.  Banner in the back reads: “To the streets on 1st of May! Combat and resist! Join the Red League!”; banner in the front reads: “Forward in the construction of the Anti-imperialist Front!”


Demo Leipzig 1Mai 2024 02

Leipzig: Forward in the construction of the Anti-imperialist Front!


Demo Leipzig 1Mai 2024 03

Leipzig: Long live the International Communist League!


In the South comrades of the Red League participated in the trade union demonstration in Freiburg as part of the internationalist forces. United and fiercely particular attention was drawn to the situation of Palestine and different issues, such as the desolate circumstances in regards to the health care situation in Gaza were raised. Flags were hoisted in Freiburg and Mannheim.


Demo Freiburg 1Mai 2024

The Red League at the Union march in Freiburg. Banner reads: “Down with the occupiers! It’s right to rebel!”


Apart from the preparatory mobilization, with an emphasis on the working class neighborhoods in the respective cities, and the participation in the 1st of May demonstrations themselves, also hundreds over hundreds of revolutionary monthly newspapers of the Rote Post were sold as well as a large number of issues of the theoretical newspaper Klassenstandpunkt. It has to particularly emphasized, that in all the demonstration a new edition of two important pamphlets of the communist party of China – as part of the struggle against modern revisionism – was sold. With all likelihood, this will be an important contribution in the development of the ideological discussion within the revolutionary movement in Germany.


Lenin Broschüre 2.cleaned



Overall, the comrades of the Red League have all the reason to be satisfied with this years 1st of May activities.


Demo Bremerhaven 1mai 2024 03

The Future is ours!