Comrades in Stockholm announce to spread thousands of leaflets at the beginnig of school after winter regarding the topics "Down with Imperialism!", "Stop pinch!", "Increase student grants!" and "The school lies about Sweden!".


We publish an inofficial translation of the first leaflet:

The world in which we live is divided into two camps: The oppressed nations and peoples in particular Asia, Africa and Latin America, where the majority of the world's population lives and the imperialist block (such as the United States, the EU, Russia, China, Japan, etc.).
Sweden is included in this block.

The imperialist states that exploit and repress the rest of the world. Imperialism is responsible for two World Wars and for a series of local wars or war by proxy after the World War. Imperialism is a system that only serves the very few. In the latest decades, the rich have become richer and the gaps to the overwhelming majority of the world's people have only increased.

This system can not be wished away, it can not be cast or tampered from within.It can only be overthrown by the proletariat and all the oppressed peoples in Asia, Africa and Latin America to ultimately shut down this system and by the proletariat of the imperialist countries make a revolution in their own countries and support the oppressed people in the colonies and semi-colonies of imperialism. We must fight it in particular Swedish imperialism's cooperation with US-Imperialism and NATO.

The Communist Association is against all imperialist powers and supports the world oppressed people's struggle against imperialism.

The Communist Association therefore has the following slogans:

It is right to rebel!
Fight Swedish imperialism!
Down with imperialism!