We publish an unofficial translation of an article published by the Revolutionary Newspaper A Nova Democracia from Brazil.

Hundreds of peasants from the National Front of Struggle Countryside and City (FNL), between March 27 and 29, suffered forced evictions carried out by the military under the orders of the old State in benefit of the latifundium. The families resisted, held protests and part of them continue occupying the lands. The evictions took place in the municipality of Euclides Cunha in the state of São Paulo and in Pato Branco in the state of Paraná. Both illegal evictions did not respect the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to suspend evictions and evictions due to the pandemic until June 2022.



Vehicles arrive at the Carlos Marighella camp to evict the people.



Tractors are taken by the military to destroy Carlos Marighella peasant camp.



On March 27, dozens of peasants set fire to objects to block the road that gives access to PR-151. This was a protest against the eviction of 50 families carried out the same day at the Rosa Luxemburg encampment. The peasant families were occupying an area of 15 hectares, a latifundium belonging to the old state, in the region of Jardim Carvalho, located in the municipality of Pato Branco in Paraná.

The peasants also demanded the release of Leandro Dias, a regional leader of the FNL, who was taken to the 13th Police Sub-division to "answer questions about the occupation" after the resistance of the families against the eviction that took place in the camp.

The forced eviction was backed by the city government. Soldiers from the Military Police (PM) and the Civil Guard surrounded the camp with vehicles. The families resisted the police repression during the eviction action and proclaimed: "The people united will never be defeated!

Leandro Dias said that the place where the Rosa Luxemburgo Camp is located is an estate that has been abandoned for decades, and that could house around 700 families.

Zé Rainha, national leader of the FNL stated that: "Not all stuggles are won. The stuggles that are lost should serve as a lesson and a learning process. Zé Rainha also said: "In the fight for land there is no tie, either we defeat the landowners or we will be defeated by them. This is the character of the class. The leader also concluded that to defeat capitalism, a peasant and worker alliance is necessary in this struggle.


On March 29, in benefit of the latifundium, the Euclides da Cunha City Hall called in military police who evicted 220 peasant families and destroyed the Carlos Marighella camp, located in the region of Pontal de Paranapanema, in the state of São Paulo.

The military police arrived at the camp around 7:45am. They stopped tractors and threatened the peasant families, saying that if by 12:30 they still had any kind of personal belongings of the workers, everything would be swept away and buried with the machines. The police destroyed all the shacks built by the families.

The camp was built in December 2021 by dozens of families who occupied an area of 12 thousand hectares of the latifundium, the former Ponte Branca ranch that belonged to Ênio Pipino, one of the settlers of the region in the 1940s, known for his violent persecution of peasants and indigenous people of the region.

According to the FNL, "the current resident of this region is the grandfather of Mayor Nene Lopes (Republicans), which explains the hurry and violence of the City Hall in demolishing the houses, and the resistance to the distribution of these public lands for agrarian reform.