An alliance of various armed organizations of Myanmar's national minorities has carried out several attacks on state and infrastructural targets.

Different national minorities are living in the north of the semi-feudal semi-colony, Myanmar. The Rohingya are the largest of them with about 1,000,000 people. In theory and in fact these minorities don´t have any rights and can not rely on any state protection. They are subjected to strong repression and arbitrariness of the state and other reactionary elements. Worst it hits the Rohingya, they are considered as stateless and are not allowed to vote or participate in public life, and they are not allowed to visit higher educational institutions. In addition, they also not allowed to leave the country or to move freely within the national borders.

 There are repeated attacks, murders and even genocides, as most recently in the summer of 2017. At that time the clerical elites of the country, Buddhist monks, declared the Rohingya for outlaw and opened the hunt for the national minority with the support of the military. Already in the first week of this pogrom, thousands of houses of the Rohingya were burnt down, countless crippled and murdered and about 60,000 people were displaced. After two months, more than 600,000 Rohingya had to fled to Bangladesh.

 But also in Myanmar the resistance is getting formed. There are several organizations that have taken up the armed struggle against the Myanmar state. They are mainly active in the states of Rakhine and Shan. The reaction tries everything to drown this fight in blood. In a military offensive in Rakhine State, more than 30,000 people have again been displaced in the recent months.

 But the answer of the rebels was not long in coming. On Thursday, August 15, an alliance of various armed organizations, called the Northern Alliance, attacked five state targets, killing at least 15 security forces. A military university in the Shan state was attacked and two bridges were blown up. There was also a battle in a poor neighbourhood of the city of Naung Cho and at a checkpoint on a freeway heading to Lashio, the largest city in Shan State. A spokesman for the Táng National Liberations Army, which is part of the Northern Alliance, said that these coordinated actions are just the beginning.



An alliance of various armed organizations of Myanmar's national minorities has carried out several attacks on state and infrastructural targets.

Different national minorities are living in the north of the semi-feudal semi-colony, Myanmar. The Rohingya are the largest of them with about 1,000,000 people. In theory and in fact these minorities don´t have any rights and can not rely on any state protection. They are subjected to strong repression and arbitrariness of the state and other reactionary elements. Worst it hits the Rohingya, they are considered as stateless and are not allowed to vote or participate in public life, and they are not allowed to visit higher educational institutions. In addition, they also not allowed to leave the country or to move freely within the national borders.

 There are repeated attacks, murders and even genocides, as most recently in the summer of 2017. At that time the clerical elites of the country, Buddhist monks, declared the Rohingya for outlaw and opened the hunt for the national minority with the support of the military. Already in the first week of this pogrom, thousands of houses of the Rohingya were burnt down, countless crippled and murdered and about 60,000 people were displaced. After two months, more than 600,000 Rohingya had to fled to Bangladesh.

 But also in Myanmar the resistance is getting formed. There are several organizations that have taken up the armed struggle against the Myanmar state. They are mainly active in the states of Rakhine and Shan. The reaction tries everything to drown this fight in blood. In a military offensive in Rakhine State, more than 30,000 people have again been displaced in the recent months.

 But the answer of the rebels was not long in coming. On Thursday, August 15, an alliance of various armed organizations, called the Northern Alliance, attacked five state targets, killing at least 15 security forces. A military university in the Shan state was attacked and two bridges were blown up. There was also a battle in a poor neighbourhood of the city of Naung Cho and at a checkpoint on a freeway heading to Lashio, the largest city in Shan State. A spokesman for the Táng National Liberations Army, which is part of the Northern Alliance, said that these coordinated actions are just the beginning.




  • Junge Welt vom 18.08.2019