We publish an unofficial english translation of an article that was published on A Nova Democracia.

Chinese students, activists and veteran revolutionaries held public demonstrations in support of a workers strike at Jasic Technology company in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, southern China. The company, which produces electronic welding machines and mechanical arms, carries out, along with the "authorities" of the municipality, a ferocious repression and persecution against the workers who are more engaged in the struggle to form an independent trade union. 

So far, at least seven workers have been fired and beaten; other 29 workers and supporters were arrested.


On August 6, at least 80 activists organized a large demonstration in front of the Yanziling police station in Pingshan District, Shenzhen. The march was carried out holding portraits of Chairman Mao Tsetung, which makes all the list of revisionists, who usurped the State and the Communist Party converting them into instruments of the bourgeois dictatorship, tremble. Among those present, at least 40 members of the Communist Party and retired senior cadres were to give solidarity to the workers.

They demanded the unconditional release of all workers and supporters, their right to form an independent trade union, and the punishment of the police bands that were accused of beating them


There were significant demonstrations of class solidarity also in other parts of China. In Beijing, a joint action was carried out by the Solidarity Groups of the Beijing Language and Culture University, the Beijing Technology University and the Nanjing Chinese Medicine University. Red bands demanding the unconditional release of the proletarians and their economic rights were exhibited.

The Solidarity Group of Beijing Language and Culture University wrote in a statement that "Chairman Mao teaches us that not having a correct political orientation is like not having a soul. We refuse to be intellectuals alien to the world. more and more young people will join us and fight shoulder to shoulder with us, forming a torrent of justice that will erase all the shadows of injustice! " And they continue: "We learn with the indomitable spirit of struggle of the proletariat, dare to fight, dare to win. We dare to begin the most complete and resolute struggle against the dark forces of evil, and dare to fight for the victory of the working class and all forces of justice! ".

In Henan Province, veterans who participated in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution marched with portraits of Chairman Mao and with huge banners in solidarity to the Chinese workers in Shenzhen.


also we forward a video of a demonstration supporting the struggle of the workers.