On the occasion of the week of action proclaimed by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and supported by the website Communist international, wall newspapers with the slogans "Against exploitation and oppression!", "Down with the imperialist war" and "Victory to the people's war in India" in Romanian were pasted in Gelsenkirchen, among other places.

The pictures that were sent to us come from Gelsenkirchen Bulmke-Hüllen. Bulmke-Hüllen is a district on the outskirts of Gelsenkirchen, which is strongly characterized by poverty and migration, especially Romanian workers live there, who were lured to the FRG under false hopes. In the adjacent industrial park "Schalker Verein" has among others the meat processor Librecco a location at these work mainly Romanians for lowest wages. The wall newspapers have been installed in the immediate vicinity of the industrial park.

Gelsenkirchen Dazibao 1


Gelsenkirchen Dazibao 2